
A gilded figure spoke indifferently.

As the voice fell, countless quasi-sage powerhouses shot, although it was not a killer move, but it was not something that the Jade Emperor Haotian could resist.

In just one encounter, the Jade Emperor Haotian's robes were tattered, his whole body trembled, and the fire of his soul was almost extinguished, so these alien quasi-sages were brutally caught.


With a deep shout, the alien quasi-sages rose into the sky, broke through the world barrier, and returned to the vast warship outside the chaotic starry sky again.

Out of the sky, Zixiao Palace stands in nothingness, the Taoism is simple and simple, and there are strands of mysterious Taoism everywhere.

As for what happened outside, it didn't seem to have any effect on it, it was still simple and even more peaceful.


On earth!

A bell of ten thousand feet stands on the ground, gilded brightly, reflecting the sky as if it was rendered into gold, which is dazzling and dazzling.

However, the attention of all sentient beings in the Great Desolation was all attracted by the young man at the top of the big bell.

The power of the four saints of the alien race has been terrifying for all to see.

But Rao is so, still being smashed to death by this young man, carrying the treasure of chaos, from the sky, what kind of terrifying existence is this?

For a time, many great supernatural powers in Honghuang speculated.

"That's Li Zhenwu, the aliens have returned." An old monster who survived the Lich War exclaimed.

"That's the Holy Father, the Holy Father of the human race."

There were also soldiers of the Wu Dynasty, who were watching from far away areas, suddenly burst into tears, and fell to the ground on their knees.


In addition to shock or shock!

No one knows how Li Zhenwu did it, which is simply incredible.

You must know that even if Tongtian Cult Master made a move to deal with a golden man, he would have to cast the Immortal Execution Sword Formation in order to achieve a lore.


Suddenly, the Chaos Clock vibrated violently, slowly suspended, and rose into the sky.

As the bell rang, a circle of ripple vortices appeared from the bottom.

I saw dozens of quasi-sage powerhouses in the Wu Dynasty, all with a confused look, and flew out of the vortex.

Until this time, they were still full of doubts, not knowing why they appeared in a starry sky, and then they were teleported out.

However, Li Zhenwu didn't have time to gather with them. After releasing the crowd, he immediately rushed to the battlefield of the saints thirty-three days away.


The Chaos Bell turned into a thousand zhang, like a sacred mountain, and went away.

On the other hand, Li Zhenwu was expressionless, his black hair was fluttering, he was walking on the mountain, and he looked there lightly.

Inside the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, all the saints were full of shock at this time.

"Ah... Zhenwu child, don't be mad." Being looked at by Li Zhenwu's looking down eyes, Taishang Laojun was the first to be unbearable, and his self-esteem felt insulted.

"Anita Buddha, why hasn't the true martial arts friend died?" Jie Yin frowned, this time, it was really sad.

"I am a saint of the prehistoric heaven, don't think that I will be afraid of you, and being able to kill saints outside the realm does not mean that I can do nothing to us." Yuanshi Tianzun said in a deep voice, his face dark.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, it seems that I can't be good this time." Zhunti's eyes were gloomy and he looked at Li Zhenwu who was approaching vigilantly.

At this moment, the mood of the four saints was extremely complicated.

It is unbelievable that a dignified saint would be so suffocated in the face of a wild alien.

Moreover, under the circumstance that the master is thinking about, they can return to the prehistoric times. I have to say that it is enough to hit them.


The Chaos Bell rushed into the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, turned into a beam of light without stopping, and smashed directly in the direction of the saints.

Seeing this scene, Taishang Laojun and others cursed one after another, without thinking about it, the figure flickered, giving up the plan to protect those alien quasi-sages, and ran away first.

Immediately, endless fairy light erupted there, dazzling.

Hundreds of millions of alien quasi-sages, without even the time to scream, were instantly destroyed, turned into fly ash, and completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Cold and tough!

This picture is so shocking.

Taishang Laojun and the others had ashen faces, gloomy eyes, trembling all over with anger, and could not calm down for a long time.

Too strong!

You know, in ancient times, if the saints wanted to go to war, they would say hello to each other.

But now, Li Zhenwu is too strong, and he doesn't want to talk nonsense at all, so he immediately kills him.

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