The [-]rd chapter canonized again!


The Chaos Clock stopped, and the young man standing on it turned around slowly at this time.

He has a slender figure, fluttering black hair, handsome facial features, deep eyes like the vast stars, and an air of indifference, seemingly ordinary, but he grabs everyone's attention as soon as he appears.

Yes, the Chaos Clock will be eclipsed in front of the teenager.

"True Martial Daoist!" Tongtian Sect Master greeted him first, his face flushed with excitement, and he was very excited.

"True Martial Fellow Daoist!" Zhen Yuanzi stroked his long beard under his chin and smiled a little more on his face.

Obviously, when they knew that Li Zhenwu appeared, their hanging hearts were all put down, and even the Heavenly Saint powerhouse outside the Chaos Starry Sky temporarily forgot about it.

Li Zhenwu nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on two peerless figures.

Wearing a long snow-white dress, one person is out of the dust and refined, with a beautiful face, and her beautiful eyes contain tears and shine.

A simple and elegant thin skirt, gentle and quiet, just stood there like an orchid in a valley.

Nuwa and Houtu, in the prehistoric world, can be said to be Li Zhenwu's confidantes.

At this moment, the eyes met each other, sparks appeared in the air, reckless, and did not hide the emotions in my heart.

"Hugh has to humiliate me and wait!"

Seeing that Li Zhenwu and the others were alone, Taishang Laojun and the others all felt humiliated and shouted loudly.

For a time, the beautiful atmosphere of meeting was broken in an instant.

Li Zhenwu nodded to the two women, then turned around and stared at the Four Saints lightly, his eyes full of strong murderous intent.

Without saying a word, just standing there, the faces of the Four Sages on the opposite side changed drastically.

The terrifying blow just now, the Chaos Bell is unmatched, making Taishang Laojun and others have the illusion of facing the Heavenly Sage.

"Li Zhenwu, you and I don't have any grudges at all. It's all because of the human race. However, the human race is still too small in the wild world. If you can get the favor of the master, it is not impossible to travel in the vast chaos in the future."

After a while, Taishang Laojun broke the silence and said with some guilt.

The other three kept nodding their heads, and seemed to agree with what Taishang Laojun said.

You know, since seeing the magic of vast chaos, they have longed for it, not so much the means to be subdued by the master, but more of a desire for greater space and future.

After all, in the prehistoric world, now there is Daozu Hongjun who fits the way of heaven, and all saints are saints when they are in the sky.

But it is different when you submit to Chaos and dominate, at least you can achieve Heavenly Dao, or even become Heavenly Sage, and you can look down on everything in Chaos.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are really shameless, what kind of chaos master is so kind, I think you are blinded by interests." Tongtian Cult Master couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"Tongtian child, don't think we will be afraid of you. In the prehistoric world, we are all parasitic under the way of heaven. The way of heaven is not destroyed, and our saints will not die." , is really intolerable.

For a time, the atmosphere became hot again, and there was a big disagreement, and the rhythm of the fight was about to start.

Taishang Laojun stared at Li Zhenwu, he knew that Tongtian Cult Master and others were headed by this prehistoric alien.

If there is a war, although the way of heaven is immortal, the saints are immortal.

But it's hard enough to seal them all up.

Not to mention that he can't complete the task of the master, the most important thing is that he was survived by the floods. I don't know what torture awaits these traitors.

Moreover, in order to escape from the prehistoric times, to be able to soar through the vast chaos and become stronger, they also have to try it once.

"Li Zhenwu, you have to think clearly, anyway, you don't belong to the Great Wilderness, why don't you submit to the master with me, with your ability, the future will be brighter." Taishang Laojun continued.

"That's right, what the senior brother said is reasonable. Instead of creating a prison here, it's better to rely on a more powerful existence." The Daoist Zhunti also said.

A few people, every word you say, obviously has more confidence in those chaotic masters.

However, after hearing these words, the corners of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised slightly, and there was a touch of cold ridicule. He looked at these saints, and suddenly had some sympathy.

As far as he knows, the reason why those chaotic masters are so concerned about Honghuang is because the rules of this world are too perfect.

Like the legendary source world, there is no impurity at all, and the source of the rules is perfect to the extreme.

If it can be swallowed, the rulers who have been trapped in the chaotic world for endless years may break through to the legendary realm and overlook the entire chaos.

However, Li Zhenwu is very clear, if the source is swallowed up, will those saints who are parasitic under the heavens still be able to escape?

I have to say that Taishang Laojun and others are too ignorant.

"Enough to talk nonsense?" Li Zhenwu said coldly, without intending to tell them after hesitating for a while.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the four sages on the opposite side changed greatly, and they said so much about their feelings, and they didn't care about them at all.

For a time, the sense of humiliation made it difficult for the saint to remain calm.

"Ah... Xio's madness, I have had a fight with Er et al today to see if you can do anything to us." Yuanshi Tianzun directly exploded, holding a magic weapon, he was about to fly out.

On the opposite side, when the leader of Tongtian saw this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and raised the Qingping sword in his hand murderously.

"A few clowns jumping on the beam, you don't need a few daoists to take action, although it's good to watch the play next to me, let's see how I, Li Zhenwu, continue to be consecrated today."

Li Zhenwu took a step, reached out his hand to stop the impulse of the Tongtian Sect Master, and said in a light tone.

Hearing this, Cult Master Tongtian and the others did not respond yet, but the Four Sages on the opposite side had already taken action, and they couldn't bear Li Zhenwu's arrogant attitude.

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