Fuxi sat cross-legged at the back of the crowd, with a warm demeanor, chanting the strings with ten fingers, playing a supreme melody, and saying goodbye to all of you.

"We're not going back!"

Dozens of quasi-sages of the Martial Dynasty, their eyes are very firm, and they are not afraid.

Chapter [-] The righteous path in the world is vicissitudes!

With a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, it is desolate and lonely. At the original site of Mount Tai, there are dozens of quasi-sage powerhouses standing, all exuding invisible killing intent.


The bone sword roared with fierce killing intent, trying to break open the sky.

Xuanming Zuwu had a cold face, a long black dress fluttering, and holding two bone swords, with a bit of killing intent, burst out.

"Teacher, brother, are we going to die?" Jiufeng turned pale and asked Xuan Ming and Zhu Rong in a little panic.

Hearing this, the two were silent, and the people around them all fell silent, not knowing how to answer.

They have dismissed all the soldiers of the military dynasty, leaving only the quasi-sage strong here, also with the consciousness of falling, resisting the behavior of the alien saints.

The road we have taken!

Everyone's face is full of determination, not despair. At this point, there is no despair at all. After all, it's just doing the best.

The battle between endless years and Lingshan Heavenly Court, I never expected that in the end, it would attract aliens from the outer world.

How ironic is this?

"Teacher Tongtian hasn't given up yet, how can I say death easily? You should not be so silent under the real martial arts. Think of how heroic the real father was back then, and he should not humiliate the dignity of the holy father."

This is Yun Xiao, who used to be a disciple of the three nights of interception, speaking coldly, his face full of determination.

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked, and the desolate atmosphere gradually changed.

In particular, Huang Di and the others have their eyes blazing and their fighting spirit soars to the sky.


Four beams of light fell in the distance, smashing into the ground, and a vast wind swept all around.

The dust fell, and I saw four figures standing in the heaven and earth, their eyes with the pride of looking down at the world, they were invincible.

It was two men and two women. The man's six-zhang golden body was incomparably strong, like a sacred mountain, giving the soul a considerable impact.

The saint who destroyed the world!

The two alien saint women had tentacles on their heads, white hair fluttering, and wings spread out a hundred feet behind them. They were completely composed of photons, splendid and beautiful.

They just stood there, staring at the people in front of Mount Tai, with a trace of disdain raised at the corners of their mouths.

In the eyes of the powerhouses in the chaotic world, all living beings in the prehistoric world are just a group of uncivilized natives, wasting the resources of this world.

"A few little ants, you don't need to take action from your Great Bright World."

At this moment, two men with golden bodies six feet tall, one of them with patterns engraved all over his body, stepped out and said indifferently.

His breath was long and leisurely, and the energy fluctuations he showed shattered everything around him, which was very terrifying.

Every step fell, the ground trembled, as if it could shake the entire prehistoric world.

In this regard, the other three alien saints did not refute.

"Hurry up!" The two female saints in the Great Bright World said coldly, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

After all, compared to the prehistoric world, their world is too powerful, so powerful that it is difficult to enter the forefront with the strength of the peak of the saint.

It is conceivable that the innate sense of superiority makes these saints of different races proudly regard the prehistoric creatures as ants.

You know, it is impossible for elephants to have any sympathy in the face of ants.

The Immortal Execution Sword Array in the sky, the saints all showed different expressions when they saw this scene.

Tongtian sect master and others have solemn expressions, their eyes are full of anger, and they can't wait to rush out and behead the few alien saints.

However, they knew that it was impossible, because trapping Taishang Laojun and others, as well as hundreds of millions of quasi-sage powerhouses, was already the limit.

And it is impossible for Taishang Laojun and others to let them go out, and the two are arguing with each other.Tangled, no time to separate.


On the ground below, the golden man took action, stepped on the ground, and the whole person turned into a beam of light, slamming into it powerfully.

The space vibrated violently, and countless ripples appeared, almost being destroyed by the majestic energy.


At the same time, everyone in the Wu Dynasty shouted in unison, and they shot in unison.

Among them, Ancestral Wu Xuanming was the most powerful, the bone sword flew out of his hand, and the bar was in front of everyone.


In just a moment, the bone sword collided with the golden man, unable to bear it, immediately collapsed, and completely turned into dust, unable to even hinder it.

too strong!

Although alien saints cut their own origins, they were once the peak of saints, and the strength they showed was comparable to the strength of saints in the early days of the Great Desolation.

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