"Friend help me!"

Suddenly, Hongjun roared, and the Falun of Heaven in his hand flew out and attacked Li Zhenwu.

He didn't want to shoot, but Tiandao's will couldn't resist.

You must know that after merging with the rules of the prehistoric way of heaven, Hongjun can't resist the will of the way of heaven at all, and is very passive.

At this time, seeing that he had a chance to detach, he immediately made a final struggle, but he was also attacked.

Chapter [-] Above Chaos!

Seeing the giant's actions, Li Zhenwu was stunned, and the whole person was stunned.

As the Tao of Heaven in the chaotic world, for the creatures in its own world, it has always been high above, overlooking the survival of ants.

The giant giant annihilated the chaotic world he created, returned to its origin, and made its own strength rise again, strange and powerful.

At this moment, his body skyrocketed, as vast as a chaotic celestial body. The skin lines on his body were complicated and mysterious, his eyes were red, and his breath was terrifying, as if the heavenly might had descended.

"This feeling is really wonderful!" The Heavenly Dao giant grinned, his fangs were ferocious and terrifying, and the complex lines on his body surface were shining brightly, and wisps of Heavenly Dao breath permeated out.

very scary!

Being put into Li Zhenwu's sleeve, Emperor Bai Shaohao felt that his soul was fighting, his mind was blank, and his thoughts were frozen.

"Master, is there danger in the outside world?" Rao was so, he still thought about Li Zhenwu, and asked a voice transmission.

Outside, Li Zhenwu's eyes were blazing with endless fighting spirit, and he whispered to himself: "What a strong and complete world of heaven, but unfortunately, there is still a big gap with the heaven I once faced."

He said that he faced the Dao of Heaven at the time when he was punished by the rules of the Dao of Heaven after reversing the cause and effect of the prehistoric world.

Compared with the Heavenly Dao giant in front of him, it is at least several levels higher.

Now, in Li Zhenwu's eyes, there is only infinite fighting intent, and his soul is in the war.

"Are you ready to be swallowed by me?" Li Zhenwu said coldly, exuding supreme fighting intent, almost turning into substance.

On the opposite side, the Heavenly Dao Giant was slightly stunned, and then his face was full of anger, and he shouted: "How dare you disturb this seat's aftertaste, it seems that you are impatient with your life, no matter what source creature you are or above Chaos, I will kill you now. ."

As he spoke, the void split open, and the vast and gigantic Heavenly Dao giant with terrifying speed came to Li Zhenwu's head in an instant.


The Heavenly Dao giant opened his big hands, and from top to bottom, he shrouded Li Zhenwu, covering the chaotic starry sky, as if a world was suppressing him.

This is terrifying!

Not to mention saints, I am afraid that those heavenly saints should be treated with caution.

After all, the Heavenly Dao powerhouses that can be dispatched by the Lord are not comparable to ordinary chaotic worlds, but they are comparable to Heavenly Saints.


Li Zhenwu snorted coldly, and was not afraid, the green lotus on his body was in full bloom, wrapped around him, and raised his fist to meet him.


The two collided, chaos agitated, and the power swept across the starry sky.

This starry sky was blown up and turned into nothingness, directly annihilating chaos, and the scene was terrifying to the extreme.

The Heavenly Dao giant never imagined that Li Zhenwu, who was like an ant, had such a terrifying power, and was instantly furious.

However, the power of true martial arts seems to have restraint on the giant of heaven, and every punch can make him fly upside down, and there is no power to fight back.

"How is it possible, such a weak source, how could it be my opponent?" The Heavenly Dao giant roared, unable to believe it, and even felt terrified.

This situation is too abnormal, beyond common sense.

You must know that in the chaotic starry sky, the existence above the Dao of Heaven is the supreme ruler, but if you want to kill the Dao of Heaven at their level, you can't be as fierce as Li Zhenwu.


The fist fell, bursting with surging power, disintegrating the origin of the Heavenly Dao, and directly hitting the origin core of the Heavenly Dao Giant.

In the end, the Heavenly Dao Giant couldn't bear it, and was smashed away by Li Zhenwu with a punch. There was only a ball of light, emitting a hazy brilliance, floating in the chaos.

That is heaven!

The complete and flawless way of heaven can already evolve into a chaotic world.

It is as big as a grinding disc, transparent, crystal clear, glowing with light, as magnificent as jade.

"Now that I have come this far, although I have encountered numerous obstacles, I have also gained a lot. These sources of heaven are the nutrients of my original universe." Li Zhenwu's eyes brightened, and he reached out and caught the ball of light.


The power of true martial arts poured out, and the source of the Tao of Heaven, which was the size of a grinding disc, was suddenly refined.

After many tests, Li Zhenwu's current power of true martial arts seems to be more pure, and the attack power and amplitude have reached a limit.

For example, right now, the source of the Dao of Heaven, which is the size of a refining millstone, is rapidly disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the first time, it took several days to refine the fist, but now, it has obviously improved a lot.


Soon, the source of the Dao of Heaven, the size of the millstone, was refined and refined.

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