If Li Zhenwu is really the way of heaven, it is probably beyond everyone's expectations.

In this regard, other people will also be wary of Li Zhenwu, no matter whether the other party is Tiansheng or Tiandao, they are probably the same as the aliens from the outside world.

"No, Zhenwu can never covet the flood. If he wants to destroy the flood, he can do it countless years ago. Why wait until now?" Hou Tu said softly, with a very firm tone.

Hearing this, Tongtian Sect Master and others all brightened their eyes.

Because what Hou Tu said is true, if you really want to coveted the world of prehistoric times, you can do it countless years ago, and you don't have to wait until now.

3.7 "Then why?"

Zhen Yuanzi's face was full of depression, and everything that happened during this time made him unable to react for a while.

"I don't know, but I believe in Li Zhenwu!" Hou Tu said seriously.

Everyone was silent, it seemed that there was nothing more trustworthy than this prehistoric alien, after all, even the local saints coveted the prehistoric.

In the distance, the green lotus was in full bloom, and the lotus leaves were crystal clear and green. Li Zhenwu stood on it, glanced at Taishang Laojun and the others, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You coexist with the Dao of Heaven, and it is indeed difficult to kill, but the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot escape."

Li Zhenwu said this, raised his hand and flicked his fingers, a vast and boundless force burst out from his fingertips, and swept towards the Zhunti Daoist and the others frantically.

Chapter 2 Captured Treasures and Consecrated! ([-])


In the first killing formation of Kaitian, in the world of Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the sword gate that stood in all directions suddenly collapsed, and the four swords hanging on the gate fell off one after another.

For a time, the space collapsed, the void annihilated, exuding an aura of destruction.

The Immortal Execution Sword Array collapsed!

Everyone present was shocked, and the invisible suppression just vanished.

You must know that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation is said to be indestructible by the Four Saints, not to mention that the four Saints of the Tongtian Cult Master are now in charge of the Sword Gate, and their power is unprecedented.

But, it was just destroyed.


Feeling that there is no suppression of the formation, the Taishang Laojun shouted, and the Taiji map shot out a golden bridge, dazzling and golden, all over the place.


But as soon as the words fell, the space with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles suddenly solidified, and then twisted, and the four saints such as Zhunti Daoist were sealed in it.

An invisible finger force emerged, and in an instant, 14 shocking divine might erupted, smashing down towards the Four Saints from top to bottom.


The four pinnacle saints, unable to even resist, were wrapped in space and smashed directly to the ground below.

A deep pit spreads thousands of miles, the mountains and rocks are destroyed, and the lush vegetation is turned into ruins, which is very terrifying.

"True martial arts!" Seeing this scene, Nu Wa and others were extremely surprised.

What kind of style is this, the four pinnacle saints can be sealed with a flick of the finger, which is simply sensational, I am afraid that the heavenly saints can't do it so lightly.

On the ground, the imprisoned space was shaped like an eggshell, constantly squeezing, making Taishang Laojun and others unable to fight back.

"As I said, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped!"

Li Zhenwu descended from the sky, landed on the edge of the deep pit, and spoke lightly.

"Who the hell are you?" Daoist Zhunti was terrified and his heart palpitated, as if he was facing the Heavenly Sage.

"The Great Wilderness!" Li Zhenwu snapped his fingers and smiled lightly.

"Impossible, you surpass the power of a saint, how can the rules of heaven let you in, there must be something weird." The original Tianzun roared, almost mad with hatred.

You must know that a creature that does not belong to the Great Desolation cannot come in if its strength exceeds that of a saint.

Even the Heavenly Sage's means of reaching the sky seem to be unable to do so.

But this young man in front of him is safe and sound, which is worth thinking about.

The corners of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised slightly. Although he was curious, he also had some guesses, so he was not surprised.

On the other hand, the saints of the prehistoric wilderness were all shocked, and it was difficult to accept this fact.

"Teacher is unfair!"

"Daozu is unfair!"

"Hongjun, you interfere with the rules of heaven!"

They were growling, looking very excited.

After all, without the arrival of Li Zhenwu, no one in the prehistoric world would be able to subdue them.

But now because of the appearance of Li Zhenwu, everything has changed.

Outside the chaotic starry sky, on the vast and boundless warship.

Jue Luo Tiansheng's eyes were cold, and he looked down at the situation in the world below, his face was cold and ugly.

"He is a powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao level, but why the rules of Honghuang didn't prevent him from entering, is there any reason?" Biluo Tiansheng's blond hair fluttered, his whole body dazzling, and the light illuminated the entire chaotic starry sky.

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