"Let's see Gaara of Sand Ninja Village."

Saying that, the pharmacist injected chakra into the recognition card, and the content immediately appeared on the recognition card.

Then the pharmacist read out the data on the forbearance card: "Task experience, eight times for C-level, and one for B-level. It's very powerful. Just under the tolerance, I have already performed a thousand-level B-level task."

Yao Shidou raised his head and said, "Because he is a ninja from another village, there is no more detailed information. However, there is another piece of information about him."

The pharmacist pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose and said, "When he went out to perform the task, every time he was unharmed!"

"Genin performed a B-level mission and was still unscathed?" Nara Shikamaru was a little surprised.

"This guy is so powerful! I don't know who is more powerful than Xiao Li." Naruto said to himself.

Sasuke was silent and thoughtful.

And Yao Shidou had already drawn out a ninja card again, injected his own chakra, and a map appeared on it.

"This is the number of people who came to take the Chunin Exam this time, and their origins." After speaking, the pharmacist read out: "Konoha, Sand, Rain, Grass, Taki, Sound, and Body."

"In this year's Chunin exam, all the excellent geunin from these ninja villages came here to take the exam." The pharmacist pushed his glasses: "Among them, the sound ninja village is a small country ninja village that was established in the past few years, and the body ninja village is the same. Therefore, there is not much information about the ninjas of these two ninja villages."

"But there's no doubt about it." Yakushi put away all his Ninja Cards: "These are all the best ninjas in the village."

"Yinnin Village, isn't it the few people who were sneaking up in the trees before?" Naruto looked back, and in the big classroom, he found the trio of Yinnin Village.

"We know some information about the body ninja village. The three ninjas they came are all very powerful, and none of them seem to be worse than Li Luo!"

Sasuke spoke calmly.

"That's right." Naruto nodded in agreement.

"What, isn't this growing other people's ambition?" Ino couldn't help but said.

"That's not the case, Ino." Sakura spoke, and she slowly shook her head: "During our last mission, we met with the Ninja Village by chance, and we completed a mission together."

"During this mission, we all saw with our own eyes that the trio of Tino Ninja Village, just the three of them, killed the defection from the Kirigen Ninja Village, Jōnin Zaibu!"

"Nani? Killed a Jōnin?" Inuzuka Tooth's eyes widened in disbelief.

"What? They still have such a record?" Yao Shidou was also slightly surprised, but he said to himself: "It seems that it is necessary to add such a piece of information, in Ti Nin Village, three Xia Nin can actually kill the famous The fog hidden ghost will not be cut again..."

Sasuke added calmly from the side: "Sakura is right, we have played against each other before. I joined forces with Naruto, but only with Shiro, one of them, and barely made a draw."

Sasuke's words immediately made the information more convincing, and Konoha Jiu Xiaoqiang was silent.

Just in their hearts, they all firmly remembered the name of the body ninja village.

And the three Bai and other people who were eavesdropping quietly on the side, quietly glanced at each other, a little innocent.

Why are you talking about the story of Lord Zhenwu? It's a good story, but suddenly it's about them?

(Ask for automatic subscriptions.)

Chapter [-] Jiraiya! (Second more)

Then, the Chunin Exam continued.

The first test was a difficult written test, and the examiner for this first test was Ibishi Mori.

In the first exam, he was played by Mori Ibixi, and he continued to use psychological tactics to eliminate many candidates.

At the end of the exam, Naruto passed the game by mistake.

And the team of the body ninja village passed the competition by their own means.

Bai directly finished all the questions, Lan Wan's eyes were slightly red, and he used his red eyes to get the correct answer.

On the other hand, Junma Lu passed his own blood and bone veins, and also got Bai's answer.

Among the three of them, Bai is good at written knowledge the most.And Ranmaru and Junmarou...

During the first exam, Kakashi sat with Yuhika and Asma in the village and outside the exam room. Because Asma said that the examiner for the first exam was Sennei Ibiza, Kakashi was a little confused. dignified.

And somewhere in Konoha, Li Zhenwu looked in the direction of the examination room, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Even if I didn't give them any hints, the three of them should be able to pass the first exam easily."

After the first written test, the next day, a ninja who participated in the Chunin selection test came to the test room for the real estate test.

A place called the Forest of Death.

Before starting the competition, Mitarai Anko pulled out a stack of consent forms from his pocket with a smile.

"You need to sign this consent form before the game starts."

"What consent?" someone asked.

"Death consent." Mitarai Hongdou said with a heartless smile: "Because someone will die next, so you have to sign the consent in advance, otherwise I will be in trouble, haha."

The voice fell, and there was a dignified atmosphere in the ninja group.

Then, Mitarai Red Bean explained the rules of the second exam, and the second exam officially started.

On the fifth day of the second exam, Mitarai Anko found Hokage with a solemn look and reported something.

"What? Orochimaru?"

"Orochimaru's purpose is that Uchiha's child?"

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