"Of course it's true, you just need to go to the original address of Wudang Mountain and wait patiently there." Nuwa said with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhen Yuanzi's figure flashed, and he turned and left without caring about his image.

"Thank you saints for your help. If I become a saint, I will definitely advance and retreat with you."

At the end, Zhen Yuanzi did not forget to thank him.

After all, asking the saint to come to tell them in person is obviously intended to make friends, and Zhen Yuanzi has already stood on the same front with them, so it does not feel abrupt.

Zhen Yuanzi went straight to the former site of Wudang Mountain, looked around, and found that the red land was thousands of miles away, the ruins were messy, and it was desolate.

"There used to be a war here. I didn't expect that thousands of miles of life were affected." Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

When Li Zhenwu was still alive, Wudang Mountain was a holy place for the Wu Dynasty and the human race. It was so prosperous at that time, and all the tribes of the prehistoric land settled down nearby.

Later, the saints were sealed in the chaotic starry sky, and Li Zhenwu also disappeared.

Lingshan assembled the Heavenly Court troops and dealt a fatal blow to the prehistoric Wu Dynasty, and Wudang Mountain was the beginning of the struggle.

Destroyed the Holy Land of the Human Race and destroyed the confidence of the Human Race.

On the red ground, there is only the statue of Saint Nuwa, which is still holy and has a faint luster.

As for the statue of the Holy Father next to it, it has long been mutilated and turned into a pile of rubble.

"True martial arts is a miracle in the wild. There is a cause and effect here. As an old friend, I will help you recover." Zhen Yuanzi felt emotional, and waved his hand to display the book, covering thousands of miles of ruins.

Immediately, a hazy yellow cloud transpired from the ground, the dry trees gradually turned green, and the earth was full of life again.

In a short time, thousands of miles were barren and transformed into a new one. The lush towering ancient trees were in full bloom, and the green jade was lush. It was a primitive scene.


Immediately afterwards, Zhen Yuanzi cast the book again, Huang Yun condensed, and outlined the outline of a mountain in the distance.

Soon, a mountain rose from the ground and stood there again.


When the Holy Land of the Human Race was restored to its original appearance, the heaven and earth suddenly shook violently, and the colorful rainbows fell from the sky, and the golden light of merit, like a golden waterfall, poured down from the nine heavens...

This is?

The prehistoric world shook, and countless creatures looked up and were shocked.

The peaceful vision is not violent, it makes people feel happy, and it is very magical.

"This is the sanctified Ruixiang!"

Suddenly, someone with great supernatural power exclaimed, pointing in the direction of Wudang Mountain, his face full of disbelief.

Heavenly Court Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor Haotian's complexion suddenly changed drastically, his eyes were like electricity, he looked at Wudang, his whole body was shaking, his mind was blank.

I have to say, this picture is really shocking.

"The teacher is not fair, the avenue is not fair, it's not fair..." The next moment, the Jade Emperor Haotian was furious, mad, pointing at the sky and cursing, tears came out.

Someone was sanctified, but it wasn't Haotian, which made it difficult for him, who is the nominal supreme of the Three Realms, to accept.


A huge and vast golden crow was dormant. At this moment, the golden crow suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the Wudang Mountain suddenly, his eyes were bright and captivating.

"Anita Buddha, don't worry, Zhenyuan's sanctification can't change anything, I just need to wait patiently for the leader to return."

Beside him, Duobao Tathagata looked as usual, folded his hands together, and sang a Buddha's horn, soothing Jinwu's emotions.

But his heartstrings were trembling.

Sanctification, 1.8 is an ardent pursuit for any great supernatural power.

Under the operation of heaven, the quasi-sage is already the limit of the great supernatural power. If you want to go further, you can only achieve the honor of the saint.

However, the way of heaven is fixed, and the number of saints is all predetermined.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhenyuanzi, the ancient great supernatural power, still has the possibility of becoming a saint.

At this moment, countless creatures in the prehistoric wilderness felt their hearts fiery, as if they had seen hope.

However, only Zhen Yuanzi knows that whether or not he can become a saint is not just a matter of individual efforts, but also depends on his own luck and the blessing of heaven.

"Is this sanctification?"

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi was floating in the void, bathed in the merits of heaven, and an unspeakable comfort came from his body.

Chapter 1 Aliens are coming! ([-])

Ascend, Ascend...

This time, Zhen Yuanzi felt that his soul was sublimating. At this time, the world that he sensed seemed to be covered with countless lines, and they were clearly visible.

It’s incredible!

When the merits and virtues of Heavenly Dao descend, Hongmeng Purple Qi does not even need to be refined, and the process of sanctification is completed in one go, which is beyond imagination.

Zhen Yuanzi himself was stunned, and he was bathed in merit and virtue, feeling that his soul and body were improving, constantly evolving, and finally breaking through a layer of obstacles and transcending the prehistoric world.

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