"Kill!" Taishang Laojun shot coldly, and Taijitu suddenly waved out.

Zhunti's angry eyes are like a vajra, incarnated as a golden body of six feet six feet, three heads and six arms, ferocious and violent, and a shot is a lore, very fierce.

Jie Yin and Yuanshi Tianzun also used the strongest means to kill Li Zhenwu in one fell swoop.

The four peak saints shot, the majestic energy fluctuations swept through the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, and in an instant, the world returned to chaos, and the earth, wind, fire and water would be annihilated.

Chapter [-] Cover the sky with a snap of your fingers!

The golden light of the Taiji map is dazzling, and one after another golden bridges fly out of it, emitting a splendid light, forming a golden ocean in the void, sweeping away overwhelmingly.

On the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun violently shook Pangu's pan, shooting out wisps of green energy, with awe-inspiring murderous intent, very terrifying.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate!" The Daoist Zhunti had a dazzling golden body, wide mouth and angry eyes, like a Buddhist diamond, and slapped his palms out, forming a terrifying void of annihilation.

"Anita Buddha!" ​​The receptionist sat on the lotus platform and recited the scriptures in a low voice. A lotus flower floated out of his mouth, and the entire sword array of Zhuxian was covered in an instant. Bodhi was fragrant, and the Great Bliss Heart Sutra was displayed.

It has to be said that the four sages of the prehistoric wilderness have their own strengths, and their strengths are all at the peak of the sages, and the lineup can be said to be very strong.

In the distance, the leader of Tongtian, the sage of Nuwa, the sage of Houtu, and Zhenyuanzi could not help but change color slightly, feeling the vastness and mystery in it.

You must know that from the very beginning, if there is no suppression from the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, they may not be able to stop Taishang Laojun and others.

At this time, Li Zhenwu stood in the center of the energy storm, and he was still, like a rock, and he couldn't shake it even if the wind and rain hit him.

"Li Zhenwu, you forced us."

Seeing that Tongtian Cult Master and others were really watching the show, the Taishang Laojun flashed murderous intent, his expression became quite ferocious, and he shouted loudly.

In an instant, the attack fell like a shower, drowning the young man's figure, and completely disappeared.


The whole world is shaking, shaking, the space is like a mirror shattered, turned into pieces, and finally annihilated by the vast energy, completely turned into nothingness.

It was dazzling and dazzling, and the consciousness could not be probed, as if it was isolated.

There is only a great golden bell that floats and sinks over the ocean of energy, like a golden mountain, suppressing the space of the Immortal Execution Sword Array.

"True martial arts..."

Seeing this scene, Nu Wa and Hou Tu couldn't help exclaiming, and their beautiful eyes contained a deep worry.

Even the Heavenly Sect Master had a gloomy face, and the five fingers holding the Qingping Sword were slightly pale, for fear of an accident.

On the contrary, Zhen Yuanzi had just been sanctified, and he trusted Li Zhenwu's ability from the bottom of his heart. Instead, it seemed that the old god was there, but he was only surprised by the terrifying strength of the saints.

The void in front was completely annihilated and turned into nothingness, all kinds of energies intertwined, thunder and fire flickered, exuding the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.


The complexion of Tongtian Sect Master and others changed dramatically, and if they asked themselves, I am afraid that if they did not die, their origin would be damaged.

After all, the lore of the four peak saints, obviously did not intend to let Li Zhenwu live.

"Hmph, arrogant and arrogant, do you really think you are the way of heaven?" Taishang Laojun sneered.

"As expected of an outlier in the wild, he has courage!" Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

They didn't think that Li Zhenwu would fall, but it was obviously inevitable that he would be seriously injured. After all, even they dared not touch the terrifying energy.

However, as soon as their voices fell, a sudden change occurred in the ocean of energy.


The crisp sound, as if the bowstring was broken, clearly echoed in the sword formation world.

Immediately afterwards, this light sound came out continuously, and it seemed that something was reviving inside.

I saw that in the ocean-like energy, strands of blue light gradually condensed, dispelling the violent aura, and exuding a strange light.

"This is..." Tongtian Sect Master's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling unbelievable.

The energy calmed down, no longer violent, and completely silent.

A beautiful cyan lotus flower, crystal green, with lotus leaves in full bloom, illusory and beautiful, like the most perfect artwork.

The figure of the young man stood on the lotus platform indifferently, with no sorrow or joy, just carrying his hands on his back, it was extremely strange.

"How is that possible?" Taishang Laojun gritted his teeth, his eyes widened, his face full of hideousness.

The original Tianzun was stunned, completely petrified in place, unable to believe what he saw.

"This..." The Daoist Zhunti opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

Receiving a frown, he pondered for a moment, and then said condensedly: "Tiansheng, or Tiandao?"

After speaking, there was a sudden silence in the arena.

"What Heavenly Saint Heavenly Dao?" Nuwa and the others were puzzled and turned to look at Tongtian Sect Master and asked...

Tongtian sect master's face was solemn, his eyes looked at the illusory Qinglian in the distance, and he slowly explained: "Heavenly Sage is an existence that surpasses saints, and Heavenly Dao is the rule of a world. Although the teacher is Heavenly Dao, it is different from the chaotic world. The outer world is different."

The way of heaven in the chaotic world is evolved through human cultivation. It has the consciousness of the deity and can control the development of its own world with personal preferences.

But in the prehistoric world, Tianyan forty-nine, and one of them escaped, and Hongjun fit into the way of heaven before it was replenished.

That is a naturally formed rule. Even if Hongjun fits into it, it cannot control the operation of the rule, and can only act according to the will of heaven.

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