Suddenly there was Li Zhenwu's voice calling her, and then Wei Zhenzhen came back to her senses at this time, looking at everything in front of her, the strange father, Wei Zhenzhen burst into tears.

"Okay, it's alright, we'll go back in a while." Li Zhenwu comforted.

"Look." Then he took the deed of prostitution from Wei Zhenzhen's hand, tore it into pieces one by one, and then threw the pieces away, and the scraps of paper fell like snowflakes.

In fact, if there is no Li Zhenwu, although Wei Dezhi will also sell Wei Zhenzhen, but at least not to a brothel. In the original book, Wei Zhenzhen was sold to Lao Feng, a steamed bun, as a concubine. It can be seen from this that Wei Zhen is actually a concubine. Zhen's father still has a trace of father-daughter affection for Wei Zhenzhen.

Wei Zhenzhen is a beautiful woman, right? At least Yu Wenhua can take a fancy to Wei Zhenzhen, Yu Wenhua and what kind of person, Yang Guang's favorite minister, can be said to be a very personable minister, what kind of beauty have you never seen before? , so it can be seen from here that Wei Zhenzhen is a beautiful woman.

Since she is a beautiful woman, why didn't Wei Zhenzhen's father sell Wei Zhenzhen to the rich and to the brothel, they could all pay a lot of money.Instead, it was sold to an old Feng who made buns. It is estimated that he knew that Lao Feng was afraid of his wife. Even if he bought it back, he just bought a worker, so he sold his daughter to him.

But Li Zhenwu came, and all this changed. Li Zhenwu's medicine money and Li Zhenwu's beating of Wei Dezhi wiped out the last trace of father-daughter affection, so everything changed.

In the future, there will be no Wei Zhenzhen who sells buns, nor Wei Zhenzhen who gives Shuanglong buns every day. Everything has changed.

"Let's go, I have torn up that contract." Li Zhenwu said while holding Wei Zhenzhen's beautiful hand.

At this time, a sentence came from outside the door, "Go, I don't think you can leave today."

Chapter 6

At this time, he walked in from outside the door. A man in brocade clothes was holding a large sword that was almost four feet long. The blade was very bright. At first glance, it was a very sharp weapon. He belonged to the Bamboo Union Gang. The third master Wang Zhi.

When Wang Zhi heard that someone was making trouble in Chunxiang Pavilion, he immediately rushed over with his younger brother, and heard a domineering voice outside the door saying, "Look." Then Wang Zhi shouted loudly. Said the words just now.

Li Zhenwu looked at the dozens of people at the door. Although all of them had weapons in their hands, Li Zhenwu didn't take them to heart, because he had seen even bigger scenes, so how could he be afraid of these dozens of people.

Seeing Wang Zhi's arrival, the prostitute was very happy, ran to Wang Zhi quickly, and then told Wang Zhi what happened here.Wang Zhizai heard that his brother-in-law was beaten, and that many people in Chunxiang Pavilion had been beaten by Li Zhenwu, so he looked at Li Zhenwu carefully, and then Wang Zhi was not sure how much Li Zhenwu had cultivated at this time. Gao also felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But after all, it is a respectable gang in Yangzhou City. If someone makes trouble within the jurisdiction of his own gang, but he can do nothing about it, then what face will he have in the rivers and lakes in the future.

So Wang Zhi opened his mouth and said, "My friends don't take our Bamboo Union Gang in the eye, do you think that the person who beat us wants to leave like this?" Although he said he was a little nervous, this is his home ground after all. , the tone of seemingly inquiring, but there is a hint of threat in it, it seems that he wants Li Zhenwu to give him an explanation.

Li Zhenwu watched all this, the old bustard Barabara said, and Wang Zhi's threatening tone.Li Zhenwu squinted at Wang Zhi and said with a half-smile, "Hehe, I don't know what you want me to explain to you."

Wang Zhi was also very happy when he heard this. After all, he couldn't see Li Zhenwu's cultivation base. It would be unwise to be an enemy rashly. As long as he could save the face of their Bamboo Union Gang today.

After all, they are a gang in a big city. They have some eyesight and know that some people are people who they can't afford to offend. Although I don't know if Li Zhenwu is or not, I can see how calm and relaxed Li Zhenwu is, and what I can't see through. The cultivation base made him sway a little, otherwise, Wang Zhi would let him know how the Bamboo Union Gang treated the enemy.

It's a pity that he didn't take a close look at Li Zhenwu's tone and expression. Li Zhenwu's tone was obviously just a teasing tone, and he didn't mean to reconcile with them at all.

"Okay, since my friend also wants to reconcile, then let's say it bluntly..." Then Wang Zhi saw Wei Zhenzhen's charming appearance, hiding behind Li Zhenwu, and it was a little itchy.

Originally, Wang Zhi only asked Li Zhenwu to apologize and accompany him with some money, but seeing Wei Zhenzhen's appearance, Wang Zhi was moved, so he decided.

