Heaven can't make a move, but saints can. As long as Heaven is immortal, they, as saints in the prehistoric world, are not afraid of any enemies.

Moreover, in the prehistoric world, these saints are naturally more powerful when they are favored by heaven.

"That's right, Hongmeng Ziqi hasn't been released for many years, and the Western Second Sage and Taishang are not there. With the three of us working together, we should be able to find it soon." Hou Tu nodded and said.

You must know that when the saints were there, because of the calculations of all parties, the heavenly secrets were deceived and the cause and effect were disturbed.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to deduce the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

But now it is different. There are only three saints of them in the prehistoric world. If they work together, they will be able to find them quickly without interference.

When it was said and done, Tongtian Sect Master and the others did not leave, they sat down directly outside the Zixiao Palace, closed their eyes and began to deduce.

The causal clues of all living beings are all under the observation of the three people.

Back then, Nuwa and Houtu could even deduce where Li Zhenwu was, but now it's no problem to deduce the Hongmeng Purple Qi hidden in the prehistoric world.

Soon, all three gained something.

"It's strange, one of the primordial purple qi seems to be implicated in the cause and effect of Zhen Yuanzi. What's going on?"

Suddenly, Tongtian Sect Master exclaimed, his tone full of disbelief.

This is so weird!

You must know that Hongmeng Purple Qi is an ownerless thing. If you want to be recognized, the only possibility is either bestowed by Dao Ancestor or recognized by the Dao of Heaven.

Now, there is a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi that has a causal relationship with Zhen Yuanzi, which really makes people feel strange.

"Impossible, even if I can find the Hongmeng Purple Qi, I can't directly give it to all living beings. Only with the approval of the Heavenly Dao can the Hongmeng Purple Qi admit it." Nuwa shook her head decisively, unable to believe it.

"It's not impossible. If Zhen Yuanzi has done something approved by Heavenly Dao in the near future, he will also be recognized by Hongmeng Ziqi." Tongtian Sect Master said.

As soon as these words came out, the three suddenly fell silent, and they all felt a trace of joy.

You must know that Zhen Yuanzi has always been neutral in the countless years of battles between Wu Chao and Lingshan.

However, before the arrival of the alien saint, Zhen Yuanzi took action at a critical moment, and used the book to protect everyone in the Wu Dynasty. The meaning of it is worthy of suspicion.

"Could it be that Zhen Yuanzi had a premonition of his chance, so he was prepared?" Hou Tu asked suspiciously.

"Noye, Junior Sister, are you still not clear? Now it seems that only the true martial alien can let Zhen Yuanzi take action at a time of crisis." Tongtian Sect Master laughed.

Nu Wa smiled, obviously, the reason why Zhen Yuanzi shot, there must be someone behind the scenes.

Thinking of it this way, even if Li Zhenwu hasn't returned, he is still on his way.

If this is the case, then the arrival of alien races, the flooded world, it seems that it may not be able to create miracles.

After all, that is a person who often creates miracles.

Chapter 2 Zhen Yuanzi is sanctified! ([-])

At the thought of this, the three of them felt a touch of joy.

For some reason, they had an indescribable confidence in Li Zhenwu, and they always felt that as long as he was there, everything would be no problem.

At this time, Wuzhuang Temple, under the ginseng fruit tree.

Zhenyuanzi sat cross-legged on the ground. After the alien saint was killed, he has been comprehending the secrets, hoping to get the legendary Hongmeng Purple Qi as soon as possible.

However, he was also apprehensive, for fear of missing the opportunity again.


At this moment, in the courtyard, three figures appeared out of thin air.

"Uh?" Zhen Yuanzi felt something, opened his eyes quickly, and was stunned when he saw the person coming.

The people who came were the Tongtian Sect Master and the others, who were looking at him with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan, congratulations." Nuwa smiled lightly, with an incomprehensible smile.


Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi was stunned, and he didn't react for a while.

In fact, when the three saints deduced the whereabouts of Hongmeng Ziqi, they immediately descended.

Moreover, one of the ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi has a causal relationship with Zhen Yuanzi, so I hope that Zhen Yuanzi can be sanctified as soon as possible, so he no longer hides it, and comes directly to point out the other party.

"Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan, I will not hide from you. According to the opportunity for sanctification we deduced, I am afraid that it will appear, so I came here to let you know." Tongtian Sect Master laughed.I

However, Zhen Yuanzi was stunned.

Sanctification opportunity?

The sanctification opportunity belonging to his Zhen Yuanzi?

If he said anything else, Zhen Yuanzi would definitely give him a cold look, but at this time, it was the three saints who came in person, which was absolutely unexpected to him.

"Yes, Daoist Zhenyuan, if you don't take action at this time, when will you wait?"

While speaking, Hou Tusu raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the East China Sea.

There, was the direction of Wudang Mountain, and the opportunity for sanctification they deduced was there.

"Is this true?" Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly stood up, his face flushed red, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

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