"Li Zhenwu, wake up." A faint and solemn voice came from afar. It turned out that Daozu Hongjun came.Because of Li Zhenwu's reasons, several stars were broken, which seriously damaged the origin of the prehistoric wilderness, so the Dao of Heaven came to Hongjun Daozu to stop Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu plunged into the Dao, and there is a danger of Daoism. The voice of Daozu made Li Zhenwu seem to have been knocked at this time. He suddenly woke up, looked up and found that Hongjun Daozu was in front of him. This Hongjun The Taoist ancestor seemed to be more majestic and indifferent. Li Zhenwu now understood that the Taoist ancestor in front of him was both Hongjun and the Tao of Heaven.

"Thank you Heavenly Dao." Li Zhenwu raised his hand and bowed.

The cold voice of Tiandao sounded again in Li Zhenwu's ears: "I lost a dozen stars, you need to make up for it." After saying that, he floated away.

Li Zhenwu fished in chaos with one hand, and countless chaotic energy gathered in Li Zhenwu's hands. At this moment, a sentence suddenly came from the sky, "You can't borrow the things of the wild, you need to make up for yourself." Li Zhenwu heard this sentence. His hand froze there: "It's stingy, don't need it if you don't need it." Then he threw the Chaos Qi on his hand into Chaos.

Then Li Zhenwu took in the chaotic energy from the outer chaos (the chaos inside the world barrier of the prehistoric world is inner chaos, and the chaos outside the world barrier is outer chaos), and when he used the law of creation, more than a dozen small balls appeared in his hand. With a flick of one hand, more than a dozen stars that had been wiped out reappeared, and he was still complaining: "Isn't it only a dozen stars, you need such a fancy, and you want me to pay for it, don't look at the sky So many stars, it doesn't matter if there are few."

Inside the Zixiao Palace

Hongjun looked at the dozen or so stars with excitement and some joy in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "The law of chaos, the real chaotic energy, sure enough Li Zhenwu's all the ways of heaven will not stop him, as long as he can comprehend these It's not impossible to break free from the way of heaven." After saying these, Hongjun returned to his expressionless face. It turned out that the last sentence was sent by Hongjun, just to obtain the chaotic energy in the real chaos.

Could it be that there is no chaotic energy in the prehistoric affairs? Of course, this is impossible. Then why does Hongjun need the chaotic energy of outer chaos? It is not because Hongjun wants to comprehend the Chaos Dao, but the chaotic energy in Honghuang is all in the Within the Dao of Heaven, just like a tamed beast, it has lost some of its original instincts, so even the completed Chaos Dao is a pseudo-chaotic Dao.

As long as there is the chaotic spirit of outer chaos, Hongjun can deduce the real chaos avenue according to it.But why Hongjun didn't take it himself, it wasn't because he himself was in harmony with the way of heaven in order to take a shortcut. Although his cultivation was improved all of a sudden, he lost his freedom and couldn't get out of the prehistoric world.Those who can go out can't go out, and those who can go out are incompetent, so Hong Jun finally said such a sentence, otherwise Li Zhenwu had absorbed so much spiritual energy in his cultivation in the flood, and he did not see the punishment of heaven. , how can you be dissatisfied with absorbing the chaotic air in chaos.

In fact, in the not-too-distant future, the ancestors of Hongjun comprehended some of the Great Chaos Dao, and the three thousand gods and demons who forcibly separated from the Dao of Heaven and were suppressed by the prehistoric world were born one after another, causing countless calamities in the prehistoric world.

On the other hand, Li Zhenwu, who has been in retreat for thousands of years, finally found it. The key to being able to integrate these four is - himself, because of mana, qi, chakra, etc., the power of the saint that has evolved is also It is the power of chaos with corresponding attributes, not the kind of chaotic mother energy that can contain all things, so he must rebuild his body to be able to go further.

