"Welcome the return of the saint!"

The next moment, the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty bowed, and the momentum was agitated, resounding through the sky.

"It's all excused!" Li Zhenwu waved his hand and told everyone to stand.

All of a sudden, they stood solemnly, with their heads raised and their eyes raised, 627 not squinting, awe-inspiring, and seemed more confident.

Since the saints disappeared, they have been in danger, and they are under enormous pressure every day. Now that they see Li Zhenwu and the saints returning, they are all relieved.

Li Zhenwu has been with everyone for a long time, and everyone has a smile on their face, a smile that they have never had before.

Until half a month later, when everything subsided.

The Wu Dynasty was re-established again, and all ethnic groups coexisted, looking prosperous.

On this day, Li Zhenwu left Honghuang alone, went to Tianwaitian, and came to Zixiao Palace.

The quaint Taoist temple stands in the void, without the mottled time. It seems that for countless years, it has been alone here, very deserted.

When Li Zhenwu was in the Zixiao Palace, the door opened, he stepped in and sat on the futon.

On the high platform in front, an ethereal figure descended, full of mysterious Dao rhythm, wisps of rule power, floating and sinking around.

Hongjun Daozu!

"You're still here!" Hong Jun spoke first, his voice vague.

Li Zhenwu nodded and said directly: "I think Daozu already knows my intentions, and I hope to clear up the confusion."

In fact, he did have a lot of doubts. The more he came into contact with the Chaos Starry Sky and learned more, the more puzzled and puzzled he became.

Daozu Hongjun nodded slightly, closed his eyes and pondered for a while before slowly opening his mouth: "You are an outlier in the prehistoric wilderness, which is the meaning of the Tao of Heaven. Now that you enter the prehistoric era, the Tao of heaven has not blocked it. I think you are very clear about the reason."

"Could it be the reason for the creation of lotus seeds?" Li Zhenwu said in a deep voice.

He had already thought about this guess for a long time. After all, it was the origin of the Qinglian that created the world, so he was able to exclude the Heavenly Dao of his primitive world.

Because the lotus seeds of Qinglian, which created the world, and the prehistoric world that Pangu evolved from, were originally from the same source.

However, the creation lotus seeds owned by Li Zhenwu, for various reasons, were transformed into the world, and at the same time, they were also merged by Li Zhenwu and became a part of him.

"Yes, the creation Qinglian was born from chaos, but it belongs to chaos. As for where it came from, I may know in the future." Hongjun nodded, obviously he knew some secrets of chaos.

"What is the source?" Li Zhenwu asked.

This time, he came mainly for this issue, because it was about the future road.

Hearing this, Dao Ancestor was stunned for a moment. He probably didn't expect that Li Zhenwu would know the existence of the source. After all, it was beyond the chaotic starry sky and came from a higher-level world.

After pondering for a while, he explained: "I was born from chaos, and I was connected to the cause and effect of the prehistoric world. After I fit into the heavenly way, I found that the outside world is wider, but the heavenly way made me, and it also imprisoned me."

"The source is the beginning of all things and the end of all things. It is the source of everything and the end of everything. No one knows what it is. The only thing that can be sure is that the source is a world higher than the chaotic starry sky."

"There, any weak creature can dominate. Even a bug is a fatal danger to the creatures in the chaotic starry sky."

"Once in the Chaos Starry Sky, there was a legend about the source. The reason was that a strange stone occurred in the chaos inadvertently because of an invincible existence."

"And the shell of the stone seals a mosquito. You can imagine how an ordinary stone is not wiped out in the chaotic starry sky?"

Speaking of this, Hong Jun's indifferent expression noticed a slight change.

Such Taoist ancestors, in Li Zhenwu's view, seem to prefer living beings rather than the rules of heaven.

He just listened to him continue: "The stone was crushed at will by an invincible master, and the mosquitoes in the stone also turned into dust, but when the chaotic creatures touch the dust formed by the mosquitoes, they will die inexplicably, even the invincible. The masters of the world are not spared.”

"Because of this accident, a forbidden area of ​​life appeared in the chaotic starry sky. After countless years of evolution, there are gradually beings entering and leaving it."

Hongjun's eyes are empty, as if he is remembering, and he seems to be looking there, more and more ethereal, as if he is not in this world.


Hearing this legend, apart from being shocked, Li Zhenwu was still shocked in his heart.

Because, the gap in the original world was in the forbidden area of ​​life in the chaotic starry sky. Could it be that there is any causal relationship?

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu looked solemn and continued: "How did the Taoist ancestor know about these external things?"

You must know that after fitting into the heavenly way, Hongjun can't leave this world, and he can't learn about the outside world. The reason is really confusing.

However, Daozu Hongjun smiled faintly, pointed his finger at the nothingness in front of him, and said with a smile: "I don't know, but after I fit into the heavenly way, I have this information."

"There's another secret that I've always wanted to tell you, but I couldn't resist the rules of Tiandao. Now, the rules of Tiandao have not stopped me."

Suddenly, Daozu Hongjun spoke lightly, with a hint of emotion in his tone.

That is the emotion of the soul.

Chapter [-] Chaos Treasure!

Daozu Hongjun suddenly contained emotions, which shocked Li Zhenwu, stunned, and petrified directly on the spot.

"No need to worry, when you hear this secret, you won't feel strange." Daozu Hongjun waved his hand and smiled.

Yes, he is laughing, and he has the emotions that a living being should have, not the real way of heaven without sadness and joy.

This shocked Li Zhenwu and said, "Is it also related to me?"

When the words fell, I saw Daozu Hongjun nodded, and Li Zhenwu couldn't help being speechless. It seems that the creation of lotus seeds has some unknown secrets.

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