Moreover, one after another divine light bloomed, the energy boiled, and burst out in an instant.

The terrifying coercion swept across the sky and covered the sky, and even the creatures in the prehistoric world could clearly feel it.

Ground, Wu Dynasty!

At this moment, countless people looked up at the sky, their eyes horrified, they felt the throbbing of death, as if they were facing Tianwei, their hearts were shaking.


Four figures flew out.

Tongtian Sect Master's face was gloomy, looking at the scene outside the chaotic starry sky, he couldn't help but dignified to the extreme.

"Friends of true martial arts are really scary, but Tiansheng's invincible means are the strongest under his dominion," he said, his heart trembling.

He has been hunted down for countless years in the Chaos Starry Sky. He has seen the methods of Tiansheng from a distance, and if he turns his hand, he can destroy the existence of the Chaos World.

Beside them, Nuwa and the others were startled and worried.

"But don't worry, Zhenwu Daoist actually made a move. Obviously, he is fully prepared. Even if he loses, as long as he returns to the prehistoric world, Tiansheng can't help him." Tongtian Cult Master said.

At the same time, he also blocked the urge of everyone to help out. If they even went out, it would obviously become a burden.

At that time, even if Li Zhenwu was defeated, if he wanted to escape, he would have to worry about them.

Moreover, under the supreme means of Tiansheng, the saints are too far apart and have no effect at all.


Chaos starry sky, war is imminent.

Jue Luo Tiansheng's breath was cold and severe, staring at Li Zhenwu as if he were looking at a dead man.

"Even if you have a chaotic world, in front of me, it is like an ant, and it is the same with an artifact." Biluo Tiansheng said.

His blond hair fluttered, his roots were bright, and the whole person was glowing and dazzling.

A huge breath burst out from the two of them, which can shake the heavens, and the chaotic energy will be instantly annihilated.

This is Tiansheng. Before he can make a move, his breath alone is enough to make the weak Chaos World collapse.

"An ants? Yes, you are ants in my eyes." Li Zhenwu's green robe fluttered, holding the Heavenly God Axe, without fear.

At the same time, the power of true martial arts surged out, passed from the arms to the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe, and a terrifying aura erupted in an instant.

The fighting spirit shocked the world!

At this moment, the chaotic celestial bodies surrounding the prehistoric world are constantly trembling and crumbling, as if they can't bear the vast fighting intent.

In Li Zhenwu's eyes, there was no fear, only a blazing fighting spirit.


As the voice fell, Chaos became violent in an instant, the cyan figure flew away, turned into a ray of light, and directly impacted the past.

Take the initiative!

This powerful fighting intent made the faces of the two Heavenly Saints look ugly, and they couldn't help screaming in the sky.

"The ants dare to provoke me, and they must use blood to wash away their sins." Jue Luo Tiansheng shouted, and the aura of destruction burst out and rushed out first.


In an instant, Kaitian Divine Axe collided with Jue Luo Tiansheng, bursting with extremely powerful power.

However, Li Zhenwu did not use the power of the Heavenly God Axe, but only used it as an ordinary weapon, but the power was still astonishing.

With a swoosh, Jue Luo Tiansheng flew upside down and collided with a celestial body in the distance. Immediately, the behemoth exploded and turned into gorgeous fireworks.

"The artifact is good, but it's a pity that it was used by the ants. It's really a waste."

At this time, Biluo Tiansheng attacked.

He was radiant, covering his whole body, like a giant composed of photons, boundless, and his big hands suppressed it.


Li Zhenwu was not afraid, raised the axe to open the sky, took the initiative to meet it, and fell down with an axe.

The vast energy burst, and the impact caused the surrounding celestial bodies to burst and turned into dust.

As for Li Zhenwu and Biluo Tiansheng, both of them flew out at the same time, and they were shocked by the powerful force, and they were unable to resist.


In the distance, Jue Luo Tiansheng flew out of the dust, his long hair fluttering wildly and violently.

The war broke out, and the three were reckless in the chaotic starry sky. Wherever they passed, all matter would be annihilated.

"No matter how obsessed you are, the prehistoric world can't be preserved." Jue Luo Tiansheng shouted, and turned into a huge skeleton deity like the chaotic universe, shaped like glass, very terrifying.

"Yes, no matter what cards you have, you will be vulnerable in front of the Chaos Master." Biluo Tiansheng is radiant and bright, reflecting the nine heavens and ten places.

The violent and boundless momentum swept across the four directions, and the two faced off against Li Zhenwu one after the other.

"You are just right, I still want to find the so-called master, if they come, I will smash them one by one." Li Zhenwu sneered, very strong.


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