The majestic power, the boundless terror, collided with the power of the saint, and a splendid light erupted.

"As expected of a saint with a complete Heavenly Dao, it seems that there are indeed some heaven-defying powerhouses in the chaos." Seeing this, Li Zhenwu narrowed his eyes slightly, and shot with murderous intent.

The next moment, he went berserk, his body swayed, and he rushed over.

The black hair scattered like a waterfall, outlining a coquettish picture, and his body glowed with blue light, and his fists contained a mysterious rhythm, which could break all magic.

"Whoever stops me will die!"

Approaching the Eight Saints, Li Zhenwu shouted, his body cold and stern.

At the same time, his fists roared like a dragon, his divine might was like a prison, and he burst out with almost heaven-defying power.

This picture is so shocking.

As a result, the eight saints were all shocked and froze in place, as if facing the supreme existence, their souls gave birth to fear.


The fist print pierced through the void and arrived in front of the opponent, bursting out, dazzling.

This piece of chaos was annihilated, the surrounding chaotic celestial bodies burst, terrifying energy fluctuations swept the vast chaos, and the entire chaotic starry sky was violently shaken.

"Huh? So strong? Could it be a source of life?"

In the chaotic world that traverses the road ahead, suddenly there is a surprise.

Immediately afterwards, when the fist mark destroyed the eight saints, the owner of the voice brazenly took action and took back the origin of the saints.

At the same time, in the chaotic world, a huge giant stepped out with terrifyingly cold eyes.

Hearing the words of the giant in the chaotic world, Li Zhenwu was puzzled.

"You are the source of life? Impossible, but why is the power you exerted, why is the master's intelligence wrong, how is it possible."

The giant looked at Li Zhenwu, his icy eyes filled with deep doubts.

"What source 530?"

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu revealed doubts.

You must know that it is the way of true martial arts created by him, and the power he exerts is naturally the power of true martial arts.

In this regard, the Tao of Heaven in this chaotic world obviously knows something.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I kill you, I will be relieved." The giant's face gradually turned hideous, and he looked at Li Zhenwu coldly, roared suddenly, and charged directly.

"Oh, let's do it, then kill you first, and then understand the cause and effect from your origin."

Facing the attack of the giant, Li Zhenwu opened his mouth lightly, and his whole body was full of blue light, which contained a mysterious and unpredictable rhyme.


The two collided, chaotic agitation, and the nearby chaotic celestial bodies directly turned into dust, unable to withstand the terrifying fluctuations.

This chaotic starry sky was almost crippled.

Just came to the chaotic world of the giants, and they were all affected and almost collapsed.

"Hooho, my mission is to kill you, but I didn't expect that the master's information was wrong. You turned out to be the legendary source of life. It seems that if you want to defeat you, you must pay the price."

When the two were separated, the giant looked cold and stern, waved his hand suddenly, and patted the chaotic world he had evolved into.

Suddenly, the vast and boundless world was torn apart in an instant.

Chapter 1 Above Chaos ([-])

Seeing the giant's actions, Li Zhenwu was stunned, and the whole person was stunned.

As the Tao of Heaven in the chaotic world, for the creatures in its own world, it has always been high above, overlooking the survival of ants.

The giant giant annihilated the chaotic world he created, returned to its origin, and made its own strength rise again, strange and powerful.

At this moment, his body skyrocketed, as vast as a chaotic celestial body. The skin lines on his body were complicated and mysterious, his eyes were red, and his breath was terrifying, as if the heavenly might had descended.

"This feeling is really wonderful!" The Heavenly Dao giant grinned, his fangs were ferocious and terrifying, and the complex lines on his body surface were shining brightly, and wisps of Heavenly Dao breath permeated out.

very scary!

Being put into Li Zhenwu's sleeve, Emperor Bai Shaohao felt that his soul was fighting, his mind was blank, and his thoughts were frozen.

"Master, is there danger in the outside world?" Rao was so, he still thought about Li Zhenwu, and asked a voice transmission.

Outside, Li Zhenwu's eyes were blazing with endless fighting spirit, and he whispered to himself: "What a strong and complete world of heaven, but unfortunately, there is still a big gap with the heaven I once faced."

He said that he faced the Dao of Heaven at the time when he was punished by the rules of the Dao of Heaven after reversing the cause and effect of the prehistoric world.

Compared with the Heavenly Dao giant in front of him, it is at least several levels higher.

Now, in Li Zhenwu's eyes, there is only infinite fighting intent, and his soul is in the war.

"Are you ready to be swallowed by me?" Li Zhenwu said coldly, exuding supreme fighting intent, almost turning into substance.

On the opposite side, the Heavenly Dao Giant was slightly stunned, and then his face was full of anger, and he shouted: "How dare you disturb this seat's aftertaste, it seems that you are impatient with your life, no matter what source creature you are or above Chaos, I will kill you now. ."

As he spoke, the void split open, and the vast and gigantic Heavenly Dao giant with terrifying speed came to Li Zhenwu's head in an instant.


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