Next, a faint voice came from the Taoist temple, echoing endlessly.

It turned out that from the time when Li Zhenwu appeared in Honghuang, Tiandao felt it and triggered some secrets, so that Hongjun knew.I

At that time, the rules of the Dao of Heaven were deduced, the floods would suffer disasters, and the Dao of Heaven could not stop them.

And Li Zhenwu just appeared at this time, the Great Dao was fifty, and escaped to one, and Li Zhenwu was the one.

"Those invincible rulers of the chaotic world are not comparable to saints. Even if I face it now, I have no chance of winning." Li Zhenwu said with his hands spread.

You must know that the supreme existence that can be called the master has almost reached the end of the chaotic starry sky.

That is to say, within the chaotic starry sky, they have reached the end, and if they take a step forward, they are the source of the legend.

"That's why you came here." Daozu Hongjun said, and immediately waved his robe.


Suddenly, two items appeared out of thin air and slowly floated in front of Li Zhenwu, leaving Li Zhenwu stunned.

It was a mutilated jade plate, a gray bead.

Fortune Jade Plate and Chaos Orb!

Li Zhenwu looked at two things, his sword brows furrowed, petrified on the spot, and did not take it immediately.

"Why give it to me?" he asked.

Hongjun Daozu nodded slightly and said: "Faced with the masters, the rules of heaven can't be resisted. The final result can only be the fragmentation and annihilation of the floods. The only possibility is to defeat the masters."

"And these are the directions for you to become stronger. If you can understand the mystery, it will be the invincible Chaos Starry Sky."

"Wait until you are strong enough, and then defeat me. At that time, there will be a way for Honghuang to not be destroyed."

As the voice fell, the void distorted, and Hong Jun on the high platform had disappeared.

Zixiao Palace suddenly became illusory, gradually faded, and finally returned to nothingness and ceased to exist at all.

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the void, the Chaos Bead and Fortune Jade Plate floating and sinking in front of him, exuding strands of unspeakable Dao rhyme.

After a long time, he held the two items in his hands, and a warm current suddenly appeared all over his body, and his true spirit was instantly clear, just like the sound of the mysterious avenue, which was very miraculous.

"Chaos Pearl and Fortune Jade Plate?"

Li Zhenwu muttered to himself and suddenly grinned.

Unexpectedly, the Chaos Pearl has always been with Hongjun Daozu, and this half of the jade plate of good fortune obviously also has an unparalleled opportunity.

If the split Pangu Axe is integrated again, then Li Zhenwu alone will have the four great treasures of Chaos.

You know, the value of these treasures is absolutely beyond imagination.

What Hongjun can give Li Zhenwu is the will of the rules of heaven and his will. One wants to break free from the rules of heaven, and the other wants not to be destroyed.

Although there is no consciousness of the supervisor, as the rules of the prehistoric world, there is obviously a certain will born in it.

"I didn't expect that when I came back to Hongjun, I would gain so many things. Very good, then I will integrate the Pangu Axe first."

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu stood up and walked away from the void.

A natural forbidden place in the prehistoric world, where saints must be suppressed by rules.

This place is desolate, but it is the gathering place of the source of heaven, and even the saints of the prehistoric do not know.

At this time, Li Zhenwu appeared out of thin air. He sat cross-legged on the ground and waved the Chaos Bell, Taiji Map, and Pangu Pan out.


The three supreme treasures appeared, and they seemed to have some kind of connection.

Li Zhenwu had an illusion in his heart that these three treasures seemed to be expressing joy.

"After being separated for countless years, it is finally time to reintegrate." His eyes were deep and he smiled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhenwu formed a mark with both hands, and made a series of complicated marks in the void. Each mark was blooming with brilliant light, like characters, revolving around the three treasures.

With more and more imprints, the speed is getting faster and faster, this world is gorgeous.


As if there was an invisible suppression, the three treasures, chirping of joy, collided lightly, and then separated with one touch.

I saw in the void, an illusory green lotus with crystal clear emerald green, wrapped the three treasures, and suddenly burst into bright light, reflecting the surrounding green.


Seeing this, Li Zhenwu scolded lightly.

The next moment, the blooming lotus leaves of Qinglian gradually closed, completely enclosing the Chaos Bell, Taijitu, and Pangu Pan.

However, Li Zhenwu's hands kept forming seals, and one after another mysterious Dao pattern penetrated into it, in order to promote the rapid integration of the Heaven-Opening God Axe.

Inside Qinglian, the three treasures rotated at a very fast speed, turning into light and shadow, completely vanishing into nothingness.

Li Zhen's appearance was solemn, his expression was solemn, his eyes were bright, and the speed at which his hands formed seals became faster and faster.

In the end, I saw countless imprints, constantly flying out, densely packed and often terrifying.

I do not know how long it has been.

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