With the slow output of Li Zhenwu's mana, another Li Zhenwu slowly formed. At this time, the fully formed "Li Zhenwu" appeared in front of Li Zhenwu.

"Attack, fuse, create, comprehend and return to place." Then a source of origin from each of the four chaotic treasures entered "Li Zhenwu", and then patted his head again, "Yuanshenfen" another colorful light entered .

At this moment, a huge eyeball appeared on top of Li Zhenwu's head. At this time, if Li Zhenwu could separate a trace of his mind, he would find that this huge eyeball was the eye of the avenue...

A gray lightning struck "Li Zhenwu", and only then did Li Zhenwu see the Chaos Divine Thunder condensed above him. Li Zhenwu quickly took out his entire body to resist the avenue thunder punishment.

"The opening of the axe is the attack, the creation of the Qinglian is the guard, the chaotic bell is the town, the jade plate is the trap, the heaven sees me creating the great formation of the infinite four elephants." This great formation is what Li Zhenwu has acquired over thousands of years. He wanted to use the big formation to fuse the four, but he could fail, but he created his most powerful formation right now - the formation of the infinite four elephants.


Chaos Divine Thunder came, and Li Zhenwu suddenly found that he didn't seem to feel it. Just when Li Zhenwu was puzzled, "Li Zhenwu" seemed to have integrated into the Chaos Divine Thunder. Li Zhenwu gritted his teeth and said angrily: "The law of time and space." With the law of time and space, the direct target is "Li Zhenwu", so Li Zhenwu has no feeling.

"Where am I?" Li Zhenwu ("Li Zhenwu" will use Li Zhenwu in the next, and the other one will be replaced by the deity) said somewhat confusedly.

"You woke up, it's all right now, are you better?" A clear female voice came.

"Who are you? Where is this place?" Li Zhenwu asked weakly. Li Zhenwu's last memory was that he seemed to be in close contact with Chaos Divine Thunder, and then there was no more.

"The little girl Wei Zhenzhen has seen the young master, and the young master is Yangzhou." The handsome, twenty-eight-year-old woman in front of him said to Li Zhenwu. 5.2

"Yangzhou, Wei Zhenzhen, this is the Tang Dynasty Shuanglong World." Li Zhenwu looked at the ancient buildings and the introduction of the girl, and understood where he was.

"Deity, deity!" Li Zhenwu, who called out several times, did not get any response.As everyone knows, the other side is also constantly contacting Li Zhenwu, but unfortunately they have not been able to get in touch.

"Hey, this is the law of the Dao, the Qi of Chaos, how can it be, how can such a martial arts world have the law of the Dao?" Li Zhenwu felt the law of heaven and earth, and said with some doubts.

"Great chance, I didn't expect this to be a world created by Dao, my way can be accomplished, my way can be accomplished, hahaha." Li Zhenwu laughed a little frantically.

"Master, are you alright?" Wei Zhenzhen asked with some concern from the side.

Chapter 2 Wei's Zhenzhen!

"It's alright, it's alright, Miss Lao has bothered. I'm here to thank the girl for saving my life." Li Zhenwu waved his hands first, and then he clasped his fists with both hands like the ancients on TV, and said to Wei Zhenzhen.

"Young master is serious, oh right, is you hungry? Eat something." Then Wei Zhenzhen took out a bowl of porridge from behind and handed it to Li Zhenwu. Li Zhenwu took the rice bowl in front of him and pointed his finger carelessly. He touched Wei Zhenzhen's finger, and then saw that Wei Zhenzhen's rice bowl was quickly shoved into Li Zhenwu's hand, and she turned and ran out with a flushed face.

Looking at the rice bowl in front of him, Li Zhenwu touched his grumbling stomach, thinking how long it had been since he felt this hunger, and then picked up this bowl of porridge, which was not too thick and slurred. drink up.

Sitting cross-legged, Li Zhenwu's hands kept forming handprints, and his eyes kept closing and opening.

