However, in the chaotic world of alien races, they all got the guidance of the master, and the strength that erupted at this time was very terrifying.

After all, he was once enhanced by Daozu Hongjun and almost reached the pinnacle of a saint, so he could still be so strong in the Sword Executioner Array.

"Cannon fodder? I think you are the cannon fodder. Before the alien saints can take action, you are in a hurry to take action against your home world. How shameless and hypocritical, it simply humiliates the majesty of saints like me." Jianmen, fierce attack.

The rest of Zhenyuanzi, Nuwa, Houtu and the others all performed 540 kills without mercy.

You know, at such a critical moment, there is absolutely no emotion to talk about, and you can only fight to the death.


The battle was too intense, the aftermath overflowed the sword formation, the void collapsed, and chaos reappeared.

In the vast land, countless creatures raised their heads and watched the battle in the sky, and their souls were all fighting millet.

The terrifying coercion could not be concealed at all, it was especially terrifying.


At this moment, outside the chaotic starry sky, two heavenly saints shot, and a beam of light came crashing down, breaking the space and forming a space-time channel outside the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the four alien saints cut themselves from the holy source and descended from the sky, carrying the supreme power and descending to the great land.

They made indirect shots, avoiding the interference of Heavenly Dao, and also bypassing the traverse of the Immortal Execution Sword Array.

After all, the Alien Heavenly Saint did not directly challenge the Heavenly Dao, so the Heavenly Dao Hongjun did not stop it.

"Ah... thieves don't even think about it!" Seeing this scene, Tongtian Cult Master went crazy, his black hair fluttered, like a god, exuding a fierce aura.

"You are in vain for the saints of the Great Desolation!" Nuwa and Houtu's pretty faces changed dramatically, their eyes were full of anger, and they yelled loudly.

"It's over, it's over, I'm still a little short of the number of people I'm waiting for." Zhen Yuanzi's face turned pale, and his mind sank to the bottom, knowing that it was impossible for me to recover.

However, despite the despair, they did not give up.

"Here to you, those thieves must die." Tongtian sect master looked at the three Nuwa and his eyes were very firm.

At the same time, he completely handed over the control of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation to Houtu, and let them take control, but Tongtian Cult Master left the battlefield and wanted to rush out of the Sword Formation to kill the alien saints who came.


A golden body of six feet in length appeared in an instant, and the rung was in front of Tongtian Sect Master, and he made a strong shot, and his golden palm suppressed it with a rumbling sound.

This is Zhunti, manifesting the deity, to stop them from going to the rescue.

"You dare, little thief?"

The sect master of Tongtian roared again and again, and the Qingping sword greeted him, the space split open, and the sword light slashed out.

bang!The space of the sword formation shattered, and the chaotic aura overflowed, wiping out all things, and terrifying power erupted.

However, Tongtian Sect Master was also blocked and could not escape.

"Haha, Tongtian child, don't worry, let's see how the floods are destroyed!" The original Tianzun laughed wildly, seeing the Tongtian sect master being aggrieved, his heart was full of joy.

In just an instant, the situation of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation was reversed.

Tongtian Sect Master and others are concerned about Honghuang, and they have no intention of fighting with Primordial and others, so they seem very embarrassed.

However, if the Immortal Execution Sword Formation is lifted and the saints and hundreds of millions of quasi-sages of alien races are released, the consequences will be more serious.

For a time, they were caught in a dilemma.

"Junior brother and junior sister, don't think about the prehistoric world. If you get the Lord's favor, it's not too bad for me to become the way of heaven." Taishang Laojun said with a cold face and murderous aura.

At this moment, what Daozu teacher has been left behind by them.

The situation took a turn for the worse, being dragged by Taishang Laojun and others, Tongtian Sect Master and the others were helpless, so they could only watch helplessly as the four saints of alien races came to the floods.


This is the feeling that emerges in the minds of all saints.

Not only will the prehistoric end come to an end, but all spirits will be enslaved to seize the fate of the common people, so that the master of chaos will descend, and the ancestors of Hongjun will be swallowed up, and this world will be completely annihilated.

Outside, four alien saints descended, and the vast aura swept across the vast land.

Like the golden man who came last time, their breath is boundless, like the way of heaven, full of invincible momentum, making people feel hopeless.

This is the saint. Although he has cut the source of the holy way, he is not comparable to ordinary quasi-sages.

At this time, they came together and landed on the place where the golden man fell.

There is Mount Tai, thousands of miles of desolation, a piece of red land, there are traces of war, and the destructive power is amazing.

The originally magnificent and magnificent mountain peaks have long since collapsed and become flat ground, and Mount Tai no longer exists.

However, there are dozens of figures there, the treasures are solemn, waiting solemnly, facing the terrifying coercion of the alien saints, standing in the wind.

The Yellow Emperor was wearing golden armor and holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword. His eyes were cold, and he was not afraid at all. The blazing fighting intent in his eyes almost shook the heavens.

"I'm waiting, even if I fall today, will I humiliate the name of Zhenwu." He said coldly, with a great momentum of seeing death as home.

Beside him, Emperor Yan's black robe fluttered, his long hair fluttered, a pair of sleeves rose against the storm, blooming endless golden glow, rendering the heavens dreamy.

Ding Dong!

The curling piano sound slowly sounded, like mountains and flowing water, like stormy waves, captivating people's souls.

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