What kind of shamelessness does it take to make such a decision?

That is the prehistoric world, the foundation of saints, if even the foundation is handed over to others, then what kind of dignity is there?

However, the four people of Laojun in the sky were silent and ignored them, but they shot very fiercely, obviously to hold them back and prevent them from disturbing the outside world.

The riots in the formation world contained the anger of the sect master of Tongtian.


The surging power, 2.5, swept all directions, causing countless protected quasi-sages to instantly turn into flying ashes.


The prehistoric saints are angry, and the shot is a lore, to vent the sadness in their hearts.

For a time, it was difficult for Taishang Laojun and others to protect all the alien quasi-sages, causing a large number of casualties.

"Ah... whoever stops me will die!"

The sect master of Tongtian roared, his hair was disheveled, holding the Qingping sword, murderous.

"The flood is in danger!" Zhen Yuanzi couldn't bear to look at it any longer, and he used the book to kill the alien quasi-sage.

Nuwa and Houtu pursed their lips, their faces full of sadness, and they kept calling from the bottom of their hearts, why didn't the alien who left the prehistoric years for countless years still not appear?

However, they didn't know that Li Zhenwu was also in trouble in the chaotic starry sky.

Chapter 2 Source creatures! ([-])

The vast chaotic starry sky is on the road to return to the great wilderness.

A figure was suspended in the void, black hair fluttered, and his expression was stern, his eyes looked straight ahead, unprecedentedly dignified.

"This is the [-]th time!" Li Zhenwu tilted his head and asked Shaohao beside him, his tone slightly low.

White Emperor Shaohao was full of horror, nodded his head in a daze, but couldn't move his eyes away, staring at the vast chaotic world in front of him.

In that chaotic world, eight figures emerged, with vast aura, very terrifying.

"Master, are these saints?" Seeing those people appear, Bai Di Shaohao's voice trembled.

The eight figures, one by one, exude the breath, the abyss is like the sea, like chaos, very terrifying.

It is the breath of a saint.

Li Zhenwu nodded, his eyes were wary, and he grinned: "This is just a forward. It seems that there is a terrifying existence in that world."

Hearing this, Shaohao, who was beside 14, almost collapsed.

A being stronger than a saint?

That's not the way of heaven!

However, Li Zhenwu didn't answer, just waved his hand and put him into his sleeve, so as not to become a burden here.

At this moment, the eight saints on the opposite side stepped forward with awe-inspiring killing intent.

"I didn't expect that I just wanted to return to the prehistoric world. There are so many people ambushing on the road. It seems that some people don't want me to go back!" Li Zhenwu whispered to himself, his eyes shone with divine light, and his fighting intent was sky-high.

More than [-] ambushes, from the strength of Daluo Jinxian at the beginning, and then rising all the way to the current saint.

Even in the chaotic world ahead, there is the existence of surpassing saints.

I have to say that these ambushes are indeed troublesome for Li Zhenwu, but they can't get rid of that.

"Fortunately, every time I kill some enemies, my universe can devour the Heavenly Dao and become more complete. So far, after absorbing so many Chaos Heavenly Dao, my strength has reached infinitely close to a saint, and I am not afraid of anyone. ."

While speaking, Li Zhenwu looked at the chaotic world crossing the road ahead, his eyes lit up.

If he devoured the world in front of him again, his strength would not be known to what extent.

After all, among the enemies he has encountered, I am afraid that these are the strongest.

"You are Li Zhenwu? It seems to be correct, it is the same as the legendary breath."

One of the saints asked, and then without waiting for Li Zhenwu to answer, he flew over and made a strong shot.

Followed by the other saints, the shot is the lore.


The mighty power annihilated the chaos, like a stormy sea, sweeping the past.

Wherever he passed, the chaotic celestial body exploded, turning into dust and drifting away.

too strong!

Eight sage-level powerhouses shot, earth-shattering, destructive power, directly obliterating the chaos, very terrifying.

In the face of this lore, Li Zhenwu was not in a hurry, his eyes were blazing, and his fighting spirit was sky-high.

"very good!"

He whispered like this, and the brows shone with blue light, a green lotus swayed, and the lotus leaves were in full bloom, releasing a mysterious rhythm.

Immediately afterwards, the fist marks were incomparable, running through the chaos, so powerful that they bombarded the past directly.


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