A streak of golden light, wrapped in a big bell, fell from the sky, wrapped in a thunderous force, and suppressed the four alien saints.

"This is?"

Inside the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the saints were shocked and stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.

The whole body of the big bell is golden and shining, reflecting the stars in the heavens. The huge stars float and sink on the wall of the bell, which is very spectacular.

Chapter [-] Li Zhenwu is here!

This scene is very impactful!

Whether it is the prehistoric saints, or the alien saints on the ground, or even outside the chaotic starry sky, Jue Luo Tiansheng and Biluo Tiansheng, who are always observing the situation in the prehistoric world, are all shocked.

Moreover, these strong people have keen eyesight and can see clearly.

A figure, standing on the chaotic bell, is majestic, and the terrifying aura swept the world, causing countless celestial bodies outside the chaotic starry sky to tremble violently.

so horrible!

It was a young man with a slender figure, a fair face, sword-brows and star-shaped eyes, long jet-black hair fluttering, and an indifferent gaze overlooking the alien saint of the earth below.

He carried his hands on his back, his Taoist robe was floating, and his feet were on the Chaos Bell, and he suppressed it like this.

Ten thousand feet of golden light could not snatch the young man's demeanor. It was peerless and stunning, attracting the attention of all the powerhouses.

"True Martial Daoist?"

"Li Zhenwu?"

"True martial arts?"

In an instant, in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Tongtian Sect Master, Nuwa, Houtu, and Zhenyuanzi all exclaimed in unison.

What followed was an uncontrollable joy.

Compared with Taishang Laojun and the others, all of them have a gloomy face, and their eyes are full of fear.

Outside the chaotic starry sky, on the vast and boundless warship.

When Jue Luo Tiansheng and Biluo Tiansheng heard the words of Tongtian Cult Master and others, their faces sank, and their eyes burst out with strong killing intent.

"Is he Li Zhenwu?" Jue Luo Tiansheng said in a deep voice. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, this peerless young man, who made the sage of Honghuang fear, actually appeared.

"Jiuyan can't stop it?" Bi Luo Tiansheng's eyes darkened.

The Heavenly Dao powerhouse dispatched by the Great Bright Master was unable to stop it, which was too unexpected.


In the wild land, golden lights emanated from the Chaos Clock, surrounded by the stars of the heavens, and they were very strongly suppressed.


Pieces of the void shattered and turned into nothingness, the earth, wind, fire and water reappeared, the chaotic airflow overflowed, and the scene was terrifying.

Below, the alien sage looked up, his face full of shock, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

That coercion is terrifying!

As powerful as they are, under the monstrous suppression, it is difficult to resist, standing in place and letting the Chaos Bell fall.

"Heavenly Saint save me..."

The saint from the Great Bright World couldn't bear it at first, and screamed in horror, as if struggling to the death.

"It's useless, Tiansheng won't take action for us." The golden man trembled and said through gritted teeth.

This is indeed the case, as a Heavenly Saint powerhouse under the dominion, comparable to a Heavenly Dao powerhouse in a chaotic world, why would he care about the lives of a few saints?

You must know that in the world of chaos destruction and the world of great light, there are as many saints as they are.

After death, it only takes a little time for other quasi-sage powerhouses to break through.

It is no exaggeration to say that for the quasi-sages of those two worlds, I wish they could die a few more saints.

In this way, those who are quasi-saints have the opportunity to become saints.


The next moment, the Chaos Clock was wrapped in a ten thousand force, and the stars of the heavens vibrated around and fell with a bang.

The prehistoric world trembled, and countless creatures could clearly hear the shocking loud noise, making people tremble all over.

Just as the Chaos Bell fell, the four alien saints who used to be majestic instantly turned into flying ashes, and even their origins were crushed and disappeared into chaos.


The entire prehistoric world fell into a dead silence!

Within the six realms of reincarnation, the Buddha's light shines brightly, reflecting the originally gloomy and pitch-black hell.

Countless Buddhas are chanting sutras, Sanskrit sounds are bursting, and Bodhi is fragrant.

Suddenly, Sanskrit fell silent, and all the voices stopped abruptly at this moment.

On the lotus throne at the very front, the Tathagata of the Treasures folded his hands together, a look of sadness appeared on his face, and sang softly: "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form..."

Beside him, the golden crow's body was filled with flames, his eyes were blazing, and boundless killing intent erupted.

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