"That level is too high, instead of worrying, we might as well rectify the current flood." At this time, Zhen Yuanzi reminded aloud.

After all, the realm of saints is really untouchable for everyone.

And there are Taoist ancestors in the prehistoric world. If even the Taoist ancestors can't resist, no amount of discussion will be in vain.


The Wa Palace was shrouded in a colorful and blurry light cover, which was the seal laid by the Second Sanctuary in the West.

At this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air in front of the Wa Palace.

The person who came was the Sect Master Tongtian, carrying the Four Swords of Zhuxian and holding the Qingping Sword, with a solemn expression on his face.

"But Senior Brother Tongtian?"

The voice like the sound of nature came out from the Wa Palace.

Obviously, although Nuwa and Houtu were sealed inside, they also knew clearly about the outside world.

"Two junior sisters, it is Tongtian who is back, I will help you break the seal, so that we can go to see the teacher together."

Sect Master Tongtian spoke lightly, holding the Qingping sword, and slashed suddenly.


The colorful and blurred mask vibrated and shook violently, finally unable to withstand the internal and external attacks, and shattered.

Two graceful figures flew out from the Wa Palace like fairies descended to earth.

At this point, Nu Wa and Hou Tu were completely freed from the predicament and came to the flood again.

Chapter 1 Daozu! ([-])

In the vast chaos, a Taoist temple floated there.

Zixiao Palace.

When Nuwa, Houtu, Tongtian Sect Master and others came, this Taoist temple that had existed for countless years was still simple and unadorned.


The gate of the Taoist temple opened by itself, and there was no Taoist watchman, which seemed to be very deserted.

"Wait in here!"

The ethereal voice sounded, echoing in the minds of the three saints, causing the souls to tremble slightly.

They looked at each other, looked grim, and stepped forward.

On the high platform, the figure of Daozu Hongjun is still illusory, which makes people not see it clearly, as if it exists in nothingness, but it makes people feel real.


The three of them took their seats, sat cross-legged on the futon, and shouted respectfully.

With clear eyes, Hongjun glanced at the three of them, and sighed, "Wait, do you have something important to do?"

Being in charge of the way of heaven is also the physical incarnation of the way of heaven. Today's Hongjun cannot act by his own will, and everything is governed by the rules of the way of heaven.

Hongjun is invincible and the weakest.

Invincible is because in the prehistoric world, he is all things, rules, and all living beings.

The reason why he is weak is also because under the operation of heaven, he can't do what he thinks, and can only let the rules run and supervise everything in the world.

"Teacher, there are other worlds outside the chaotic starry sky. Moreover, they were shameless and betrayed us. In the near future, the powerhouses of other worlds will come, and they will destroy this world."

When it comes to Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian sect master can be said to be gnashing his teeth.

After all, Chaos Xingkong has been chased and killed for countless years, all of which are given by two shameless people, and the hatred in his heart can no longer be pacified.

It is no exaggeration to say that if we meet, Tongtian Sect Master will definitely kill him without saying a word.

"So what? Cause and effect are already fixed. Besides, the Dao of Heaven is immortal, the saints are immortal, and a teacher can only act according to the rules of the Dao of Heaven." Hong Jun said lightly.

In the end, there is a bit of helplessness and sigh.

When Tongtian Sect Master and Nuwa heard the words, they couldn't help but feel sad.

It seems to be invincible, but in fact everything can not be controlled by heart, so in the entire prehistoric world, Hongjun Daozu is the weakest one.

Saints can do wrong, as long as they don't trample on the bottom line of heaven, even if the storms of the prehistoric world reappear, they will not be punished.

Thinking of it this way, the sage thief really makes sense.

In the end, Tongtian Sect Master and the others didn't get any hints from Daozu, so they could only leave with regret.

As Daozu said, the way of heaven is only to maintain the rules of the world, and does not care about external affairs.

After leaving the Zixiao Palace, Nuwa and Houtu already knew the reason for the matter. The ruler of the alien world seems to be a kind of heaven, and it also has the meaning of autonomy, which is very powerful.

As for why he wanted to take action against the prehistoric world, Tongtian sect master is unknown.

"Senior brother, what should we do then?" Nuwa asked with a worried face.

"Under the way of heaven, there should be nine saints. For today's plan, we can only make more saints in the wild." Tongtian sect master said.

After all, if there is one more saint, the flood will be more secure.

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