
With the shock of the void, the whole world was instantly immersed.

Zhen Yuanzi stared at the sky, his eyes were bright, and he could clearly sense that the rules of heaven came, merged with his soul, and parasitized under the heaven.

Heaven is immortal, saints are immortal, not just talking.

The sage's soul is placed in the void, that is, it is integrated with the rules of heaven. As long as the heaven does not die, the sage can naturally live forever.

Powerful, incomparably powerful, compared to the quasi-sage, Zhen Yuanzi at this moment feels that he can destroy him at will.

"The power of the saint, the power of the source, in fact, 14 is able to mobilize the rules of heaven. It's really terrifying." Zhen Yuanzi felt the holy source flowing in his body, and couldn't help grinning.

How many days and nights, I have dreamed of it for the sake of sanctification.

Now that I have been sanctified, I discovered that the power of the saint is simply invincible. Even among the saints, they cannot kill each other unless Tiandao makes a move.

However, since the Dao of Heaven is a rule, naturally they will not take action against saints.

Therefore, in the prehistoric world, saints are superior to all living beings, and they are even more deterrent than Hongjun Daozu.

This is a new level of life, transcending the common living beings, not in the Three Realms, Six Paths and Five Elements, it is the experience and evolution of rules, but it has its own will.

"Teacher fits the way of heaven and seeks blessings for all living beings. I might as well wait." At this time, Zhen Yuanzi realized the greatness and selflessness of Hongjun.

It has already fit the heavenly way, and the courage required to complete one of them is not comparable to the saints at all.

But in the same way, after fitting into the way of heaven, you can understand the evolution of everything in the world, which is good, but the disadvantage is that you can never break away from the way of heaven.


The void trembled, and three figures emerged, it was the Tongtian Sect Master and others.

"Thank you fellow Daoists for pointing out the maze!" Zhen Yuanzi smiled and thanked the three of them.

If it weren't for the guidance of Tongtian Cult Master and others, even if he could be sanctified, it would definitely not be so easy, and it might take hundreds of millions of years to wait.

Back then, all the saints had the purple energy of Hongmeng, and the same is true. They may not be able to become sanctified in a short period of time. Whether they can become sanctified or not depends on their respective opportunities.

Zhenyuanzi felt that Wudang Mountain was deserted, and he felt a little bit, so he restored the original appearance of the place.

Unexpectedly, this touched the merits of heaven, and descended upon him, and the Hongmeng purple energy contained in Wudang Mountain came out, directly making Zhen Yuanzi sanctified in one fell swoop.

This was so fast that Zhen Yuanzi himself couldn't react, and everyone was even more stunned.

"It's too weird." Tongtian Sect Master touched his nose, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Nuwa's pretty face was dignified, her long skirt fluttered, and her beautiful eyes swept around Wudang Mountain, and she said with some uncertainty: "The process of sanctification of Taoist Zhenyuan can be completed in one go, which seems to be related to this place."

While speaking, Su's hands were lightly raised, pointing to the distant mountain peaks.

There is a blue light emerging there, and it is hazy. It can be seen faintly. It is an illusory green lotus, which is slowly blooming, very beautiful.

However, the vision soon disappeared.

"Could it have something to do with Li Zhenwu?" Hou Tu exclaimed in a low voice, unable to believe it.

If this is the case, Li Zhenwu, what kind of virtue and what ability, can let the heavens favor, that is a rule, and it is unreasonable to think that the punishment was imposed at the beginning.

"I don't need to think about it anymore. When he returns, everything will be known." Tongtian Sect Master said, his eyes suddenly sank, and his face suddenly became solemn.

Seeing this scene, the people who were still laughing and laughing suddenly froze me.

"What happened to Senior Brother Tongtian?" Hou Tu asked in confusion.

However, Tongtian Sect Master's face became more and more solemn, his eyes were terrifyingly gloomy, his whole body was trembling, and the four swords of Zhuxian he was carrying were humming and trembling, and it seemed to be unsheathed by himself, which was very strange.

When everyone saw this, their hearts sank and they felt an invisible pressure.

"Could it be that the alien saint is here again?" Zhen Yuanzi asked with a stiff smile, a little lack of confidence.

"It's those traitors who have returned."

Tongtian sect master looked grim, his complexion was ashen, and he gritted his teeth.

Although Sanqing cut off the line of cause and effect, but the souls are all Pangu spirits, when the distance is close enough, they can naturally sense clearly.

Obviously, at this time, the sect master of Tongtian sensed that Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun were rapidly approaching the prehistoric world.

"They'll be back in less than half a day," he said, his eyes terribly cold.

Moreover, the chaotic starry sky is vast, and it is impossible to achieve such a terrifying speed by flying as a saint. It is obviously carried by other strong people.

When 513 heard the news, the field became quiet.

In an instant, the joy of Zhen Yuanzi's sanctification completely disappeared.

"How is that possible, if that's the case, with the four of us alone, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop the general trend." He lacked confidence and said with a guilty conscience.

You must know that after being sanctified, he can clearly see the cause and effect of the previous war, and naturally he also knows.

What does the return of the saints represent at this time!

You don't have to think about it to know that it is definitely for the prehistoric world, and the catastrophe comes invisibly, which makes people feel throbbing.

"Let's prepare, Honghuang can no longer be chaotic, if Lingshan and Tianting dare to take action at this time, they will directly kill." Tongtian sect leader is murderous, his eyes are red, and he has the momentum of breaking the boat and sinking the boat.

Because, no one knows better than him, the power of those chaotic worlds outside the Great Desolation.

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