Li Zhenwu pressed his index finger with his middle finger and looked at Wang Zhi who was pounced on him again. The index finger flicked out and hit the surface of the knife, and then he heard a buzzing sound, which was the sound of the knife.

Watching his attacks flash past again and again, Wang Zhi suddenly felt angry, and then shouted, his subordinates. "Go, give me all of you." Then he continued to slash at Li Zhenwu, looking like he would never die.

Although Li Zhenwu can handle these people, but now there is a Wei Zhenzhen who has no power to tie the chicken. Li Zhenwu is also more offensive and defensive now. After all, he is still injured, although the impact is not very big. , But in fact, every time he punched, Li Zhenwu endured the pain. Looking at the gangsters charging at him again and again, Li Zhenwu snatched a knife from one of the gangsters.

Chopping, chopping, slashing, and slashing have a knife in Li Zhenwu's hand, which is completely different from not having a knife. There is no mana, no qi, no chakra, and only a pair of fists will matter.

At this time, thirty or forty corpses were lying on the ground, and Li Zhenwu was also stabbed in the chest and arm. Although the wound was not deep, there was a lot of blood flowing out.At this time, the third master was even worse. Three fingers were cut off on his left hand, and Li Zhenwu's right leg was discounted.

"Go, go and call some people for you. By the way, tell the helper and ask him to come over." Wang Zhi instructed the people around him.

"Go on, hold him back. As long as the helper comes, this kid will be dead today. Anyone who cuts this kid with a knife will be rewarded five taels of silver. If he kills this kid, he will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver." Wang Zhi shouted to the people around him. The younger brother said.

"Brother Li, are you okay now, let's run." Wei Zhenzhen said while watching Li Zhenwu bleeding from her arms and chest.

"Relax Zhenzhen, I haven't paid attention to them yet." Li Zhenwu took another life with a wave of his knife, and then answered Wei Zhenzhen's words.

Looking at Wang Zhi, who died another subordinate, I feel that today is really bad luck. I originally thought that Li Zhenwu was cultivating external skills, and the speed should not be very fast.Because those who practice external skills in Jianghu, although their strength will be stronger than those who practice internal skills, generally their reaction speed is slow and the speed is slow, but their strength is stronger than those who practice internal skills.

But what he encountered was a pervert named Li Zhenwu. Although he said that there is no Saiyan blood now, but after all, he once had Saiyan blood, and he was a born warrior, so the more he fought, the more courageous he became.


Li Zhenwu was slashing at a minion's neck with a knife, and Wang Zhi was standing behind the minion. The knife in his hand came straight at them, ready to hack his younger brother and Li Zhenwu to death. Li Zhenwu, who killed himself and that minion, was three points faster with the knife in his hand and three points stronger. In an instant, he saw a head soaring into the sky, and the headless body slowly fell to the ground. on the ground.


Li Zhenwu put the knife in front of him to block the sharp knife that was soaring down from the sky, but Li Zhenwu's knife was just an ordinary knife after all, not as good as Wang Zhi's knife at all, and was chopped into two pieces in an instant.

Wang Zhi, who saw the knife in Li Zhenwu's hand was cut into two pieces by himself, had a grim smile on his face. With his right leg injured, he lightly placed his left foot on the ground, held the knife, and performed 530 light kung fu. It seems to be flying towards Li Zhenwu.

Looking at the tip of the knife rushing towards his heart, Li Zhenwu threw the broken knife in his hand, the index finger and the middle finger were slightly separated, a distance of one centimeter, and then looked at the knife approaching him, the index finger and the middle finger together, firmly clamped Live the knife.

Seeing that his knife was caught, Wang Zhi stabbed the knife vigorously, but found that it couldn't stab at all.

A group of minions next to him were also frightened by this scene. With just two fingers, they clamped the third head with a full blow, and they were all stunned there.

In fact, Li Zhenwu also wanted to retreat at this time. After all, he was still injured, and it was only the third master and dozens of minions, so he let himself suffer two swords. If they help the master come again, although he can Run away, but what about Zhenzhen?

In fact, today's battle not only solved Wei Zhenzhen's father who pitted her daughter, but also brought closer the relationship with Wei Zhenzhen. Before the battle, Wei Zhenzhen always called Li Zhenwu the son, but now he calls Li Zhenwu Li Brother, Li Zhenwu, who is fighting now, has no time to think about this.


Chapter 8 The knife is hidden in the knife!

At this time, Wang Zhi gently pulled the handle of his own knife, and pulled out a lancet from it. The knife was three feet long and one and a half inches wide. The blade of the knife was gleaming with an azure blue sheen, and it was poisonous at first glance.

