Pulling Wei Zhenzhen and following the big man towards Chunxiang Pavilion, when he walked outside Chunxiang Pavilion, Li Zhenwu looked at the tall building in front of him, which was indeed the largest brothel in Yangzhou City, and then grabbed the man in front of him in his hand and threw it away. He went out and smashed into the brothel.

"Ah!" A scream came from inside, as expected of the loudest, I didn't expect it to be so lively during the day.

Li Zhenwu took Wei Zhenzhen and lifted his leg and went in, "Young Master, go back." Wei Zhenzhen was about to break free from Li Zhenwu's hand and walked out the door.

"It's okay, Miss Zhenzhen, I'm here today, I see who dares to mess around." Li Zhenwu said domineeringly, Wei Zhenzhen felt a touch of warmth, since the death of her mother, her father only knew how to gamble every day, and no one had ever been there. Having cared so much about herself, looking at Li Zhenwu's face, she felt as if she wanted to engrave this face in her heart.

"Brother Li... 930" Wei Zhenzhen shouted in a low voice.But the voice was too low, Li Zhenwu didn't hear it, Li Zhenwu is now watching the movement inside intently.

"Who's making trouble in my Chunxiang Pavilion?" said the old prostitute with a strong smell of powder, and then looked at the big man lying on the ground and said, "Hey, isn't this the third son? Did Wei Zhenzhen bring it? "

The big man who was thrown in by Li Zhenwu raised his head and said, "Wei...Wei..." Then he passed out. "Come here, come here, this is the brother-in-law of the third head of the Zhulian Gang, hurry up and find a doctor, hurry, hurry, hurry, you group of rice buckets." The old bustard screamed and commanded his subordinates. The blood of the prostitute was already pounding in his heart. He didn't expect to go down without saying a few words. If there was an accident, then his Chunxiang Pavilion would be in bad luck.

"You are the prostitute, I ask you where is Wei Dezhi now?" Li Zhenwu pointed at the prostitute and asked. "Who are you? Someone found me in Chunxiang Pavilion. It's still a man. Humph, I don't know!" At this time, the old lady was very confused, and she didn't even think about who Wei Dezhi was.Li Zhenwu grabbed the old man's collar with his right hand, and slapped the old man's face with his left hand. The old man's face suddenly swelled up, "Do you know now?" Li Zhenwu asked in a threatening tone.

"Wei Dezhi, Wei Zhenzhen, the third son... It's this kid, it's the kid who hurt the third son, grab him quickly." The old lady reacted at this time, and then shouted.

"Brother Li, let's go!" Wei Zhenzhen said while pulling Li Zhenwu's sleeve. Hearing that Li Zhenwu beat up the third brother-in-law of the Zhulian Gang, Wei Zhenzhen was very scared, and Li Zhenwu was injured.

"Brother Li, you just fought someone from the Zhulian Gang, let's go quickly, or we won't be able to leave in a while." Wei Zhenzhen said eagerly.

"Don't worry, I don't care about them." Although I don't know how strong my cultivation is in this world, I didn't even warm up just now. That is, the protagonist is the first mobs to gain experience, so Li Zhenwu didn't take them to heart.

Dozens of people came out in an instant, all of them holding weapons. Li Zhenwu sensed it, and the strongest strength was no match for his own physical strength. This made Li Zhenwu a little worried at first, but now he was completely relieved.

In the same way that Yi shot the sun with his right hand, he shot the prostitute in his hand into the dozens of people. He saw that the prostitute was really like an arrow. In an instant, several people were beaten by the prostitute and vomited blood and fell to the ground, but the prostitute was unscathed. , as expected of Hou Yi's Sun Shooting God Art.

The leader at the moment is Shilong's abandoned disciple, Li Hao. His cultivation base has reached the point of acquired perfection. However, after seeing that he was just a flick, he was placed in several martial artists on the sixth and seventh floors of the acquired day. Li Hao waved his hand. The sword shouted: "Go up, go up, you all go up."

The thugs in the brothel, some with axes and some with knives, charged towards Li Zhenwu like a charge. Li Zhenwu picked up the stool beside him and threw it out, and he saw the stool spinning non-stop in the sky. Fly in front of the face.

Li Hao looked at the flying stool and was so frightened that the thugs didn't dare to rush forward. Li Hao waved the sword in his hand and slashed it on the stool, and saw that the stool suddenly exploded, and sawdust were stuck on the thug's body. Many thugs died because of sawdust.

Seeing that they were taking away many of their companions just by leaning on a stool, they all hesitated, and their footsteps slowly moved back.

Li Hao only got up from the ground at this time. Originally, what he thought was to let these younger brothers go first, and he looked for an opportunity to sneak attack from the side, but he didn't expect that just one stool would cause a heavy loss to his side.It was also Li Hao who reacted quickly just now. The sword felt dangerous as soon as he was unsheathed. He immediately blocked most of the sawdust. Otherwise, he would also be lying on the ground. Although he blocked most of it, there was still another half. Looks like a bloody man.

"One more question, where is Wei Dezhi?" Li Zhenwu continued to ask the old man as if he hadn't seen all this.