"Humph." After interrupting Wang Zhi, who was still fantasizing about Wei Zhenzhen, Wang Zhi continued: "First, our friend must compensate us for the loss here, second, we must apologize, and third, the person behind our friend The woman has been sold to us Chunxiang Pavilion and must stay here."

After listening to these three conditions, Li Zhenwu grinned at Wang Zhi and said, "First, I won't pay you any money, um, second, I won't apologize to you either, third , if you think of Zhenzhen, then I can only send you off." After saying this, he pulled Zhenzhen with his left hand and clenched his fist with his right, and instantly brought down one of their younger brothers.

"Go, go, all of you." Wang Zhi was still fantasizing about Wei Zhenzhen at this time, and he didn't listen carefully to what Li Zhenwu said. The scream of his younger brother pulled him out of his fantasy. Then he said anxiously.

Who said that the Bamboo Union Gang is not the largest force in Yangzhou City, but it is also a first-class force. Except for the government, Shilong Dojo, and some powerful family clans, who will not give them a little face in Yangzhou City? If they go out, how will they look up in the future, who will give them face.

Li Zhenwu looked at the robbers rushing over, still with a disdainful expression, although this group of robbers are much stronger than the previous batch, but Li Zhenwu must be the overlord of the sky, how can he be afraid of them... …

In fact, Li Zhenwu's current thinking has not changed. He is no longer a high-ranking saint, but an ordinary person with some strength. In addition, this world is not an ordinary world, but a world created by Dao himself. Li Zhenwu, whose mind had not yet changed, encountered a catastrophe later on.Plus, fortunately, I haven't met them. Those strong men from the Great Tang Shuanglong Biography, ten Li Zhenwu bundled together, are not their opponents.

"Ah, my hand."

"Ah, my legs."



Li Zhenwu, who was three and five and two, put the minions who had just rushed over to the ground, but this group of minions did not retreat like the previous group, but instead stimulated their blood.In the end, the last batch were thugs, and this one was gang members. One was eating and waiting to die all day long, and the other was tying his head to his waist to seek a living. Naturally, it was completely different.

"Go on, catch that girl." A minion saw that Li Zhenwu was so powerful, and put his mind on Wei Zhenzhen.

Then a few people rushed towards Wei Zhenzhen with knives in hand, and all the rest rushed towards Li Zhenwu, looking at the people who rushed over, Li Zhenwu firmly guarded Wei Zhenzhen beside him, his left hand Holding Wei Zhenzhen's waist, her right hand kept punching.

Suddenly, a minion saw that 5.7 Li Zhenwu was dealing with the enemy on the right, then sneaked to the left, raised his knife, and slashed at Wei Zhenzhen.

"Don't cut that girl." Wang Zhi shouted loudly. After all, he was a gang in the city. After all, he was used to a superior life. When he was not sure how strong Li Zhenwu was, Wang Zhi just raised He stood by with a knife and watched. If Li Zhenwu was a scumbag, he would take action to solve it. If Li Zhenwu was strong, he could escape at any time.

In fact, Li Zhenwu had already seen the sneaky bastard, and then he shook Wei Zhenzhen lightly with his left hand, and then Wei Zhenzhen's feet kicked him out, and his face was printed on the bastard's face.

Chapter 7 Fight against the top three!

After watching Wang Zhi for a while, he was about to go to the factory and take action personally, because Wang Zhi found that Li Zhenwu seemed to be a master of external skills, and his skills were only comparable to his own. He also has to protect an unarmed woman, so he won't be able to take him down, so he is ready to take action at this moment.

"Get out of the way, I'll come." Wang Zhi shouted loudly, then jumped to the spot three feet in front of Li Zhenwu.

"Hehe, boy, if you agree to the three conditions I just mentioned today, let's forget about today's affairs, otherwise..." Then he laughed twice.


Li Zhenwu beat a minion, and then looked at Wang Zhi in front of him, "Otherwise, otherwise what?"

"Otherwise this is your kid's grave." Then he jumped up and raised the knife in his hand, shouting loudly, "Strike Huashan."

Looking at the knife that was no more than three fingers away from his head, Li Zhenwu calmly raised his right hand, turned his fist into a palm, and slapped the knife on the 14th face of the knife, and the knife instantly moved three feet to the right. Then he raised his right leg and kicked Wang Zhi's abdomen.

Wang Zhi, who was talking, suddenly shot out the knife just to sneak attack on Li Zhenwu, but he didn't expect Li Zhenwu to react so quickly. When Li Zhenwu's palm and the knife were in close contact, Wang Zhi only felt a strong force coming. , The shock made his mouth go numb, and he was kicked out before he had time to react.

"cough cough"

Wang Zhi spit blood, then stood up, then pointed at Li Zhenwu with a knife and said, "If I don't kill you today, grandpa, I will not be a sex king." Slashed sideways.

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