Li Zhenwu's body was full of azure light, and the azure lotus between his eyebrows was swaying, becoming more and more emerald green, delicate and glamorous, as crystal clear as emeralds.

"It feels so powerful. Now I seem to have the power of Daozu Hongjun." He clenched his fists, feeling the restlessness of the power in his body, and his face was full of excitement.

Not only that, but after a little observation, it was found that the original universe had also skyrocketed a lot.

The creatures inside also follow Li Zhenwu's strengthening, and thus continue to evolve. The strongest monk in the primordial universe is now able to reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

If it is swallowed all the time, I am afraid that it is possible to surpass the prehistoric world.

"Well, the source above Chaos?" Suddenly, Li Zhenwu got some useful information from the source of the Tao.

Above the chaos, is the realm that the supreme rulers yearn for. In the chaotic universe, it belongs to the legendary realm.

According to legend, above chaos is the source of everything, so it is called 'source'.

In the vast chaotic starry universe, it has never appeared, so it is unknown whether it is true or false.

However, the source power was undoubtedly discovered by the supreme masters, so there was speculation above chaos.

"It turns out that it seems that the ultimate of my true martial arts path may be to embark on this supreme path, thereby surpassing the entire chaos."

Li Zhenwu's face was full of joy, as if he had found the ultimate path for his own evolution.

"Well? Encirclement and suppress the prehistoric world?"

The next moment, Li Zhenwu's face changed drastically, and his eyes burst out with a strong murderous intent.

In that group of the source of the Dao of Heaven, he got the information about the flood, and the supreme master has already dispatched a strong man to go to the flood.

Chapter [-] Break free and achieve true martial arts!

In the prehistoric world, all spirits raised their heads and looked at the sky, the sky and the earth had changed color, violent storms, and visions appeared frequently.

Even the golden light of merit keeps coming, and there are some treasures of heaven and earth buried in the ground.

The whole world is in chaos at this moment, and the natural scene is impermanent, as if the end is coming.

However, none of the sentient beings responded. They looked up at the sky, stared at the chaos outside the sky, calmed down in their hearts, and waited for the final result.

Even the saints looked solemn and solemn at this time, not knowing what the outcome would be.

I don't know how long it took, the heaven and earth disappeared abnormally, and calm was restored.

At this time, outside the chaotic starry sky, there was a dazzling light, and a vast and boundless ball of light emerged from the long river of time. The suppression there disappeared, and Hong Jun was able to break free.

And that ball of light contained an inexplicable will, and strands of Dao rhyme permeated it, which was very terrifying.

"Is this the Dao of the Wilderness? There is already a weak will. If there is enough time, I am afraid that there will be self-consciousness. At that time, it will be equivalent to a new life form." Li Zhenwu looked at the ball of light and muttered to himself. .

The next moment, the green lotus blooming behind him, swaying, slowly came to the light ball, and the lotus leaves gathered and wrapped it.

In the distance, the Heavenly Dao Falun had collapsed, and Hongjun was disheveled, but there was a smile on his face, smiling happily, and he was finally freed.

"Haha, I finally broke free. From now on, I am truly free." He smiled lightly, even if he was in a mess, he was still free and easy and ethereal.

He was very happy, and Yuanyuan had it in his hands, but he couldn't compare the joy of freedom.

In the distance, Li Zhen Wu Baoxiang was solemn, and he was concentrating on refining the prehistoric realm, and he knew nothing about the outside world.

But at this moment, all the spirits of the prehistoric world felt a spiritual change, the world has changed, not the feeling they were familiar with before.

"This, Zhenwu he..." Nuwa and Houtu opened their mouths, full of disbelief.

It was really shocking. As saints, they felt a familiar feeling coming from their true spirit, which was Li Zhenwu's breath.

In other words, now the souls of the saints are gradually transformed from the original way of heaven to Li Zhenwu, which means that Li Zhenwu has mastered the souls of the saints and can be annihilated at will.

"Ah... God is unfair, how could this be?"

"Haha, I knew this earlier, why was it in the first place, now we are prisoners, and we can't resist at all." I

"The way of heaven is immortal, and the saints are immortal, but now, it is easy to kill us."

"Anita Buddha, goodness has good rewards. Since I am wrong, let's repay the past retribution with silence!"

The four saints who were sealed looked desolate. They did not expect that their fate would be changed in just a thousand years.

At the beginning, because of the saint's reliance, it is useless now.


The next moment, the prehistoric world shook, and all spirits knelt down, extremely respectful.

At this time, the world has completely changed, and at this moment, the people feel that they have broken free from something, and their minds are very relaxed.

"I am a true martial artist. Now I will divide the three realms so that I can supervise the common people. When you achieve the highest level, you can break away from the world and travel through chaos."

Suddenly, a grand voice resounded between heaven and earth, and all creatures could clearly hear it.

Immediately afterwards, the world began to change, and all spirits were teleported to different places. The prehistoric world gradually merged with the original universe, but was isolated.

Li Zhenwu re-divided the three realms. The original universe was the realm of mortals, which was all-encompassing. All creatures below the immortals were transferred there.

If you reach the Earth Immortal in the mortal world, you will be able to ascend through calamity and then reach the Immortal World, which is the original prehistoric world.

Immortals live forever, but they are not immortal. After reaching the Golden Immortal, they can soar to another realm here.

This realm is called the realm of the gods.

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