"Okay, for the sake of safety, let's send someone to investigate first. After all, Zhang Ju is sinister and ruthless. Who knows if this information is true." Zhao Lingzhou suggested.

Yin Kaishan stabilized his mind and said, "It's better to send Fengtang to inquire, and then tell that spy to kill Zhang Ju, no matter whether the Bamboo Union Gang will be in chaos or not, whether it will impact us or not, kill him. "


Zhao Lingzhou stopped him and said, "Help Leader, don't be in a hurry, go and see if this information is true or not, and then make a decision. If the information is true, when our army arrives and kill Zhang Ju, we can compile it in one fell swoop. United Gang, by that time our strength will be greatly increased."

"Okay, listen to you, just do it like this." Yin Kaishan also calmed down, after all, including them will be of great benefit to himself in the future.

Because at this time, Yang Guang failed to conquer Goryeo for the third time, and the world was in chaos like a pot of porridge, so now in this troubled world, only the strength at hand is the only one.


"Report, I found that the Zhuhua Gang is less than five miles away from us."

Zhang Ju said to the gang members who were kneeling below him: "Go and inform the incense masters and hall masters to get ready and wait for me to order things."

Zhang Ju looked at the person standing behind him and waved his hand to let him stand in front of him. "You did a good job. Help me find the traitor. After the war is over, I will definitely reward you well."

"Xie Er headed, no, Xie Da headed."

Zhang Ju laughed when he heard it, but he didn't see the bow and crossbow at his wrist.

Chapter 13 The Bamboo Union Gang (Part [-])

"Report, I found a huge boulder on the hillside outside the door. There are about two or three people from their halls ambushing at the door. The small ones can't get in, so I don't know what's going on inside." Black Shadow said.

Yin Kaishan laughed: "Sure enough, the information is true, he wants to wait for us all to enter, put down the boulder to block the door, and then set fire to death for us, then..." Then he took out the piece of paper just now from his body.

"Master, what do you think we should do now?"

Zhao Lingzhou looked at the piece of paper, pondered for a while, and said, "Since they want us to think that this information is true, then we will take the plan and attack at night." He took out another piece of paper from his body, and it was Lord Li Xiang who was teasing. newspaper strip.

Yin Kaishan looked at the other note, his face suddenly full of anger, "Hmph, I didn't expect that he would dare to betray me. When the Zhulian Gang is broken, I will definitely peel his skin." Then, he continued to ask with some doubts. on.

"Why attack at night?"

Zhao Lingzhou raised the note in his hand, "This note means that they have been frightened and all huddled together in the conference hall. According to this information, the best time to attack should be at night. First, No one of them is holding the door and they don't know when we will go, the second one, they will relax in the evening, so night is the best time to attack. This is Zhang Ju, the message sent to us. "

Then he raised another piece of paper in his hand, "The message of this piece of paper is that they divide people into two parts, one is outside the door and the other is inside the door. Looking at the map of the Bamboo Union Gang, their meeting hall Surrounded by water, there is only one way to attack them, and that is the bridge." Then he took out a map from his pocket and pointed to it.

"It's completely impossible to attack this place by force, so as long as we go in, the door is blocked and the way back is cut off, and then they are throwing out jars of kerosene, and we are left to die."

"But what you said, it seems that attacking at night is not good for us, why do you have to wait until night?" Yin Kaishan couldn't understand Zhao Lingzhou's arrangements at this time.

"The reason I did this was just to let Zhang Ju put down his doubts and think that we had jumped into his trap." Zhao Ling Zhou showed an expression that he was in control of everything.

Yin Kaishan was about to speak, and Zhao Lingzhou continued to talk about his plan: "First of all, after dark, let's secretly send people to kill all those people at the door, then go in and let the undercover detective kill Zhang Ju at this time. We also threw kerosene around their chamber and surrounded them."

After listening to Zhao Lingzhou's complete plan, Yin Kaishan thought about it in his heart, feeling that the plan was perfect, and then put down the doubts in his heart.

Yin Kaishan wanted to ask just now, why should he feel that we fell into his trap and let Antan kill him directly.In fact, Zhao Lingzhou did this to be on the safe side. If the spy didn't kill Zhang Ju, then it would be a tough battle, and then kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

"Report, they stopped five miles away to rest."

Zhang Juyi slapped the bench and stood up, "Okay, okay, they really got the trick, tell the brothers to eat now, be vigilant at night, and wait for my order at any time."


The traitor behind him was a little anxious at this time. Didn't he receive his own information?Then Zhang Ju's voice came over.

"Go, let them prepare the food and bring it over." Zhang Ju ordered.

"Yes." Although there were still some doubts in his heart, he couldn't allow himself to think too much now, and he had to arrange meals for Zhang Ju immediately.

Suddenly a note was stuffed into his hand, he secretly stuffed it into his waist, and then he looked as if nothing had happened.

"Master, the food is here."

Zhang Zhuyi waved his hand and said, "You also go down to eat."

The spy opened the note in his hand and looked at the words on it, "The conspiracy of Zhang Ju's fire attack has been discovered, waiting for the order to kill Zhang Ju." After reading it, the spy put the note in his mouth and swallowed it.


"Feng, Yu, the two hall masters, lead the elites of each division to clear the gate, and the rest of the people will come with me." Yin Kaishan ordered.

The soil slope outside the door of the Bamboo Union.

"Shu Shou Shou" saw the snow-white knife, and it changed color in an instant.

"Report to the helper, everything has been cleaned up."

"Okay, attack."

The sound of shouting and killing suddenly spread throughout the Bamboo Union Gang.


"Okay, here I come, inform the incense masters and the hall masters to act as planned." Zhang Ju ordered to listen to the movement outside.

"Uh, you... you are... a traitor." Zhang Ju covered his chest and turned to look, the spy who helped him find the traitor in the afternoon, said a little horrified.

"Zhuhua Gang Zhao Junshi's subordinate An Yi, who has seen the second head, should not be the big head." The dark side looked at Zhang Ju and said with a smile.

"You're a traitor, then why are you..." Zhang Ju seemed to be somewhat incomprehensible to An Yi who reported Li Xiangzhu in the afternoon.

An Yi smiled coldly, "It's not because you're the head of the family. Since you've already found out that there is a traitor, if you don't find a traitor for you, I guess you won't let it go."

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