The brows of the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan furrowed tightly.

"Yes, Naruto-sama, we should stop the Chunin exams, protect the safety of the students, and then we must find Orochimaru!" Mitarai Anko put forward her own suggestion with a gloomy face.

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hizhan considered for a long time, shook his head, and slowly said his decision: "Continue the game."

The second Chunin selection exam was over, especially the preliminaries for the final superstar, where half of the contestants were eliminated, so that in the end only a few ninjas entered the final official exam.

In the official exam, it is still a month away, so within this month, many ninjas can still have their own improvement stage and room for self-cultivation, so that in the official exam, they can use the best state for the last game. Exams in front of important figures from various countries!

Naruto and Sasuke were both scheduled to participate in the final improvement training.

The body ninja village trio also became more relaxed, just waiting to participate in the final official finals.

Because the three of them all passed the qualifiers for the second exam and entered the final stage.

Naruto was entrusted to Huibis to teach, and Kakashi gave Sasuke a special training himself.

When Huibis was teaching Naruto, he accidentally discovered Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas.

And Jiraiya personally took over the task of special training for Naruto.

On the night of discovering Jiraiya, Naruto fell into a drowsy sleep, and Jiraiya was alone on the outdoor rooftop, and said lightly, "Come out."

His voice fell, and Huibis appeared with a pair of sunglasses.

"Ji, Jiraiya-sama!" Huibis recognized Jiraiya, so when Jiraiya taught Naruto, he did not show up.

"Sure enough, you have already recognized me." Zilai also said lightly.

"Yes, Lord Jiraiya, for so many years, the three generations of Hokage have kept us looking for you." Huibis was a little excited when he saw Jiraiya, because Sannin has a great reputation and is a kind of kind in Konoha. legend.

"So, you didn't tell Hokage about my news, did you?" Jiraiya asked.

"Not yet, but sir, you only returned to the village for the sake of Orochimaru."

Huibis replied, asking rhetorically.

"No, I just passed by here for the material of the novel." Jiraiya folded his arms: "I don't like getting involved in trouble."

"What are you talking about? You should know that if you want to stop Orochimaru, one of the legendary three ninjas, you can only use your strength, who is also one of the three ninjas! Lord Jiraiya!"

"That's not necessarily true. I'm going back to Konoha for the time being just for the novel." Jiraiya's face was calm, and people couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

"Moreover, if you really want to stop Orochimaru, there is a 'junior brother' I have never met who should be able to do it." Zilai also said lightly: "Why don't you seek his help?"

"You mean Lord Zhenwu?" Huibis said with a slight sigh: "Indeed, if Lord Zhenwu was in the village, he would surely be able to stop Orochimaru."

"However, since Lord Zhenwu left the village many years ago, the entire village has lost news of him for a long time!"

(Some people say that I am in the water plot? The protagonist is playing soy sauce. Originally, I wanted to slowly show all the different things that happened in this Chunin exam because of the influence of the protagonist's previous column. But since someone said that, I will speed up this paragraph, but , I will finish writing other plots of the Chunin exam, and I will post it in the episode later, and it will be updated from time to time. Everyone can watch it for free, so friends who want to watch the Chunin exam don't have to worry, you can watch the episode update later!)

Chapter [-] Moonlight Blast! (third more)

On the night of the full moon, Yakushidou and Shangnin Maji of Sand Ninja Village were under the same room. They looked at the roof of a building opposite, where Gaara just didn’t restrain the power of Shouhe in his body, and he was overwhelmed by the sound of his voice. Nintos blasted.

"Is there really no problem with this? He is from the Ninja Village." Ma Jichi from Sand Ninja Village and Gaara's mentor asked, because the current Sand Ninja Village is still an ally with the Ninja Village.

"It doesn't matter, because he's already useless." Beside Maki, the pharmacist said indifferently.

But hiding in the corner behind the two of them eavesdropping, Moonlight Gale, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, was startled: "How could this pharmacist pocket appear~ here?"

"I'm still..."

Jōnin Maki of Sand Ninja Village began to talk to Yakushi Tou-.

But Moonlight Blast, who was secretly listening behind him, slowly understood.

The pharmacist pocket turned out to be an undercover agent from the Yinyin Ninja Village!And it is an undercover agent known as the other hand of Orochimaru.

Moreover, Maki also heard the cooperation plan between the two of them.

The more Moonlight Blast heard, the more frightened he became, and his color slowly changed: "No, I have to report to Hokage quickly."

Moonlight Gale, who had just given the intention to retreat, but hadn't acted yet, suddenly heard the conversation between Maki and Yakushitou.

"One more thing." This was the voice of the pharmacist Duo suddenly said: "Leave the cleanup work to me."

Yueguang Gale stopped at his feet and cried out inwardly, "I've been discovered!"

"No, leave it to me to deal with it. Sand Yin from the Land of Wind has to help his companions. Besides... it's just a little mouse, it's very easy."

There was cold sweat on Yueguang Gale's face, and he was already convinced that he had been found, so he hurriedly bent his legs and jumped to escape from here.

However, it didn't take long to escape, on a roof, the figure of Sand Ninja Murakami Maki suddenly appeared in front of him.

Moonlight Blast quickly backed away, cold sweat on his face.

"Isn't this the invigilator of the Chunin Exam? Why did he appear here? Is there something wrong?" Maki said.

"It seems that I have to do it." Moonlight Gale suppressed his panic, put his hand behind him, placed it on the handle of the knife, held it, and slowly pulled it out.

At the same time, Moonlight Blast slightly stretched out his hand and made a gesture.

The next moment, the moonlight blast had already rushed out.

While sprinting and sprinting, Moonlight Blast whispered slightly:

"Konoha-ryu-Dance of the Three Suns and Moons!"

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