"No, or no, what's the matter?" Li Zhenwu was about to recover from his injuries, but neither the method of absorbing the essence of Yimu in the Great Desolation nor the medical handprint in Hokage 14 was completely useless.

At this moment, a sharp middle-aged man's voice came from outside the door, "Dead woman, I told you to bring a wild man to the house, I told you to steal my money, and I told you to waste the food at home."

"Clap clap clap"

Then came the voice of a woman crying in a low voice. Li Zhenwu pricked up his ears and listened carefully. This crying voice seemed to be Wei Zhenzhen's voice.Then Li Zhenwu put his hands on the side of the bed, stood up with some difficulty, and then slowly walked out the door.

Li Zhenwu, who was holding the door frame with one hand, saw that a middle-aged man in his thirties was beating Wei Zhenzhen with a wicker stick in his hand, while Wei Zhenzhen was crying in a low voice.

"Stop." Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Zhenwu shouted these two words out loud.

"The wild man has come out. I don't want to kill you, but dare to seduce my daughter." The middle-aged man walked towards Li Zhenwu with a wicker stick.

"Dad, don't." Watching Li Zhenwu's father step by step, Wei Zhenzhen shouted out this sentence involuntarily.

After Wei Zhenzhen's father heard this, he pulled another wicker stick on Wei Zhenzhen with his backhand.Seeing that Wei Zhenzhen was hit by a wicker again, Li Zhenwu couldn't control his anger at this time, he quickly walked up to Wei Zhenzhen's father, and then punched Wei Zhenzhen's father violently. go out.

Seeing her father fly out, Wei Zhenzhen hurriedly ran to her father at this time, and carefully helped her father up, watching the blood flowing from the corner of his father's mouth, Wei Zhenzhen asked his father timidly: " Dad, are you alright?"

Then he faced Li Zhenwu and said, "Young Master, you..." As if he didn't know what to say now.Seeing Wei Zhenzhen looking at him with reproach, Li Zhenwu also scratched his head at this time, not knowing what to do or say now.

Li Zhenwu, who is domineering in every world, seems to be overbearing at this time, and he doesn't know why. Seeing Wei Zhenzhen's charming appearance, Li Zhenwu seems to be a little moved.Although it is said that Wei Zhenzhen's appearance is not a beautiful country, and she has only known each other for a short time, but Wei Zhenzhen's gentleness and the temperament of an ancient woman attracted Li Zhenwu and gave Li Zhenwu a kind of family. The feeling of being at home, and the warmth of home, this is the first time Li Zhenwu feels at home with a woman.

"Uncle, I'm sorry." Li Zhenwu cupped his hands and said.In fact, Li Zhenwu was unwilling to apologize like Wei Zhenzhen's father, because when Li Zhenwu first read the biography of Shuanglong of the Tang Dynasty, he found that there were a total of four people who caused Wei Zhenzhen's life to be miserable. The first one was Wei Zhenzhen The father of Wei Zhenzhen who sold it to Lao Feng, the second is Yu Wenhuaji, and the third is Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

Wei Zhenzhen's father looked at Li Zhenwu with fear, and waved his hands again and again, "Don't dare, don't dare." Then Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen with a helpless expression, as if Say, you see I apologize but...

Wei Zhenzhen looked at all this and felt a little funny. She knew that her father was a gambler who often hung out in casinos, and was inferior to those who were stronger than her, so all this made her feel a little funny, and then "puchi" ' laughed out.

Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen stupidly, but he didn't see Wei Zhenzhen's father, and looked at Wei Zhenzhen and him with vicious eyes.

"Miss Zhenzhen, you are so beautiful when you smile." Li Zhenwu said these words involuntarily.In fact, Li Zhenwu didn't know why today, but suddenly he had such a strong reaction to the love between men and women. Logically speaking, Li Zhenwu has been practicing for many years, and his desire to seek the Tao has long been firm, and he does not know why he has such a reaction today.

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