"Do you really have to make a move?" Li Zhenwu tilted his head and asked.

"It seems that you have made a breakthrough. I can feel that you have the capital to threaten the prehistoric way of heaven, but that alone is not enough." Hong Jun said lightly.


Immediately afterwards, a huge roulette with black and white surface, reversed yin and yang, suspended in the depths of the chaotic starry sky.

The Heavenly Dao Falun is a magical weapon derived from the rules of the Heavenly Dao. It can be said that it basically represents the strength of the Heavenly Dao.

Its power is terrifying, it can reverse yin and yang, and reverse time and space.

Even if the Six Paths of Reincarnation is destroyed, if Heavenly Dao wishes, it can be replaced by the Heavenly Dao Falun.

In ancient times, the strength of the Four Sages such as Taishang Laojun skyrocketed, which was bestowed by the Falun of Heaven, which was the embodiment of the rules and the magic weapon of Hongjun.

"If that's the case, then don't blame me for hitting hard."

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu's eyes were blazing, containing a strong fighting spirit.

That's how he is. When he encounters a strong man, he has no fear, but instead wants to fight happily.


The words fell, and the Heaven-Opening God Axe appeared, slashing down towards the Falun of the Heavenly Dao.

The void trembled, chaos annihilated, and the light disappeared in an instant.

An invisible ripple emanated from the blade of the axe, and the attacking power exploded in an instant.


The two collided, the energy surged, and the full-length space-time was completely annihilated.

The surface of the prehistoric world is densely covered with runes, blocking the aftermath of the energy and preventing the creatures of the prehistoric world from suffering.

"You are already very strong." Hong Jun smiled lightly, his indifferent eyes containing a trace of expectation.

"The Dao of the Wilderness and Heaven is indeed extraordinary, but the Axe of the Heavens is not a vegetarian, continue."

Li Zhenwu shouted, his body swept away, took the initiative to take action, and once again used the Heavenly God Axe to start the lore method.

You must know that what Li Zhenwu is facing now is Hongjun and the way of heaven. Li Zhenwu does not dare to be careless. He can only use the strongest means to have a glimmer of hope.


The Falun of Heaven revolves, the yin and yang of the void are chaotic, and the river of time is chaotic, and countless creatures are floating and sinking in it.

It was the real time, and some powerful creatures wanted to break free from the river.

Among them, a huge creature that occupies a long time is struggling, that is Hongjun, and there are some true spirits of saints.

This scene is spectacular and touching.


In the void outside the prehistoric world, explosions sounded continuously, echoing in the nine days, shocking all spirits in the world...

It was the real battle of heaven, and the power was terrifying, making all living beings tremble with fear.

Even the four saints who were sealed felt the threat of death, as if their souls would be extinguished if they were not careful.

"It's terrifying, is Li Zhenwu fighting with the teacher?" Master Tongtian and the others looked up, their faces turning pale.

"Why is this happening?" Zhen Yuanzi trembled and couldn't believe it.

Countless years have passed, and Li Zhenwu can actually be strong enough to challenge the way of heaven. This is such a peerless demeanor, it is simply a heaven-defying existence.

"I feel that they are not really fighting, but are trying to achieve a certain goal, which should be related to the future catastrophe of the flood." Saint Nuwa said coldly.

Hou Tu nodded in affirmation, because Li Zhenwu did not sense any murderous aura, but his fighting spirit was awe-inspiring.

Of course, the most important thing is that they understand each other and don't believe that the other party will cause the floods to fall into catastrophe. Maybe they are fighting with the heavens now to deal with flood disasters in the future.

Thinking of this, the four saints fell silent.

They looked at the chaos outside the sky, where it was very terrifying, all kinds of light were swallowed up and turned into complete darkness. 4.7

Countless creatures on the ground felt sensations, and their souls were throbbing, as if they had encountered the catastrophe of destruction, which made them clearly sense the situation outside the sky.

"True martial arts, do you already have the strength of Heavenly Dao?" Ancestor Ming He's face was full of surprise.

It's so terrifying, I can't believe it, what happened to that alien over the years to be so powerful.

The people of the Wu Dynasty were also shocked, and many people were startled.

"Teacher, have we reached a height that we can't look up to?" Huang Di looked up at the sky with a hint of excitement in his eyes. Could true martial arts really reach the level of heaven?

No one knows, but at this time, countless creatures in the prehistoric wilderness are looking for the Taoism passed down by Li Zhenwu, and want to practice that unpredictable method.

Chapter [-] Battle with Heaven!


Outside the prehistoric world, various energies boiled, intertwined with terrifying coercion, causing countless celestial bodies in the chaotic starry sky to lose their brilliance in an instant.

Three hundred years!

This battle took a full three hundred years, and there was no winner yet.

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