"Ah ah ah, I want you to die." After speaking, Wang Zhi threw out his knife and saw that the knife turned into a blue light and flew towards Li Zhenwu's head.

At this time, Li Zhenwu slightly moved his left foot three inches back. Looking at the knife that was flying towards him, Li Zhenwu immediately jumped out his legs. At that time, he saw the knife and returned to the original path at a faster speed, and then said: "Hehe, I want you to die first."

The knife turned into a streamer and penetrated Wang Zhi's heart. Wang Zhi looked down at the knife and said, "You, you, I will wait below..." Then he died, even "your" Can't say those two words.

Then Li Zhenwu dragged Wei Zhenzhen away. After all, after fighting for so long, the injured Li Zhenwu couldn't take it any longer. If that gang leader came again, it would be troublesome, so while those scoundrels were still in a daze , Li Zhenwu quickly dragged Wei Zhenzhen away.

The gang members of the Zhulian Gang panicked for a while. After all, their third master was dead, and they were trembling with a knife in their hands.

"Go on, avenge the third master."

At this time, he was really heartless and was going to avenge the dead Wang Zhi, but someone next to him instantly grabbed him.

"Looking for death, I didn't see how many brothers died? Even the third master is dead, and you still want to go up and die. It doesn't matter if you die, what if the brothers are involved again."

"But he..." Then he pointed to Li Zhenwu, and then to the third master who fell to the ground.

Chapter 9 Ambush

"Report to the gang leader, someone is making trouble in Chunxiang Pavilion, and the third master can't stand it anymore. I hope to help you go to support." In the discussion hall of the Zhulian Gang, the bastard who went to report the letter just now said to the mighty man sitting at the top. .

"What? Even the third master is not an opponent. I want to see who dares to come to our Zhulian Gang's territory to make trouble." Pei Zeyang said, Pei Zeyang is the leader of the Zhulian Gang, and Pei Zeyang is a member of the Pei family of Da Sui. , the Pei family is Pei Ju, the Pei family of the evil king Shi Zhixuan, because this Pei Zeyang person offended Yang Guang a little bit, so he was removed from the Pei family, and he became a gang leader here.It is precisely because of this that Wang Zhi has two hearts and wants to sit on the throne of the leader.

"Go, call the brothers to go." Pei Zeyang said with a big hand.

at the same time

"Headmaster, the Bamboo Union Gang has encountered a tough situation. Wang Zhi's life and death in Chunxiang Pavilion is unknown. Pei Zeyang is preparing to go to support him." A lean man knelt in front of the man with ten bamboos on his front.

This man is the leader of the Yin Kai Mangosteen Flower Gang.Under the leader of the Zhuhua Gang, there is a military advisor, followed by the "Wind, Sunny, Rain, and Dew" four halls. They lead the rudder master, the incense master and the 530 gang members below. They are identified as the front and the bamboo branches, and they are the master of ten bamboos. .They are also the top gangs in Yangzhou City, and they are mortal enemies with the Zhulian Gang. The two gangs often fight to death in Yangzhou City. Now, upon hearing the news, Yin Kaishan stood up from his seat happily.

"Alright, alright, go check it out again, and report back as soon as there is news." Yin Kaishan said with a wave of his hand.

"As ordered."

Yin Kaishan said to a man in a scribe suit next to him, "Is this a fraud?"

Shao Lingzhou is also a man in a scribe's uniform, "The specific situation is unknown, and I don't know if there is any fraud." Shao Lingzhou shook his head and said.

"However, we can bring all our troops and quietly follow behind the Zhulian Gang. If there is any fraud, we can go directly to their headquarters, and take advantage of their empty headquarters to destroy their old nest." offensive method.

"Okay, even if there is a fraud, how can we be afraid of their Bamboo Union Gang." Yin Kaishan said with clenched fists.

"Call the masters of the various halls and ask them to call in all the people and horses at any time." Yin Kaishan instructed.


"Help Master, who are you now?" Zhang Ju asked, looking at Pei Zeyang with dozens of people.

"Second brother, third brother is in trouble now and I will support him." Pei Zeyang replied, it turned out that the second master of the Zhulian Gang, Zhang Ju, asked this question.

Zhang Ju is actually the real leader of the Bamboo Union Gang.Pei Zeyang is a second person, and he doesn't know anything about the management of gangs, so Zhang Ju's power is basically in Zhang Ju's hands.

"Brother, what happened." Zhang Ju asked.

Barabara, Pei Zeyang told Zhang Ju what happened.

"Oh, that's what happened." Then Zhang Ju walked back and forth in place, thinking about something with his head down.

"Brother, beware of fraud, this may be a conspiracy of the Bamboo Flower Gang." Zhang Ju suddenly raised his head and said.

"No way? The old gang members who reported the letter just now have been in the gang for at least seven or eight years. How can there be fraud?" Then he was ready to go out.

Zhang Ju stretched out his hand and grabbed Pei Zeyang, "Brother, we can still fight the Zhuhua Gang now, so we must guard against it."

"Then what do you say?" Pei Zeyang spread his hands.

"Let's send someone to find out what the Hua Gang is doing, and then see if this is their conspiracy, and then make a decision." Zhang Ju proposed this method.

"No, no, what about the third brother? The third brother is still waiting for me to rescue him."

Pulling on Pei Zeyang, Zhang Ju continued, "Let's send someone to quickly inform the third brother to come back first, let's leave the matter of Chunxiang Pavilion temporarily, and then make plans to see if the matter of Chunxiang Pavilion is the work of the Bamboo Flower Gang. ."

"No, no, if the third brother could come back first, he would have come back early. It seems that he is in trouble. I have to go to the rescue." Pei Zeyang said stubbornly.

"Big brother." Zhang Ju stood in front of Pei Zeyang, "You are the leader of the Bamboo Union Gang, you must first consider the Bamboo Union Gang. What if this is a tug of war?" Zhang Ju asked loudly.

"I...but...the third brother...I..." Pei Zeyang was a little speechless when asked.

In fact, Zhang Ju is reluctant to support Wang Zhi, because he can see Wang Zhi's ambition, and now he is at war with the Zhuhua Gang, so he really can't take it lightly, otherwise the loss of the Zhulian Gang will be his Zhang Ju's. What a loss, after all, he is the real leader of the Bamboo Union Gang.

"Then eldest brother, go back first, I will send someone to inquire again, and then make a decision. As soon as there is trouble, I will report to you immediately." Zhang Ju advised Pei Zeyang.


"You guys, go to the Zhuhua Gang to inquire about their movements." Zhang Ju pointed to the few people behind Pei Zeyang.

"Yes, second master."

Then Zhang Ju left, Pei Zeyang watched Zhang Ju leave, and said to a few people behind him, "Go, go to Chunxiang Pavilion."

"The big boss, but the second boss just said..." The person behind him said with an embarrassed expression.

"It's alright, let's sneak back secretly, the second brother won't find out." Pei Zeyang said, and sure enough, there are some two, the gang would rather listen to the second boss than to listen to him, he didn't find it, it's really okay Ah, no wonder he was expelled from the Pei family.


"Report to the leader, the undercover detective reported that Pei Zeyang was leading people to go to Chunxiang Pavilion."

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