
With a dull loud noise, Qinglian shook violently, and the emerald green color gradually dimmed.

Then, it disappeared completely.

In front of Li Zhenwu, there was an extra dark axe, pitch black as ink, floating in the void, the surrounding space shattered into pieces, unable to withstand the terrifying pressure.

"The axe of the gods is said to be able to split chaos, and no chaos world can withstand its power."

Li Zhenwu's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand to hold it, and the power of Zhenwu surged out, suppressing the violent power.

so perfect!

The axe seemed to be the most perfect piece of art. The whole body was pitch black. It seemed ordinary and ordinary, but it contained unimaginable power.

With this artifact in hand, Li Zhenwu has a feeling that he can split the prehistoric world with just a wave of it.

Chapter [-] Take the initiative to attack!

One of the Four Great Chaos Treasures, the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe was different from the other three in that it represented an attack, the ultimate attack.

It is no exaggeration to say that even a saint cannot control it.

Its power is so powerful that it is immeasurable. Even when Li Zhenwu held it, he felt that his own strength was not enough to exert all its power.

"It's so powerful. If it falls into the hands of others, I'm afraid it can cause fatal damage to me." Li Zhenwu's eyes were solemn and solemn.

If it weren't for the full suppression of his true martial power, the power of the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe would be enough to make this world collapse, attracting the will of Heaven to break it down again.

Li Zhenwu held it like this, until the real spirit had a subtle connection with the divine axe, and then he slowly stood up.

I have to say that this Chaos Treasure with the strongest attack power is truly amazing.

After being separated for countless years, it is re-integrated, and its power needs to be tested.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu suddenly raised his head, his eyes were sharp, as if he could see through the sky and freeze on the warship in the chaotic starry sky.

"It's time to take action, otherwise I really think that they can't help them." He sneered, and then the figure vacated, and instantly rose into the sky.


In the vast chaotic starry sky, countless huge celestial bodies are floating and sinking, slowly surrounding the prehistoric world, constantly rotating, as if being involved by some invisible force.

The three warships dominated by the destruction are at one end of the chaotic starry sky, and the warship dominated by the Great Light is separated by an endless distance.

However, they can see each other to prevent accidents from happening.

No way, since Li Zhenwu appeared, Jue Luo Tiansheng and Biluo Tiansheng have been restless, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger as time goes by.

During the recent period, they used the captured Jade Emperor Haotian to send it back to their hometown, Chaos World.

Of course, a Haotian cannot be divided equally, and can only be sent back to the Lord of Destruction. After all, Jue Luo Tiansheng's shot is obviously of great use.

On this day, Jue Luo Tiansheng and Biluo Tiansheng were separated by a long distance. The two sat cross-legged in the void, looking down at the prehistoric world below.

Suddenly, a palpitating feeling suddenly grew in the bottom of my heart.

"Did you feel it?" Biluo Tiansheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly turned to look at Jue Luo Tiansheng, his face full of incredulity.

Jue Luo Tiansheng nodded and said in a deep voice: "It's a little weird, but it's okay, as long as we delay for thousands of years, after the masters leave the customs, our mission will be completed."

You know, as the messengers of the Chaos Lord, they were sent here, in addition to paving the way, they also have a mission.

That is to prevent it from being discovered by other chaotic worlds, and even to take action against Honghuang.

"I always feel that Li Zhenwu will not give up easily to us, but after a few years, there is no movement, which is really worrying!" Biluo Tiansheng said.

"Hmph, there's no need to worry about a mere ant, but dare to come out, I can kill him thousands of times with a flip of my hand." Jue Luo Tiansheng sneered.

This is not unreasonable. As an invincible strong man under the domination of chaos, he does have arrogant capital.

Ordinary Chaos World Heavenly Dao, they can destroy at will, even if they are stronger, they will not pay attention.

Even some of the more heaven-defying Chaos World Heavenly Dao, for the Heavenly Sage Powerhouse, is at most a little more laborious.

"Turn your hand to kill me?"

At this moment, Li Zhenwu was in high spirits to kill, holding the Heavenly God Axe in his hand, and strode out from the prehistoric world.

Seeing his appearance, Jue Luo Tiansheng and Biluo Tiansheng suddenly stared and stood up, their pupils filled with incredible shock.

Unexpectedly, just after speaking, the other party appeared.


In the distance, the three vast warships dominated by Destruction came at a high speed, with their rungs in front of Jue Luo Tiansheng, and countless weapons aimed at Li Zhenwu's figure one after another.

At the same time, the warship dominated by the great light also followed, and the endless light bloomed and dazzled.

"The aborigines of the Great Wilderness, just because you are also worthy of Lord Tiansheng?" On the boat, dozens of strong saints were shouting, with arrogant attitudes.

"Gaga, there is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell to break in."

"Lord Tiansheng, this ant does not need to be shot, just leave it to us."

"Kill him, come out and kill one..."

On the four warships, countless strong men scolded them one after another, and their postures were reckless.

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