The Heavenly Dao giant opened his big hands, and from top to bottom, he shrouded Li Zhenwu, covering the chaotic starry sky, as if a world was suppressing him.

This is terrifying!

Not to mention saints, I am afraid that those heavenly saints should be treated with caution.

After all, the Heavenly Dao powerhouses that can be dispatched by the Lord are not comparable to ordinary chaotic worlds, but they are comparable to Heavenly Saints.


Li Zhenwu snorted coldly, and was not afraid, the green lotus on his body was in full bloom, wrapped around him, and raised his fist to meet him.


The two collided, chaos agitated, and the power swept across the starry sky.

This starry sky was blown up and turned into nothingness, directly annihilating chaos, and the scene was terrifying to the extreme.

The Heavenly Dao giant never imagined that Li Zhenwu, who was like an ant, had such a terrifying power, and was instantly furious.

However, the power of true martial arts seems to have restraint on the giant of heaven, and every punch can make him fly upside down, and there is no power to fight back.

"How is it possible, such a weak source, how could it be my opponent?" The Heavenly Dao giant roared, unable to believe it, and even felt terrified.

This situation is too abnormal, beyond common sense.

You must know that in the chaotic starry sky, the existence above the Dao of Heaven is the supreme ruler, but if you want to kill the Dao of Heaven at their level, you can't be as fierce as Li Zhenwu.


The fist fell, bursting with surging power, disintegrating the origin of the Heavenly Dao, and directly hitting the origin core of the Heavenly Dao Giant.

In the end, the Heavenly Dao Giant couldn't bear it, and was smashed away by Li Zhenwu with a punch. There was only a ball of light, emitting a hazy brilliance, floating in the chaos.

That is heaven!

The complete and flawless way of heaven can already evolve into a chaotic world.

It is as big as a grinding disc, transparent, crystal clear, glowing with light, as magnificent as jade.

"Now that I have come this far, although I have encountered numerous obstacles, I have also gained a lot. These sources of heaven are the nutrients of my original universe." Li Zhenwu's eyes brightened, and he reached out and caught the ball of light.


The power of true martial arts poured out, and the source of the Tao of Heaven, which was the size of a grinding disc, was suddenly refined.

After many tests, Li Zhenwu's current power of true martial arts seems to be more pure, and the attack power and amplitude have reached a limit.

For example, right now, the source of the Dao of Heaven, which is the size of a refining millstone, is rapidly disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the first time, it took several days to refine the fist, but now, it has obviously improved a lot.


Soon, the source of the Dao of Heaven, the size of the millstone, was refined and refined.

Li Zhenwu's body was full of azure light, and the azure lotus between his eyebrows was swaying, becoming more and more emerald green, delicate and glamorous, as crystal clear as emeralds.

"It feels so powerful. Now I seem to have the power of Daozu Hongjun." He clenched his fists, feeling the restlessness of the power in his body, and his face was full of excitement.

Not only that, but after a little observation, it was found that the original universe had also skyrocketed a lot.

The creatures inside also follow Li Zhenwu's strengthening, and thus continue to evolve. The strongest monk in the primordial universe is now able to reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

If it is swallowed all the time, I am afraid that it is possible to surpass the prehistoric world.

"Well, the source above Chaos?" Suddenly, Li Zhenwu got some useful information from the source of the Tao.

Above the chaos, is the realm that the supreme rulers yearn for. In the chaotic universe, it belongs to the legendary realm.

According to legend, above chaos is the source of everything, so it is called 'source'.

In the vast chaotic starry universe, it has never appeared, so it is unknown whether it is true or false.

However, the source power was undoubtedly discovered by the supreme masters, so there was speculation above chaos.

"It turns out that it seems that the ultimate of my true martial arts path may be to embark on this supreme path, thereby surpassing the entire chaos."

Li Zhenwu's face was full of joy, as if he had found the ultimate path for his own evolution.

"Well? Encirclement and suppress the prehistoric world?"

The next moment, Li Zhenwu's face changed drastically, and his eyes burst out with a strong murderous intent.

In that group of the source of the Dao of Heaven, he got the information about the flood, and the supreme master has already dispatched a strong man to go to the flood.

Chapter 2 The ultimate crisis! ([-])

In the prehistoric world, the path was cut across by the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, with wisps of supreme killing intent, wrapped in a terrifying sword qi, which turned Yin and Yang into chaos.

A world-shattering war broke out within the sword formation, and the eight saints of the prehistoric era made a strong move.

Immortal light blooms, dazzling, in the sword array space, the earth, wind, fire and water reappear, and chaos is turbulent.

They made a real fire, and the shots were all lore, and the scene was terrifying.

"Tongtian child, you can only be reduced to cannon fodder when you don't know the sky."

His clothes were tattered, and when he resisted the attack, he had to take into account the safety of hundreds of millions of quasi-sages of alien races, so he looked particularly embarrassed.

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