In fact, Li Zhenwu's reaction today is because of the catastrophe of the Great Dao. Under the thunder and punishment of the Great Dao, Li Zhenwu's realm has been completely lost, and now he is just an ordinary person.Unable to maintain his state of mind, coupled with the cut off of the avenue, the connection between him and the deity, so today he developed a love for Wei Zhenzhen between men and women.

"Young master is joking." With a shy expression on Wei Zhenzhen's 580 red face, Li Zhenwu slowly lowered her head.

"Oh, by the way, you haven't asked for your son's name yet?" Wei Zhenzhen seemed to have suddenly thought of something, raised her head and asked.

"Li Zhenwu"

Seeing Li Zhenwu who was constantly talking with his daughter, the hatred in Wei Zhenzhen's father's eyes deepened. Taking advantage of Li Zhenwu not noticing him, he crept out of the door.


"Master Li, it's time for me to cook at noon." Wei Zhenzhen looked up at the sun above her head, and found that it was getting late, it was time for lunch, so Wei Zhenzhen confronted Li Zhenwu said.

"Miss Zhenzhen, you can call me Zhenwu or Big Brother Li, you don't need to address the son every time." Li Zhenwu responded, Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen chatted for a whole afternoon, every time Wei Zhenzhen told Li Zhenwu They were called Young Master or Young Master Li, and Li Zhenwu didn't know how many times he had said what he just said, but it didn't work at all.

After saying that, Li Zhenwu quickly stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "I'll help you, I need to do something."

"No, thank you son." Wei Zhenzhen turned and entered the kitchen.

Chapter 3 Lessons from the ruffians

Wei Zhenzhen's father, who walked out of the house, touched his wound, the expression on his face became more and more sinister, he raised his head and thought about it, and then quickly walked into the largest brothel in Yangzhou City, "Chunxiang Pavilion."

"Mother Li, hello." Seeing Wei Zhenzhen's father, standing in front of a woman in her [-]s with heavy makeup, this woman was the prostitute of Chunxiang Pavilion.

"What's wrong with Wei?" The old bustard Li Ma said in a sharp and disdainful voice.Because Li Ma wanted to buy Wei Zhenzhen before, but Wei Zhenzhen's father was unwilling. Looking at Wei Zhenzhen's father standing in front of him now, Li Ma said proudly and disdainfully.

"Mama Li, the villain Wei Dezhi (I didn't find it in the original book, the author made it up by himself, please forgive me), the villain is willing to sell his daughter to you Ma Li." Wei Dezhi continued to say with a smile.Because Li Ma wanted to buy her own daughter before, but she was afraid of losing her face, so she did not sell her daughter to a brothel.But now because of Li Zhenwu, Wei Dezhi is very angry, so he decides to sell his daughter to a brothel, otherwise Wei Zhenzhen in the original book is just a concubine selling steamed buns.

"Okay, twenty taels of silver, your daughter sold me." The old bustard flicked the handkerchief on his hand and continued to speak in a disdainful tone.

"No, didn't you say fifty taels last time? How come it has become twenty taels." Wei Dezhi said eagerly.

The old bustard glanced at him sitting on the stool, picked up the teacup in front of him, and took a sip, "The last time was the last time, this time your daughter is only worth twenty taels, do you sell it?"

Touching his wound, Wei Dezhi gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Sell, I'll sell."

At this time, the old lady called over a tall and thin man with a moustache, and said to the man, "Go, write a document, he wants to sell his daughter, ask him to sign and stamp his handprint." The fat finger pointed at Wei Dezhi and said.

"Yes" said the tall and thin man leaning over.

"Master Li, it's time to eat." Wei Zhenzhen greeted.


"Why hasn't Dad come back yet?" Wei Zhenzhen said while looking at the door.Who said that his father was a bad gambler, but he usually eats every day and always eats at home. I don't know why he hasn't come back at this time today.

