Hearing this, the other three were directly petrified.

Only at this time did they notice that the pitch-black axe that Li Zhenwu was holding was not the axe of the God of Heaven, but what else could it be.

"The Great God Pangu's Axe, the True Martial Daoist really dares to come."

The whole body sect master was stunned and hard to accept. He robbed the treasures of Sanqing in order to integrate the divine axe.

That is a forbidden thing, and it is not tolerated by the way of heaven.

But at this time, Li Zhenwu actually came back from refining, and the power was extremely strong. At this time, the breath of restraint made them all feel a little bit of palpitations.


The sky cracked, and a figure in a green robe descended from the sky.

It was Li Zhenwu.

After he landed, he came to Tongtian Sect Master and others with a dignified expression, and said, "All the alien races in the chaotic starry sky have been wiped out."

"Those alien deterrence is not big, if Chaos Lord takes action, we will not have any chance." Tongtian Cult Master said.

"I'm here, just want to say, from today onwards, all the people in the prehistoric world must cultivate together, and use the shortest time to improve their cultivation."

After he finished speaking, Li Zhenwu exhorted a few more words, and then he was not in the mood to get together, so he turned around and left.

In the emptiness beyond the sky, Li Zhenwu carried the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe on his back and said, "I am afraid that the strength of the Chaos Master is really strong. I have a hunch that I am not an opponent at all."

After fighting with the two heavenly saints, he clearly realized how terrifying the strength of the invincible master of chaos.

You must know that even the Heavenly Saints are so powerful. As their masters, it is not difficult to imagine that their strength is absolutely beyond imagination.

"So you need to defeat me! In other words, defeat Honghuang Tiandao."

From the nothingness outside the sky, there was a faint voice.

Li Zhenwu nodded and suddenly grinned, "Although it is very strong, it is worth my expectation. Give me a thousand years to see if there is a way to defeat you."

After he finished speaking, he flew straight into the sky and flew towards the chaotic starry sky.

"The Four Great Chaos Treasures, which seem to be independent, are actually closely related. You might as well try it out."

In the nothingness behind him, the faint voice of Daozu Hongjun came.

Chapter [-] Millennium Years!

In the depths of the chaotic starry sky, a huge celestial body slowly rotates in the boundless chaos.

On the surface of the celestial body, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged on the ground, the green lotus between his eyebrows was in full bloom, and the three treasures of chaos in front of him slowly floated up and down.

A corner of the fortune-telling jade plate, the divine axe, and the chaotic bead exude a mysterious rhythm, and the green lotus imprint between the eyebrows produces slight fluctuations.

"The Four Great Treasures have a subtle connection, and it seems that they do exist now, but unfortunately the jade plate of good fortune is incomplete. If it is complete, there may be some kind of change."

Li Zhenwu frowned, staring at the three Chaos Treasures, who had been pondering here for decades.

But obviously, just staring like this, the only gain is to confirm what Hongjun Daozu said.

Needless to say, the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe has been clearly understood when it is used. It represents the ultimate attack power, which is very terrifying.

As for the fortune-telling jade plate, Li Zhenwu has also comprehended for a few years, and combined with the experience obtained by Hongjun Daozu, he can guess that it is related to enlightenment.

As for the green lotus between Li Zhenwu's eyebrows, the green lotus that created the world, gave birth to the great god Pangu, and a lotus seed that escaped, evolved into the original universe, which is related to life.

The only chaotic bead, Li Zhenwu couldn't fully understand it. He always felt that there was a hint of familiarity in it, but when he wanted to understand more deeply, the familiar feeling disappeared in an instant.

"Chaos beads contain all kinds of energy. There is only a trace of each kind of energy, but when combined, it exudes majestic power."

Li Zhenwu picked up the Chaos Pearl and watched it carefully, his face was bitter.

The Chaos Bead is only the size of a thumb, and the whole body is crystal clear and gray-black. It can be clearly seen that there are strands of energy flowing in the bead.

"It's strange, the arrangement of each ray of energy is different, and even the attributes are different, what's worth noting?"

This is where Li Zhenwu feels strange. The Chaos Pearl itself is not powerful, but it can rank the four great Chaos Treasures with the Kaitian Divine Axe, which is very strange.

He didn't think the Chaos Pearl in his hand was fake. After all, it was given by Daozu Hongjun, and it was definitely a genuine Chaos Pearl.

It's just that the weirdness in it is hard to understand.

"Forget it, since the Chaos Orb can't be comprehended, let's comprehend the others first."

Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly, put down the Chaos Orb, and then changed the jade plate of good fortune to comprehend.

Time passed, and three hundred years passed in a flash.

On this day, Li Zhenwu squeezed the Chaos Orb again, and the energy inside still roamed in an orderly manner, emitting a weak energy.

"It's still the same, it seems that the familiarity was an illusion." Li Zhenwu frowned.

At the beginning, he sensed a sense of familiarity from the Chaos Orb, but it soon disappeared.

After so many years, that feeling has never appeared again, which has to make Li Zhenwu think that it was an illusion.


At this moment, the Chaos Bead trembled slightly, and the familiar feeling was instantly transmitted from it.

Li Zhenwu's eyes brightened, his mind was immersed, and he wanted to observe, but unfortunately, the familiar feeling disappeared again.

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