"Wait, stop."

At this moment, an ethereal figure emerged, blocking the way of the army that destroyed the world.

It was Hongjun in a floating robe, standing in the void, isolating the army of destruction. One person was hostile to dozens of heavenly saints and hundreds of saints, as well as countless quasi-sages.

As soon as he made a move, he annihilated a large army of destruction, and even pressed Tiansheng and the saints to fight, so strong that they were a mess.

Just one person is enough to resist the army of billions of powerhouses that destroy the world.

"Haha, the master is just like that."

On the other side, Li Zhenwu held the Heavenly God Axe, and under the siege of the two masters, he was able to handle it with ease.


The divine axe fell, annihilating any energy directly, and after hitting the Lord of Destruction, it smashed him out.

This battle was very terrifying. The three of them walked while fighting, away from the army, and directly hit the edge of the chaotic starry sky. Countless celestial bodies were destroyed and turned into dust.

"What kind of weapon is this?" Destroyer Lord was furious. After being hit by the axe, even the source throbbed, making him startled and angry.

"We want it." The great light dominates Yangtian Changxiao, very strong, and wants to snatch it with one hand.


Li Zhenwu quickly retreated, opened a distance, and stared at them with a cold face.

Immediately after, the Chaos Orb flew out, spun around in the void, and was clenched tightly by Li Zhenwu, who directly smashed it into pieces.

"The ultimate way is to transcend chaos." Li Zhenwu said in a low voice with cold eyes.

On the opposite side, the Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Great Light couldn't help but stunned a little when they heard the words, but they attacked again soon, and they were too strong.

"How dare you be distracted in front of this seat?" The Master of Destruction sneered, his eyes cruel.

He opened his big hand, and a very strong black light erupted, and the aura of destruction permeated, very terrifying.


Opening the heavenly axe, Li Zhenwu also flew backwards under their attack.

"Generally speaking, I now feel that the ten thousand Taos will be merged." He pondered for a while, a smile appeared on his face, and he smiled very happily.

The next moment, there was a roar in the body, and a breath of ancient times, like the beginning of chaos, permeated directly.

"This is?" The Great Bright Lord was shocked and couldn't believe it.

That is the source, the height that the two masters have been pursuing for a long time, and now, it is exuding from Li Zhenwu, how ironic this is.

"Are you Origin Soul?" The Destruction Master widened his eyes, feeling incredible.

Li Zhenwu's black hair was flying, and he held the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe in one hand, his eyes were cold, and he stared at each other like this.

The next moment, chaos appeared abnormal, and the majestic energy, centered on Li Zhenwu, swept the entire chaotic starry sky, and instantly made all living beings freeze in place.

hum hum...

The chaotic starry sky shook violently, quite spiritual, and seemed to be struggling, but could not break free.

Even the two chaotic masters seemed to be in a quagmire at this time, their movements were extremely slow, and they seemed to be suppressed by invisible rules. Their eyes were full of horror, and they felt unbelievable...


This is the only thought of the two masters.

"Hunyuan Avenue, above Chaos, is that the entrance to the source?" Li Zhenwu held the Heavenly God Axe and looked up at the void, with a sneer on his face.

The next moment, the entire chaotic starry sky wailed, and strands of Tao wailed, as if crying, not daring to approach Li Zhenwu's side.

"Treading the avenues under your feet and breaking through the chaos is the beginning and the end of everything!"

Li Zhenwu slowly raised his hand, raised the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe, and poured into it the perfect power of true martial arts, and the ultimate attack power exploded.

"Do not……"

In the distance, the two chaotic masters widened their eyes, their bodies were hard to move, and their faces were full of unwillingness.

But unfortunately, the Heaven-Opening God Axe fell, chaos collapsed, celestial bodies turned into dust, all living beings ceased to exist, and all matter was annihilated in an instant.

Endless void, no time, no matter, nothing.

Li Zhenwu stood like this, but his eyes gradually brightened, because he sensed that a green lotus was blooming in his body, but inside was a vast and boundless chaotic starry sky.

"Is this the source? A higher-level world." In the surrounding void, there was no energy at all, but Li Zhenwu didn't care. With a flick of the figure, he flew away and flew towards a sense of life fluctuation.

The chaotic world is wrapped by Qinglian, and the souls who once died in battle have been reversed and returned.

Here, Li Zhenwu is an invincible existence, who can travel through time at will, go back to the past, and move towards the future.

〇⑨ Datang!

Chapter 1 Entering the Tang Dynasty

"The source is the circle, only perfection. Without the integration of edges and corners, the circle will become." Li Zhenwu muttered to himself there.

"Attack, create, comprehend, and fuse. How can the Chaos Clock integrate these four perfectly?" At this time, the fluctuations on Li Zhenwu's body were getting bigger and bigger, and there were many stars in the surrounding Chaos starry sky. Under the pressure of the stock, it began to deviate from the original running track.

Li Zhenwu, who was getting more and more irritable, suddenly raised his aura to the maximum. With a few bangs, a dozen stars were crushed by Li Zhenwu's aura.

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