In the center of the sword formation, the expressions of hundreds of millions of alien quasi-sages changed dramatically, and they looked at this strange world in horror.

"What is this place, I feel like I'm in hell."

"What a terrifying killing intent, it made my soul succumb to death."

Hundreds of millions of quasi-sages of foreign races, there were many discussions there, and they couldn't help but move closer to the four saints of Taishang Laojun, for fear of an accident.

You know, just relying on that supreme killing intent, some quasi-sacred minds with weaker cultivations collapsed.

Here, they seem to be facing the source of slaughter, their souls are warped, and fear breeds.

"Why are you obsessed with it?" Taishang Laojun's face was ugly, and he was embarrassed to be watched by Tiansheng.

"Anita Buddha!" ​​The receptionist folded his hands together and sang the Buddha's name.

Faced with the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, they also felt a headache.

But now, the four sword gates are all guarded by saints, and it is extremely difficult to break open.


The killing intent in the sword formation world was boiling, and countless sword qi fell from the sky to answer their words.

Immediately, thousands of sword qi fell directly into the army of hundreds of millions of alien quasi-sages, annihilating tens of thousands of quasi-sages in an instant, and crushed them into dust.

"Wait, stop." Taishang Laojun shouted, and shot in anger, blocking the power of the sword formation.

You must know that these quasi-sages are in the eyes of Jue Luo Tiansheng, although they are cannon fodder.

But if they were killed by their hands, it would definitely not be possible. Even if they could get the origin of the prehistoric world, it would be time to settle accounts.


For a time, Taishang Laojun and others did not hesitate, and immediately took action, protecting all the quasi-sages of the alien race by their side, being extremely cautious.

I have to say that, as a saint, although it is difficult to break the formation.

But if you want to protect yourself in it, it still feels very easy.

I saw the dense sword qi, wrapped in supreme killing, coming from all directions, but it was easily resolved when approaching the saint.

If it is maintained here, no one can take advantage of it.

After all, it is obviously unrealistic for Tongtian Sect Master and others to kill each other. They can only stay in a stalemate like this, and who will not take a step back.


Chaos starry sky.

Several huge warships floated, looking at the deadlocked primordial saints, the two heavenly saints couldn't help frowning.

"As expected of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, even the Lord Master is full of admiration for this formation. It seems that he wants to go further, but he doesn't know how much time it will take." Jue Luo Tiansheng glanced at Biluo Tiansheng and said lightly.

"It's true, but those quasi-sages are all cannon fodder we released. If they can drag the prehistoric saints, they can also complete the task." Bi Luotian smiled lightly, not surprised by this.

As the voices of the two fell, from behind them, they each walked out of two saint-level powerhouses.

Among them, what Jue Luo Tiansheng brought was the six-zhang golden man.

On the other side of the Biluo Tiansheng, there were two women with tactile foreheads, coquettish and graceful, very beautiful.


There is no need for Tiansheng to say more, the two men and two women are strong saints, and they attack the holy source, and their realm falls instantly.

The faces of the four were pale and slightly tired, and they seemed to have suffered a heavy mental blow.

"Well, you go in, don't be soft on these natives." Jue Luo Tiansheng instructed.

"Find Shimen and take it for your own use." Biluo Tiansheng said.


The golden man and the glamorous woman answered in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the four of them flew away from the warship and descended towards the prehistoric world...


The vast aura swept all directions, and around them, visions appeared frequently, and the earth, wind, fire and water reappeared, which was very terrifying.


Feeling the sight of the outside world, Tongtian Sect Master and others were shocked, and their eyes contained deep anger.

It is not difficult to imagine that when the four alien saints descended on the flood, I am afraid no one could stop them.

At that time, life will be devastated, and just imagining it will feel hopeless.

"Hmph, if you're still obsessed, then don't even think about leaving, I'll see how you can stop it." Seeing this, Taishang Laojun's face was ugly, and he vowed to drag Tongtian and a few people.

Otherwise, even if the prehistoric world is taken down, they will be considered useless.

"Ah... shameless..."

He screamed in the sky and wanted to go out to rescue, but was entangled by the other party, and his clone was flawless.

"It's really disgusting for you to act like this, and it insults the sage of the Great Desolation." Nuwa, Houtu, and Zhenyuanzi were all furious.

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