"Saints are not allowed to enter."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in the sky.

With the sound of the voice, the vision in the sky gradually calmed down, and the boundless coercion was completely isolated.

I saw a simple figure outside the world barrier, striding out of the void, the whole person's temperament, indescribable ethereal nothingness, it is impossible to ignore the past.


The next moment, the rune bloomed with fairy light, and the cyan lotus blossoms bloomed in the void, blocking the powerful arrival of Jue Luo Tiansheng.

When the two touch, a dazzling radiance erupts, and the energy surges.

Boom!The golden light on the surface of Jue Luo Tian's body was dim, and he couldn't bear it. The whole person flew out and almost hit the chaotic celestial body in the distance.

Chapter 1 The two master messengers! ([-])

Chaos was annihilated there, the terrifying momentum swept across the Eight Wastelands, and countless chaotic celestial bodies exploded one after another, extremely terrifying.

When the creatures on the three warships saw this, they were stunned and petrified in place.

The creatures that destroy the world are because they can't believe that there are rules of the world that can stop Jue Luo Tiansheng, so it feels incredible.

As for Taishang and Yuanyuan, it was because in the face of Daozu Hongjun's shot, that Jue Luo Tiansheng was not annihilated, he couldn't believe it.


Chaos was raging in the distance, and Jue Luo Tiansheng rushed out in tattered clothes, but with a smile on his face, his posture was extremely arrogant.

"Okay, it is indeed a world derived from source power. With this source of heaven, the plan of domination can be expected." He opened his arms and smiled recklessly, very arrogant.

Daoist Hongjun stood in the void, glanced at Jue Luo Tiansheng lightly, then turned to look at the two saints on the warship, his eyes still indifferent.

Facing the gaze of Daozu Hongjun, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun bowed their heads and dared not look at them.

"Saints are not allowed to enter."

However, after leaving a faint sentence, Daozu Hongjun turned around and disappeared and never appeared again.

This scene made the alien creatures stunned in the original 533 land.

Jue Luo Tiansheng laughed in anger, his body filled with killing intent, and said fiercely: "What a transcendent heaven, in front of me, dare to show it?"

You must know that as a Heavenly Saint level existence, no matter which world you go to, you will be warmly received by various Heavenly Dao.

Just for fear of angering him and bringing disaster to his world.

However, after Hongjun Daozu took it out, he left a sentence and left. That attitude was really detached and refined.

"Haha, Jue Luo Lao'er, you also have today. This is a world where the source power is derived. Among them, the power of heaven is so strong that I'm afraid I really don't fear you."

At this moment, in the depths of the chaotic starry sky, there was a burst of clear laughter.

With the sound, the void in the distance suddenly split open, and a huge and outrageous warship flew out of it, staying not far from the side that destroyed the world.

The warship, which is even larger than the chaotic celestial body, is like a chaotic sun star, shining brightly, reflecting the heavens and the world.

"Biluo Tiansheng, the messenger under the lord of light?"

Seeing the person coming, destroying the dominant party, there are countless gasps of cold air.

The six-zhang golden man exclaimed in surprise, his face full of disbelief, looking at the eyes there, containing a strong sense of fear.

"Who I thought was, it turned out to be you, Bi Luo. It seems that your bright world is not far behind, do you want to compete with us to destroy the world?"

In the distance, Jue Luo Tiansheng sneered, his eyes were red, full of hostility.

"Competition? Just because you can enter the prehistoric world? Also, don't threaten me, others don't know, but I know your strength very well." On the other side, Biluo Tiansheng smiled faintly.

He looks like a teenager, with fluttering blonde hair and bright roots. He doesn't care about the threat of Tiansheng Jue Luo at all, and he still has a warm smile on his face.

"Then it depends on each other's strength. Whoever can enter first will not blame anyone." Jue Luo Tiansheng snorted coldly, obviously very jealous of the blond boy.

"It's easy to say, then it's up to each individual method." Bi Luo Tiansheng said with a smile.

Between the words of the two, it seems that the prehistoric world has been regarded as something in their own pockets.

In their eyes, even Daozu Hongjun is not in their eyes. It seems that as long as they want, they can get the origin of the Tao of Heaven at any time.

"Saints are not allowed to enter. It seems that the rules of this world are indeed unusual." Biluo Tiansheng looked at Jue Luo Tiansheng and reminded meaningfully.

"Haha, Na Hongjun still thinks very highly of himself, the saints can't enter, then I will send hundreds of millions of quasi-sages to enter, even the saints of the prehistoric will be hard to resist."

The voice fell, and the three warships that belonged to the destruction of the world sounded a thunderous roar.

Countless silhouettes flew out, densely packed, blooming with all kinds of divine light, extremely splendid, but extremely terrifying.

These are all quasi-sage masters, and even more powerful people who are infinitely close to saints.

"These troops will be handed over to you. With such strength, Honghuang should be unstoppable." Jue Luo Tiansheng turned his head, looked at Taishang and Yuanyuan and said.

"Yes, I will definitely not let Tiansheng adults be disappointed."

Taking a look from a distance, Rao is Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, and they can't help but stunned.

This is the background of the super world in the chaos. The number of quasi-sage powerhouses alone is endless, which is shocking.

On the other side, the huge bright warship also has countless rays of light flying into the air.

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