At this moment, the dark barrier that destroyed the world suddenly cracked open, revealing a huge wide mouth.

A few black dots flew out of the wide mouth and rushed into the infinite chaos.

It was a huge warship like a chaotic celestial body, shuttled through the infinite chaos, and soon left the world of destruction, heading for an unknown destination.

"The Lord has been very kind to me. When I return to the Great Wilderness, my brothers will definitely try their best to win the Great Wilderness for the Lord."

Flying in a warship at the forefront, an old man with a broken right leg and a wooden stick, stroked his beard and smiled, with a humble and polite attitude.

The deck of the warship is vast and huge, like a small world, with mountains and rivers, and beautiful green mountains.

"Brother's words are justified. Dominating the invincible chaos is not comparable to Hongjun. The one who obeys will be prosperous. I will kill all the remnants of the Wu Dynasty, so as to pave the way for the coming of the Dominator." The man in the golden robe agreed with a smile and seemed very active.

The two are the saints of the prehistoric world, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Their attitude is humble, respectful and courteous, and they are facing a blond man at the bow of the boat, flattering them to the best of their ability.

The blond man was expressionless, glanced at the two of them lightly, nodded slightly, and responded.

Beside him, stood two six-foot-tall men with golden bodies. Their expressions were extremely cold, and there was an unconcealed killing intent in their eyes.

"The black poro has fallen, and there are changes there. If you don't do things well, don't blame me for being ruthless." One of the golden men said, his attitude was cold and harsh, and he was not friendly to the two.

"Forget it, you don't need to hate them. After all, the fall of the Black Poro is destined to become the cannon fodder on the road of devouring the flood, and the Lord Master cannot change such chaotic causes and effects."

At this moment, the blond man standing on the bow slowly turned around and spoke in a deep voice.

His blond hair is like a waterfall, his body is tall and straight, his face is stern, and invisibly, he exudes a destructive aura, which makes Taishang Laojun and others who are looking at him feel their souls tremble.

This is horrible!

It can make the saints feel afraid, even if it is not the way of heaven, it is almost the same.

"Abide by the decree of Lord Jueluo!" The two men with golden bodies bowed and saluted with a humble attitude.

"Don't worry, Lord Jue Luo Tiansheng, when we arrive in Honghuang, my brothers and sisters will naturally try their best to remove all obstacles so that you can come." Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun bowed and said.

The name of Tiansheng, in the chaotic starry sky, is the supreme powerhouse second only to the master.

It is no exaggeration to say that a celestial saint can easily destroy a chaotic world, and a saint with the same strength as heaven is stronger than ordinary creatures.

In the face of Heavenly Sage, ordinary Chaos Masters would not dare to compete with them.

After all, the existence of a heavenly saint, the chaotic world in which it is located, is absolutely powerful beyond imagination.

Destroying the world is to devour eighteen complete heavens, and develop a super-powerful world.

To become a Heavenly Sage, only Jue Luo Heavenly Sage is needed. It is conceivable that his strength has reached the level of invincibility under his dominance.

Being able to be dispatched by the Lord of Destruction to the Great Wilderness is the best proof of his strength.

"Well, you can do it yourself. If you can help the master to get the source of the rules of the flood, it will naturally give you supreme benefits. At that time, you will transcend that world and become a powerhouse in the chaotic starry sky."

Jue Luo Tiansheng nodded slightly and gave both kindness and power. He was also warning the two of them that if they wanted to betray, they had to think about the strength of destroying the ruler.


The three warships broke through the chaos. They were vast and spectacular. Wherever they passed, all the chaotic creatures lurked in fear.

The huge warship like a chaotic celestial body, the powerhouse loaded is very terrifying.

There are hundreds of millions of quasi-sages alone, and this is only a drop in the bucket to destroy the world. Such a background is also the reason why Taishang and Yuanyuan dare not resist.


At the same time, at an endless distance from the warship, a chaotic world with brilliant light.

The world barrier formed by the condensed light cracked, and a warship flew out of it, heading straight for the depths of the chaotic starry sky.

The warship is vast and boundless, and the surrounding chaotic celestial bodies are as small as sesame seeds compared to it.

"Anita Buddha, the Lord of Light is the Lord of Chaos. It is a great blessing in life for us to serve the Lord." Jie Yin frowned and sang with his hands folded.

They also left from the world of light, and led the strong under the lord of light to return to the prehistoric, to sweep everything there.

On the bow of the boat, stood a young man, his hair was shining brightly, and a genial smile bloomed on his face.

Hearing the words of the reception, he turned around and said warmly: "Great kindness, chaos is one, if you can get the perfect source of the rules of the prehistoric, the master will definitely be able to break the shackles and become the supreme existence. By releasing Dafa, it will naturally spread to more worlds."

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, Hongjun can't stop the return from this trip," said Daoist Zhunti, his eyes gloomy.

Speaking of Honghuang, the two saints of Lingshan felt aggrieved in their hearts.

"The incarnation of Heavenly Dao, the two of you don't need to worry. If I make a move, I will be able to suppress it easily. At that time, the matter of luck will be handed over to you."

The blond boy smiled lightly. From the beginning to the end, he always had a warm smile, and his breath was warm, which made people feel like a spring breeze and was very comfortable.

Dao rhyme of great light, where the darkness retreated, did not dare to approach the surrounding of this warship, the vision was very miraculous.

Chapter 2 The saint breaks the seal! ([-])

Mount Tai, thousands of miles of red land, hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers turned into ruins, the scene is tragic.

The sky is pouring with blood, the saints of different races have fallen, and the rules of heaven have been felt, and they have absorbed the power of the other party's source, thus bringing down blessings and repairing the incomplete land.

At this time, everyone in the Wu Dynasty woke up from their deep sleep.

"Welcome the return of Saint Tongtian."

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