Moreover, the strange power was transmitted from the bone sword to the Xuanming Ancestral Witch through the air, and the Xuanming Ancestral Wu Zhen flew out, spewing a mouthful of blood, dyeing the cold black clothes red.

"Kill God Formation!"

Seeing this scene, Huang Di's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly shouted.

The next moment, everyone no longer hesitated, stepping on the mysterious position, intertwined with various Taoist rhymes, and the fairy light bloomed, forming a formation with awe-inspiring killing intent.

At the same time, the formation was running extremely fast, and the surging energy fluctuations covered thousands of miles.

"Haha, even a small formation dares to be the seat of the throne. It's a native, and I don't even have this awareness!"


When the golden man saw this, he sneered again and again.

But soon, his smile solidified on his face.


The golden light swept past and slammed into the killing god array, and the power swept the world, shaking the world.

However, the scene of destroying the dead did not appear, and the killing god array rippled, and immediately burst out with infinite fairy light, as dazzling as a sun.


The golden-body man flew out directly, was attacked by dozens of quasi-sages, and was wrapped in energy and smashed to the ground.

Thousands of miles of land sag, mountains and rivers collapse, dust rises into the sky, obscuring the sky and the sun.

This scene is shocking!


Countless wild creatures were stunned at this moment.

Even the alien saints in the distance were dumbfounded, a little unable to believe what they saw.

You must know that in the chaotic world, there are information about Taishang Laojun and Zhunti, and they are very familiar with the background of Honghuang.

In the formation, except for the Immortal Execution Sword Formation in charge of the Tongtian Cult Master, the rest were all vulnerable.

Unexpectedly, the results were shocking!

"How is it possible? It is said that the Killing God Array appeared in the Wu clan war, and it is not as fragile as the rumors say."

The alien saint spoke in a deep voice, feeling incredible, completely subverting his imagination.

Chapter 2 Four alien saints take action! ([-])

The Killing God Formation used to shine in the ancient times. At the time, the human race did not have the slightest background, and it was difficult to resist the calamity of the devil.

However, the Holy Father Zhenwu incarnated as a Martial Daoist and taught the human race this formation, causing the ancestor of the demon Rahu to fall, and it has been passed down through the ages.

In fact, the power of the original killing god formation was indeed average.

However, that was just a formation that Li Zhenwu evolved at will, and it was not perfect at all.

The human race has proliferated for countless years, the great and desolate are unified, the various ethnic groups are united, and the role of the Killing God Formation has become more and more worthless.

However, the three emperors of the human race felt that Li Zhenwu and the saints had left, for fear that the prehistoric times would change, so they combined the power of everyone, and after countless years of deductions, they have made up for the lack of the original version of the killing god array.

Moreover, as a descendant of the true martial arts, Huang Di was very familiar with the Killing God Formation.

With the participation of many quasi-sage powerhouses in the Wu Dynasty, the deduction is naturally more perfect, and the compensation is more powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current killing god formation is almost the same as the formation power passed down by Li Zhenwu on Earth.

However, Wu Chao and others were cautious and never showed it, because this was Wu Chao's last trump card.

Now, being forced into a desperate situation by the saints of different races, he has to fully reveal the trump card that has been hidden for countless years in front of the world.


In the distance, the dust rose to the sky, and a golden figure flew out. The golden man was embarrassed, disheartened, and growled repeatedly.

He was incomparably strong, his muscles hovered like a dragon, the patterns engraved on his skin glowed with a strange luster, and the damage from the shock of the Killing God Array disappeared in just a moment.

"Haha, is there no one under the Master of Destruction? The little native ants have made you so embarrassed." In the distance, the saint of the Great Bright World mocked coldly.

Although the goals are the same, the powerhouses of the two super chaotic worlds are still very unreasonable on the surface.

"Bah, don't speak rude words, the formations that these natives use are a bit weird, and I'm afraid I can't break it with my strength alone." The golden man roared, his face was red and very angry.

He had just collided with the Killing God Formation, and felt a palpitation, which made him have a dangerous premonition in his heart.

You must know that the golden man is the existence of the saint Dai Feng. Even if he cuts the source of the holy way, his strength can still be compared to the new saint.

However, in the face of dozens of quasi-sages driving the formation, they can still feel dangerous.

What terrifying power is this?

Just thinking about it is incredible.

The saints are all ants, but the ants in front of them, with the power of the killing god array, can still have an advantage, which is beyond imagination.

"Hmph, don't pay attention to them, we will fight quickly, we can't drag it on any longer."

At this moment, another golden man said in a deep voice.

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