The old bustard stared blankly at all this. Chunxiang Pavilion, which had not shed blood for more than ten years, was now full of blood. It looked like a slaughterhouse.The prostitute immediately realized that the demon was still here, "Sir, ask Wei Dezhi, right? Yes, while he is with us, I'll call you from behind, can you see?"

Li Zhenwu looked at the flattering and fearful old man, waved his hand and said, "Come on, bring him to me."

Seeing all this in front of her, Wei Zhenzhen still couldn't react. Who would have thought that so many people would die on one stool in just this moment? I don't know why, but Wei Zhenzhen, who saw the dead for the first time, was not afraid. .In fact, what Wei Zhenzhen thought at this time was, I didn't expect Big Brother Li to be so capable, am I worthy of him?Looking at Li Zhenwu with no expression on his face, Wei Zhenzhen felt a little uneasy.

But then I thought about it again, my father sold himself to a brothel, and my heart was very melancholy again.There are also some who are worried about Li Zhenwu. What should the government do after killing so many people? "Brother Li, let's go, people from the government should be here in a while, and now we won't be able to leave if we don't go for a while." Wei Zhenzhen tugged at Li Zhenwu's sleeve once.

Chapter 5 Zhenzhen is very sad

The old bustard said to the people around him as he walked, "Go and inform the Zhulian Gang, tell them that someone has smashed the field, and let them send someone quickly." After speaking, he hurriedly walked to the backyard, preparing to delay the time to wait for the rescue soldiers to arrive.It's also because Wei Zhenzhen didn't bring it over to deal face-to-face, fearing that Wei Dezhi would run away with the money and his daughter, so Wei Dezhi is still in the brothel.

"Wild girl, wild boy, let's see if you don't die." Wei Dezhi repeated this sentence back and forth, as if he was a little crazy.

"Wei Dezhi, come with me." The old lady looked at Wei Dezhi with a bad expression.

But Wei Dezhi didn't see that the old man's face was turning black like an iron pan, and he was still there and said with some joy and resentment, "Mum Li, did you clean up that wild boy in my family?"

"Wild boy, hum, that wild boy is coming to my Chunxiang Pavilion now. My Chunxiang Pavilion has suffered a heavy loss today. Now this wild boy wants to see you, go out with me quickly." If it wasn't for you, the calamity star, how could my Chunxiang Pavilion have suffered such a big loss, and now you've fallen into his hands as a revenge for me.

"Ah, it's impossible." Wei Dezhi looked at the old man in disappointment, hoping that all this was a joke of the old man, but looking at the old man's livid face, he found that it was all true, what should I do now, Wei Dezhi He scratched his hair vigorously.

"Let's go, do you still want me to invite you?" The old man said gloomily, Wei Dezhi looked at the brawny man with scars in front of the old man, and silently followed the old man to the hall.

"Master, someone brought it to you." The old man pointed at Wei Dezhi and said.

"Zhenzhen, your father brought it, you can ask." Li Zhenwu pulled Wei Zhenzhen, who had been hiding behind him for some time, out of his back.

"No, no, Brother Li, let's go back." Wei Zhenzhen didn't know how to speak, and was embarrassed to speak, so she wanted to escape all this.

"No, since you are here today, Zhenzhen, you can ask clearly." Li Zhenwu said domineeringly, with a trace of irresistible strength in his tone.


Then she turned to face her father, looking at her pale-faced father, Wei Zhenzhen felt very uncomfortable at this time, maybe she was frightened by Big Brother Li, Wei Zhenzhen was still thinking about it at this time.

"Ask." Li Zhenwu said in a gentle tone.

"Dad, did you sign this deed?" Wei Zhenzhen asked, taking out the deed with blood on it.

"Yes." Looking at his daughter's eyes, Wei Dezhi replied with some guilt and some fear of Li Zhenwu.

"Dad, are you going to sell your daughter to a brothel?" After hearing that, Wei Zhenzhen felt a little chill in her heart, but she continued to ask.


"Why?" Wei Zhenzhen said sadly.

Wei Dezhi touched his wound. During the two days when Li Zhenwu was recovering at Wei's house, he secretly used his own money to buy medicine. That was his gambling money. Wei Dezhi could eat less, but he had to gamble, so he hated Wei Dezhi when he thought about it. Satisfied, he opened his mouth.

"Why, it's all because of him, because he is a wild boy, you used my money to buy medicine for him, and he dared to beat me." Wei Dezhi pointed at Li Zhenwu and cursed fiercely.

Hearing Wei Dezhi's words, the wild boy kept screaming, Li Zhenwu was about to give him a lesson, Wei Zhenzhen looked at Li Zhenwu whose face changed suddenly, pulled his sleeve, and used His eyes seemed to beg for mercy, hoping that Li Zhenwu would not care, Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen's pleading eyes and put down the teacup he had just held in his hand.

Then Wei Dezhi said again: "You go to buy medicine and spend the money I want to gamble, then I can only get some money from you." When it comes to the word gambling, Wei Dezhi seems to be smoking. The expression of people who smoke is the same, they are addicted, they are very addicted.

After hearing this, Wei Zhenzhen was stunned, she was just her father's gambling money, Wei Zhenzhen only felt that the sky was dark as if life had lost its luster.

"Zhenzhen, Miss Zhenzhen." Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen who was staying there, then shook her shoulders and called her name.

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