"There is no such thing as a prehistoric situation, and Junior Brother Tongtian is impulsive. If you delay the major event of domination, you and I will die."

Taishang Laojun looked like a big brother, and shouted loudly there, staring coldly at the four masters of Tongtian.

In this regard, Tongtian Cult Master and others were simply furious.


The four saints shouted at the same time, their momentum was overwhelming, and they shot directly, covering the army of hundreds of millions of quasi-sages.


The sky shook, and the mighty power swept through.

"Anita Buddha, those who know the times are Junjie, you and others are obsessed and can only go to fall."

On the other side, Zhun mentions the Taoist and the receptionist at the same time, blocking the sage's power.

War breaks out!

Jiutian shook, the entire space was shattered, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

"You wait for the life and death of the common people to be a saint!" Nu Wa Xing glared angrily and shouted loudly.

Houtu pursed his lips and looked at the four saints of Taishang Laojun. The anger in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

"Everyone, as saints, it is our duty to protect the common people. Why do we seduce aliens and destroy our own world?" Zhen Yuanzi asked loudly, feeling angry too.

It has to be said that the actions of the Four Supreme Saints have angered all beings.

At the same time, it also angered the Tongtian Sect Master and the others, wishing to kill all the traitors on the spot.

"Haha, what a common being, how do we treat all beings? How do all beings treat us?" Yuanshi Tianzun sneered and said murderously.

"If you didn't treat all living beings as ants, how could they be like this?" Zhen Yuanzi had the most say.

"I am a sage, and I was born to be high above, and under the sage are all ants, what's wrong?" Taishang Laojun said in a leisurely manner, but he was not in a hurry to shoot.

At this moment, in the face of hundreds of millions of quasi-sage powerhouses, Rao is a saint, I am afraid that he can't stop it.

What's more, outside the Chaos Starry Sky, there are other powerhouses watching. They don't believe that they can stop the army's footsteps by relying on Tongtian and others.

"It's a good one. Since you are obsessed with it, there is nothing to say." Tongtian's face turned pale with anger, Qingping sword pointed at them, and his body was full of murderous aura.

"Child Tongtian, what's your attitude? In front of the master, you are nothing but ants." Yuanshi Tianzun shouted, and he didn't care about the master of Tongtian.

You must know that he has been competing with the Tongtian sect master for a long time, and it is impossible to calm down. Cause and effect have been formed since the beginning of the world.

And, although now he betrayed the world of prehistoric times.

But after seeing the invincible power dominated by Chaos, Hongjun, the current Second Sage in the West, and the Taishang Laojun, they are a little despised in their hearts.

After all, as a saint, when you come to the end, that's it.

But if you get the reward of the Chaos Lord, it is not impossible to achieve the position of Heavenly Sage.

At that time, any kind of heaven, when facing them, must be respectful.

"Shameless, ashamed to be in the company of you and others!"

Hearing these words, Tongtian Sect Master burst into a drink, no longer hesitated, and the activated Immortal Execution Sword Formation directly enveloped the past.


The formation of the first killing formation of the Heavenly Dao, the terrifying killing intent, caused the bodies of some quasi-sages to crack, very powerful.

Moreover, the world of Zhuxian is boundless, and no matter how many people enter, it will not feel crowded.

For a time, the alien quasi-sage and Taishang Laojun and others were shrouded in.

Outside, outside the chaotic starry sky.

Several warships were suspended there, and the two heavenly saints were staring blankly at the scene of the flood.

"This is the first killing formation of the Heavenly Dao, it is really scary." Jue Luo Tiansheng commented lightly, saying: "If I come to display it, I am afraid I can exert the strength of the quasi-dominant."

"It is indeed a world where the source power is derived. The source is quite terrifying. It is no wonder that the master is uncomfortable at all costs, and you have to get it."

Bi Luo Tiansheng smiled lightly, with an expression like watching a play.

Chapter 1 The real crisis of the flood! ([-])

It has to be said that even if hundreds of millions of quasi-sages fell into the sword formation, the expressions of the two heavenly saints did not change in the slightest.

It seems that in their hearts, they don't care at all.

But that's right, the chaotic world where the two of them are located can be described as the oldest group, and there are countless quasi-sages accumulated over countless epochs.

The mere hundreds of millions of quasi-sages were originally used as cannon fodder.


In the distance, chaos is surging, and the killing intent is extremely fierce, directly tearing the space nearby.

Inside the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, it was hazy.

The four sword gates are all guarded by a saint.

In addition, Nuwa, Houtu, and Zhenyuanzi all held one of the fairy swords, which replaced the original hanging sword gate, which was perfect to the extreme.

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