The light suddenly converged, and the chaotic starry sky instantly darkened, as if all the light was instantly chopped up and completely annihilated.

There was no earth-shattering sound, there was no sound, chaos collapsed.

The destructive power spread out from the Heaven-Opening God Axe and touched the battleship in an instant, destroying the dead.

The four vast and boundless warships began to disintegrate in the blink of an eye, turning into dust, floating in the chaotic starry sky, and then being wrapped up in the vast power, and rolled back.


The light of the celestial body was reflected again, and the loud noise began to erupt, dull as thunder, in the distance.

I saw that in the direction of the axe, countless celestial bodies collapsed along the way, turned into dust, and spread all the time, I don't know where to go.

The whole army is destroyed!

All the warships were annihilated in an instant, and the creatures inside were completely turned into dust.


In the distance, Jue Luo Tiansheng and Biluo Tiansheng widened their eyes and looked terrified, feeling unbelievable.

They expected that the divine weapon in Li Zhenwu's hand would be strong, but they never imagined that it would be so strong.

You must know that those warships are made by the master, and they have enough energy to replenish, and they can even compete with some weaker heavenly saints.

However, at this moment, it was completely wiped out by Li Zhenwu.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

For a moment, the two heavenly saints seemed to feel that their hearts were throbbing as if they were angry and shot in the face of the master.

"Li Zhenwu!"

The next moment, Jue Luo Tiansheng and Biluo Tiansheng had ugly faces, gritted their teeth and roared.

No matter how many alien powerhouses die, they will not take it to heart, but if the warship is destroyed, the loss is too heavy.

Even if it is to dominate the refining, it will take countless years, and the materials are so expensive that ordinary heavenly powerhouses simply cannot afford to refine it.

But now, the four warships were gone in an instant.

What a huge loss this is?

Li Zhenwu spit out a mouthful of turbid air, covered by the power of true martial arts, and once again suppressed the power of the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe, then turned his head and looked at the opponent.

The two heavenly saints are invincible existences under their dominion.

In the eyes of many Heavenly Dao powerhouses in Chaos Starry Sky, they would rather encounter Chaos Lord than face the existence of Heavenly Saint.

Because the Chaos Lord has long been invincible, and he has no eye for ants.

But the Heavenly Sages are different. They succumb to the domination of chaos and cannot evolve their own world, so they are relatively evil in terms of mentality.

Even some powerful heavenly saints will slaughter countless chaotic worlds if they disagree.

Just because these alternative supreme beings cannot become the way of heaven.

"Li Zhenwu, how about we make an 877 exchange?"

At this moment, Biluo Tiansheng suddenly spoke, his attitude eased, and there was no killing intent.

When Jue Luo Tiansheng heard this, he couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and then he understood, and he was silent at the moment.

"Deal, what did you guys do with me?" Li Zhenwu said lightly, unmoved.

This attitude made the faces of the two heavenly saints change dramatically, and they felt aggrieved in their hearts, but in order to go further, they could only endure it.

"I can't say that, how about exchanging the safety of Honghuang for the divine weapon in your hand?"

Biluo Tiansheng smiled warmly and said sincerely: "We can hide everything that dominates here, and as a condition, we want the artifact in your hand."

In fact, the Chaos Lord has already known everything here, and is ready to do it himself.

Biluo Tiansheng said that he just saw Li Zhenwu as an aborigines and wanted to deter him.

After all, as long as they wait for the Axe to open the sky, they will leave immediately, and they are sure to escape under the Chaos Master. At that time, they will truly travel the Chaos Starry Sky.

"Are you finished talking nonsense?"

However, Li Zhenwu's words made them instantly angry.

Chapter [-] A strong shot!

Alien Celestial Saints have always had a high-level attitude. At this moment, Li Zhenwu was too lazy to talk nonsense to them, and sneered unmoved.

Any transaction is fake, and it is also true to want to snatch the Heavenly God Axe.

However, the other party has also seen the power of the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe. If they collide with force, they are obviously not sure, so they lowered their posture and wanted to confuse Li Zhenwu.

"You are sure to be our enemy. You must know that when the master arrives, the prehistoric world will not be able to save." Jue Luo Tiansheng said.

"Yes, there is still a chance to trade with us now." Biluo Tiansheng nodded.

However, Li Zhenwu glanced at the other side, the corners of his mouth raised, his face full of sarcasm, and he was too lazy to answer.

"Very good, you are the first person who dared to provoke us. Don't think that you can be rude to Tiansheng if you have an artifact in your hand." Jue Luo Tiansheng's face gradually turned cold.

The aura on his body gradually permeated, causing the surrounding void to tremble, as if the peerless beast was revived, which was very terrifying.

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