In fact, Wang Zhi has always been practicing fast swords, and the big sword in his hand is just a disguise. He is usually very rough when holding a big sword, making others think that he is just a reckless man.

In fact, Wang Zhi had long wanted to win the gang leader, but when he joined the Zhulian Gang, his skills were shallow, and if he rebelled, he would definitely die.Originally, Wang Zhi didn't intend to let others know that he had a knife in his knife, but looking at Li Zhenwu, who brought himself to live in his own house with only two fingers, and Wei Zhenzhen, the beauty, the duality of desire and face. Stimulated, he pulled out the lancet from his knife.

Li Zhenwu, who had originally shocked everyone, was about to abolish Wang Zhi, and then hurriedly took Wei Zhenzhen away, but he was surprised by this lancet in an instant.It's no wonder that I thought it was already a prey, but I didn't expect it to have the power to resist.

After a few swipes, Wang Zhi, who was limping and limping, quickly swung the lancet in his hand.

Li Zhenwu looked at Wang Zhi who was holding a lancet, and there was no playful look in his eyes. With a little seriousness and seriousness, he twisted his feet and avoided Wang Zhi's attack.

"Be careful, Brother Li." Watching Wang Zhi draw out a lancet, Wei Zhenzhen said with concern.

"Zhenzhen, he, I haven't paid attention to him yet." Li Zhenwu pointed at Wang Zhi and replied.

"Ah, look at my [-] Gufeng Styles." Hearing the conversation between Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen, Wang Zhi even felt that he couldn't save his face and used his housekeeping skills.

When Wang Zhi joined the Zhulian Gang, he used a big sword, which was always in front of everyone's eyes. The martial arts he showed were only the Five Tigers Breaking Soul Sword, which could only be used with a big sword. It was the Eighteen Gusty Winds. In fact, if it weren't for various reasons today, Wang Zhi wouldn't have shown his true skills.

Looking at the aggressive Wang Zhi, Li Zhenwu said to Wei Zhenzhen, "Zhenzhen, follow me." Then he let go of her with his left hand, ready to meet the enemy with both hands.

"Go on, why are you still stunned!" Wang Zhi said to the men who were still stunned. A group of minions were also trapped by Wang Zhi's knives, and they were trapped there. Now they heard the boss's cry, they As if reacting, Qi Qi rushed up.

At this time, Li Zhenwu also made a ruthless punch, punching the left and the right. Apart from the shouting, there was only the sound of cracking bones breaking.


A minion's body was passed through by Li Zhenwu's left fist. Everyone in the field was also frightened by Li Zhenwu's brutal appearance. No one dared to step forward. Then Li Zhenwu slowly pulled out his left hand. , look at them.

"Come on, hurry up." Wang Zhi shouted at the men who were afraid to go forward.

You look at me, I look at you, but no one is the first to rush forward.

"Trash, you go grab that girl, it doesn't matter whether she lives or dies, I'll hack that kid to death, come on." Then, with a wave of the lancet in his hand, he rushed over again.

"Boy, today you died under the [-]th style of my gust of wind, and it is considered that you died properly." Wang Zhi's attack just now was dodged by Li Zhenwu, so Wang Zhi had already done it, and Li Zhenwu was afraid of him.

"Look at my storm." Wang Zhi's knife, at an incredible angle and speed, reached Li Zhenwu's arm, seemingly ready to cut off Li Zhenwu's arm.

"Tips for carving insects."

Li Zhenwu looked at the knife looking at his arm, and the big man who was rushing towards Wei Zhenzhen, put his arm around Wei Zhenzhen's waist, then jumped, stepped on the back of Wang Zhi's lancet, and then right He settled on his left foot, took a slight step forward and stood on top of Wang Zhi's head, and then put all his strength on his left foot.

Seeing that he had easily dodged his attack and stood on top of his head, Wang Zhi wanted to roll with a lazy donkey and throw Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen off his head. Zhenwu used all his strength on his left foot, like a needle for the sea, and let him stand there.

"Howl of the Wind."

Wang Zhi felt that he couldn't move, so he could only swing the knife in his hand and slashed about two or three feet above his head.

Seeing Wei Lan's blade swinging towards him again, Li Zhenwu tapped his left foot and pressed Wang Zhi down three inches. At this time, the stone slab standing under Wang Zhi's feet shattered.

At this time, Wang Zhi felt that his two legs seemed to have been abolished, and he was even more ruthless, and the speed of swinging the knife in his hand seemed to have accelerated by two or three points.Looking at the knife that was still slashing at him, Li Zhenwuzhong jumped and jumped off Wang Zhi's head.

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