They flew out at high speed, and the rays of light intertwined, forming a terrifying energy fluctuation.

It is not difficult to imagine that the saints from the Great Bright World have the unique skills of fighting together, and they want to kill all the people of the Wu Dynasty in one fell swoop.

"Gaga, let's go early, let's go together." The two golden-bodied men roared and flew out of the deep pit, rushing towards them with grim faces.

The four alien saints shot, and their power was terrifying. It was like the battle of the saints in the ancient times, which shocked the souls of all living beings.

"Everyone in the Wu Dynasty is about to perish."

"It is so powerful that it can resist four alien saints, and even if it falls, it can be passed down through the ages."

"Unfortunately, if Zhenwu aliens are here, they will not let this happen."

"The sky is about to change. It seems that our destiny will be similar to that of the Wu Dynasty."

"I never imagined that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. I don't know what the ancestors meant."

All beings, sensing the fluctuations in Mount Tai, couldn't help sighing.

Regardless of the great supernatural powers who have cultivated for countless years, under this amount of calamity, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape.


Mount Tai, the Yellow Emperor drove the killing formation to the limit, and everyone's face showed decisiveness.

One by one, the mana in the body, surging to the extreme, suddenly poured into the formation, bursting with dazzling rays of light.

In the package of light, everyone feels bathed in sunlight, warm and peaceful, but there is a supreme power, which seems to be able to break the restrictions of the rules of heaven and earth.


With a loud shout, the people of the Wu Dynasty did not retreat but advanced, the magic weapon in their hands bloomed with fairy light, and they were extremely brave.

At the same time, the Killing God Array was operated to its limit, and the divine light was surging, submerging hundreds of millions of miles around, and the scene was extremely terrifying.


In an instant, the three forces collided, dazzling, like the explosion of a chaotic sun star, very bright.

This piece of heaven and earth was submerged in light, the earth was sinking, the sky was bursting in the range of hundreds of millions of miles, the chaotic energy was raging, and the ferocity was boundless.

Such a splendid scene, the fluctuations that emanate, make all living beings in the prehistoric feel terrified.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the center of the battlefield today, even if Duobao Tathagata entered, I am afraid that it would instantly turn into ashes.

In the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the movements of the saints were all paused for a while, and most of their minds fell below the earth, paying attention to the results there.


Suddenly, the Tongtian sect leader went mad, with black hair fluttering all over his head, his eyes were red, and he looked mad.

Even Nu Wa, Zhen Yuanzi and the others were stunned for a moment, then instantly became solemn, with a hint of sadness in their eyes.


Yes, on the ground below, with the siege of the four saints, the Killing God Formation disappeared.

Even the cause and effect were disconnected in the prehistoric world, and it seemed to be completely turned into fly ash, and everyone in the Wu Dynasty fell into it.

This result made Tongtian Sect Master and others unacceptable, and they were full of grief and indignation.

However, the four saints of the alien race were full of doubts, and also felt unbelievable.

"Why do I feel that at the last moment, they were not destroyed by us, but taken away by some mysterious force?" At this moment, the golden man asked in a condensed voice.

"It's not a feeling. At that moment, I saw in a blur that a figure appeared in an instant, and then took everyone in the Wu Dynasty and disappeared in an instant." The saint from the Great Light had incredible in his eyes.

Yes, at the end of the collision, the four alien saints were too powerful, no trivial matter.

Destroying the dead, gathering many quasi-sage killing god formations, it is impossible to resist, and the terrifying power that erupts directly drowns everyone in the past.

However, they could not feel the sign of the other party's fall.

"Even the cause and effect has disappeared, so there can be no fake, right?" The golden body man was dubious and thought it was too incredible.

The four alien saints just stood there and fell into contemplation.

It is really the scene of 850 just now, giving them a kind of strangeness, making it impossible to judge whether it is true or false.

The sky was covered by dust, the sunlight could not fall, the darkness was overwhelming, and the whole world fell into a dead silence.

All sentient beings in the Great Wilderness were stunned in place, as if they had been immobilized.


At this moment, the minds of all sentient beings, involuntarily, breed endless despair.


At this moment, a magnificent bell sounded from above the sky.

The dust that covered the sky and the sun rumbled, like a rolling wave, bursting with golden light.


The bell rang again, reverberating for nine days, resounding throughout the world, revealing the great desolation, and passing it into the chaotic starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, the bell sounded incessantly, stirring the sky.

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