"I'll look for it." Wei Zhenzhen, who had just sat down, stood up.

"I'll go with you." Li Zhenwu said and stood up.

"But sir, your injury?" Wei Zhenzhen asked with a hint of concern.

"It's alright, it's already good." Li Zhenwu patted his chest with a smile. In fact, Li Zhenwu's injury has only recovered by [-]%. The original composition of the treasure can't stand it, even if the [-]% recovered is the blessing of creating Qinglian.

Said the two of them were walking towards the gate, and when they were still a few steps away from the gate, suddenly there were dense footsteps outside the door, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Open the door, open the door quickly."

"Come on." Wei Zhenzhen said, then walked quickly to the door, opened the door, and after the door opened, seven or eight strong men walked in, each with a knife in his hand, looking like a bad visitor look.

Seeing these people, Li Zhenwu walked quickly to Wei Zhenzhen, pulled Wei Zhenzhen behind him, and asked, "Who is there, what's the matter here? Get out." Li Zhenwu looked in front of him. , with disgust and impatience in his tone.

A big guy in the lead stood up and said, "Boy, dare to tell the uncle to get out, you are impatient, right? You give me to get out of the way first, otherwise the knife in the uncle's hand will know you."

Then one pointed to Wei Zhenzhen behind Li Zhenwu and said, "Your name is Wei Zhenzhen, your father Wei Dezhi sold you to us in Chunxiang Pavilion, come with us!" Then he took out Wei Zhenzhen's prostitution contract with his left hand. , his right hand is ready to catch Wei Zhenzhen.


Li Zhenwu looked at the big man in front of him, and was about to stretch his hand to Wei Zhenzhen when he punched the big man in front of him in the face, and blood immediately flowed from the big man's face.

He touched the blood on his face, and the big man in the lead was furious. Before he came, he heard Wei Dezhi say that there is a trainer here, and a punch can knock him out, but he looked at Wei Dezhi's vulgar expression. The big man disapproved of his thin appearance, thinking that he could handle it by himself, and even bringing six or seven subordinates was the arrangement of the boss.

"Go, give it to me." The big man shouted angrily.

Then six or seven of his younger brothers pulled out their knives and rushed towards Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu looked at the minions who were pounced on him, and stretched his right hand forward to check, "Come on." These big men are just ordinary housekeepers and nurses. Just cut.

Li Zhenwu swayed back and forth with his feet, his body turned to the left for a while, and his body to the right for a while, and his feet didn't even move. Then a left hook and a right hook knocked all six or seven big men to the ground.

The man in the lead pulled out his knife and shouted tremblingly, "Don't come here, we are from Chunxiang Pavilion, our Chunxiang Pavilion is the largest in Yangzhou City."

"Chun, your mother is tall." Li Zhenwu flew with a kick and received the man's chest. He saw that the man fell six or seven meters, and his chest seemed to collapse. If it wasn't for the slight tremor of his fingers, it is estimated that everyone would have Thought it was a dead man.

"Young Master Li, this..." Wei Zhenzhen was a little stunned when she saw all this, and in just a split second, all the seven or eight men were lying on the ground.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Li Zhenwu comforted.

Wei Zhenzhen, who came back to her senses, was a little sad. She didn't expect her father to sell herself to a brothel. Thinking of this, Wei Zhenzhen cried in a low voice.

"Miss Zhenzhen, what's the matter?" Li Zhenwu asked, looking at Wei Zhenzhen, who was crying. Looking at Wei Zhenzhen, who was raining with pear flowers, Li Zhenwu felt a little pity in his heart.

Chapter 4 Hit the Door

"It's okay, Young Master Li." But the crying still didn't stop, Li Zhenwu looked at the deed with the blood flower, and understood that he still needed heart medicine to heal his heart disease.

Then looking at the big man in front of him, Li Zhenwu picked up the leading big man from the ground and woke him up with a punch: "Come and take me to your Chunxiang Pavilion."

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