The existence is extremely ancient, and the foundation is profound, which is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go out and fight, so as not to hurt the root of the world." Nu Wa said solemnly.

Now the four saints of them are bound together, and no one can stand idly by.

Zhen Yuanzi's face was full of bitterness. He had just been sanctified, and he was about to face an unknown catastrophe. I'm afraid he would never have imagined that the alien saint would come so quickly.

Chapter 2 The horror of alien heavenly saints! ([-])

In the vast and vast chaotic starry sky, countless huge celestial bodies are moving slowly, closely surrounding a world with a misty blue light.

That is the prehistoric world!

At this time, the chaos in the distance was turbulent, and three chaotic celestial-like huge warships shuttled out of the void, quietly suspended in the chaotic space, like dormant beasts, waiting for the opportunity to show their fangs.

The battleship at the forefront, Jue Luo Tiansheng saw the mysterious world in front of him, his eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his stern face.

"Okay, it is indeed a world derived from source power. The Tao is exquisite and the rules are perfect. It is simply a work of art." He stared at the prehistoric world, as if seeing his favorite prey, and commented there lightly.

"Haha, Lord Tiansheng personally took action, the natives of this world, naturally obedient and obedient, the origin of the world must be captured."

Next to them, two six-foot-tall golden men said almost flatteringly.

Only Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun had complex expressions on their faces. Looking at their hometown, they were a little hesitant for a while.

"Well? Don't you want to go back and regret it?" Jue Luo Tiansheng glanced at the two of them and couldn't help sneering.

You must know that if you can let the two go back, the Lord of Destruction will naturally have the means to control them. It can be said that the origin of the Holy Dao of the two people is restricted by the Lord of Destruction.

If there is the slightest second thought, the ban will be activated immediately.

At that time, the source of the holy way collapsed, and both of them would fall into the realm of saints, and they would be reduced to the mortal world from then on.

"Lord Tiansheng has been worrying too much, and our brothers naturally dare not. However, there are saints who are not in harmony with me in Honghuang, so please give me a little time, so that I can wait for the master to clear all obstacles." Taishang Lao Jun quickly explained, fear was born in his heart.

He and Yuanyuan have both seen the supreme powerhouse in front of him.

In the hands of the opponent, the saint is like a child. If he can't even resist, he can be obliterated by force. The method is very terrifying.

"It's best if you don't dare. Those indigenous saints are not in the way. If you dare to stop you, you can turn your hands and destroy them." Jue Luo Tiansheng said lightly, his tone full of coldness.

At the moment, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun can only forcefully laugh and agree, not daring to have the slightest opinion.

"Tsk tsk, the primordial world derived from the source force really made my blood boil. I don't know what is the difference compared with the chaotic world?"

While speaking, Jue Luo Tiansheng had already left the warship and walked towards the prehistoric world step by step.

During this period, the vast fighting spirit burst out from his body, alarming Jiuxiao, the nearby chaotic celestial bodies were crumbling, and the entire chaotic ocean was set off by stormy waves.


At this moment, in the azure and misty prehistoric world, dense runes suddenly appeared, and the earth, wind, fire and water intertwined, exuding terrifying power.

"Haha, Lord Tiansheng is still so belligerent, that's right, let's first test how strong the rules of this universe are, and then make a move. There is also a preparation." The six-zhang golden man grinned.

On the contrary, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun's expressions changed drastically, and an ominous premonition rose in their hearts.


A loud bang came.

I saw Jue Luo Tiansheng glowing all over his body and slowly descending toward the great land. When the powerful and terrifying runes touched his body, they were annihilated one after another, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

"Is it just this power? If the world derived from the source power only has this power, it will disappoint me too much." Jue Luo Tiansheng laughed loudly, full of disdain.

The runes evolved by the rules are constantly annihilated by the golden light, and the gorgeous fireworks bloom, which is very beautiful.

The prehistoric world, unable to withstand the terrifying pressure, the whole world trembled violently and shook violently.

At this moment, all the spirits in the prehistoric and desolate world are all sensing, fearful in their hearts, looking up at the sky, where the vision is terrifying, chaos surges in, and everything in the world is annihilated.

so horrible!

The aura was boundless and boundless, causing the souls of all sentient beings to fight, as if they were facing the might of the heavens, and their hearts were shaken.

"How is this going?"

In Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor Haotian suddenly stood up, looking at the sky with a shocked face, his whole body was shaking, and his soul was trembling.

Tai Shan, Huang Di and the others are all war chests who feel their souls.

Lingshan, Duobao Tathagata and Huge Golden Crow looked there at the same time, their expressions extremely difficult to see.

The entire prehistoric world, whether saints or weak creatures, all felt that the mighty aura that was as powerful as the sky was extremely powerful.

"Tao Shang Lao Er, Primitive Child, two traitors brought the alien Heavenly Sage to him, and he will die."

In Wudang Mountain, the sect master of Tongtian took off, his black hair was flying, and the four swords of Execution of Immortals were shaking violently.

Even Nuwa and the others felt the fear in Tongtian's heart.

"Could this be the powerhouse of an alien race?" Zhen Yuanzi's face was pale, and he felt that the origin of the Holy Dao in his body was showing signs of collapse, which made him tremble with fear.

"Yes, this is a higher-level powerhouse that surpasses the saints, coexists with the Tao of Heaven, and is known as the invincible existence under the control of chaos, the heavenly saint." Tongtian sect master said every word, killing intent soaring to the sky.

It has to be said that the coercion brought by the alien saints to the saints is really terrifying.

For a moment, they felt that it was an existence even more terrifying than Daozu, absolutely beyond imagination.

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