As if it had never appeared before, it returned to its original appearance again.

"How could this be, that feeling is too familiar, not an illusion, but I can't remember it." Li Zhenwu frowned.

This time, Li Zhenwu decided to focus on observing the Chaos Orb, and put everything else aside.

That feeling was so familiar that it gave him the illusion that it was the ultimate he had been pursuing.

Next, hundreds of years passed again.

There are more than [-] years left before the thousand-year deadline.

Li Zhenwu closed his eyes and held the Chaos Bead tightly, all his thoughts were immersed in it.

Suddenly, the beads trembled slightly, and the familiar feeling was transmitted from the inside again.

This time, Li Zhenwu was prepared, and his mind entered it in an instant, and then he was shocked beyond words.

I saw that inside the Chaos Bead, strands of energy were intertwined and arranged according to some mysterious trajectory, when it reached a critical point.

The next moment, strands of different energies mutated.

"It turns out, no wonder it feels so familiar."

Soon, the familiar feeling disappeared, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes again, and there was an undisguised excitement on his face.

The mutation occurred, and for a moment, the energies of different attributes merged in an instant, and then separated again, forming a mysterious and mysterious fluctuation.

The way of true martial arts!

Li Zhenwu can be quite sure that it is the way of true martial arts, a process of evolution, but it is more systematic and mysterious than the way of true martial arts.

If it is said that the way of true martial arts created by Li Zhenwu is the first generation, then the evolution of the system inside the Chaos Pearl is many generations higher, and even extends infinitely.

Because it is so perfect.

The same is true of true martial arts, Li Zhenwu is very clear about its value, the energy purpose of the fusion of the two is the same, but his method is superficial and complicated.

The evolution inside the Chaos Bead perfectly solves any difficulties.

The wandering changes of strands of energy can be very clear, and when a certain critical point is reached, fusion will occur.

"Haha, I understand, the four different paths of attack, creation, comprehension, and fusion are the real four great treasures of chaos."

Li Zhenwu screamed in the sky and laughed very happily, like a child who wanted to get a gift, very happy.

The four great treasures of chaos, they represent every kind of road, but the Chaos Bell can integrate all the roads into a new kind of road.

That is the way of true martial arts.

"Whether it is the axe of opening the sky, or the jade plate of good fortune, or even the creation of Qinglian, they are all independent individuals, but the Chaos Clock is a key node in the integration of all the ways. If you can understand it, you can integrate all the Taos together. , that's the real source."

Li Zhenwu suddenly stood up with a smile on his face.

The source, that is the existence beyond the chaos, that is a higher level of time and space, and it is also the height that the masters of chaos look up to.

And Li Zhenwu has long been able to derive the most basic source.

Now, he wants to derive the most perfect source, which is the way of true martial arts that he has always followed.

Chapter [-] There is still an opportunity!


In the depths of the chaos, a celestial body exploded, and the powerful power swept all directions.

A figure was embarrassed and flew out of the billowing dust. Looking at the celestial body that was blown into dust, he couldn't help smiling wryly.

"It's still a little bit different. Is it really necessary to defeat the Great Desolate Heaven?"

Li Zhenwu showed his thoughts, but he was still a little reluctant to accept it.

The thousand-year period has passed, and his harvest is very large. It can be said that the four great treasures of chaos have made the way of true martial arts enter a process of rapid sublimation.

But if you want to reach the perfect level, it is obviously still a little short.

And that trace is obviously what Hongjun Daozu said, defeating him, that is, the prehistoric way of heaven, at that time, is the real completeness.

That is the meaning of the deity of Hongjun, and it is also the meaning of heaven, and the purpose of both is the same.

Hongjun wanted to get out of the way of heaven, so he hoped that Li Zhenwu could defeat him, and the way of heaven had a premonition of his own catastrophe, and hoped that Li Zhenwu could defeat him, so as to preserve the perfect rules.

No matter what, I hope that Li Zhenwu will become stronger, and the stronger the better.

Now, Li Zhenwu is indeed much stronger, and he clearly feels that when the power of Zhenwu is used, he can easily exert the power of Heavenly Sage.

If you are a little more serious, Tiansheng can be wiped out.

"When the time is up, then return to Honghuang and fight with Hongjun, which is inevitable."

Li Zhenwu muttered to himself, followed by a flick of the figure, and instantly disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already outside the prehistoric world.

At this time, a quaint figure appeared out of thin air, quietly standing in front of Li Zhenwu.

He was dressed in a simple Taoist robe, and he was at ease, standing in the void like this, seemingly ordinary, but it was impossible to ignore.


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