Then he happily walked up to Zhang Ju and looked at him condescendingly, "Besides, I also want credit, it's not enough for two people to share the credit, so, I introduced Li Xiangzhu to reassure you, and you can be independent. Taking the credit, isn't this a double-edged sword?" Then the bow and crossbow on the cuff fired three arrows in a row, and then Zhang Ju died there with his eyes wide open.

An Yi cut off Zhang Ju's head and walked out of the door. "No, Li Xiangzhu can't stay. If the gang leader knows that I betrayed Li Xiangzhu, it is estimated..."

"Master Li Xiang, Master Li Xiang, the second head of the family, please." An Yi lowered his body and said.

"Second master is looking for me?" Li Xiangzhu said with some fear.

"Well, the second master is there, please come with me." An Yi pointed to the unoccupied place.

"Where is the second master?" asked Li Xiangzhu, who had walked for a while.

"Pfft", Li Xiangzhu didn't even scream and was lying there, and then he looked at the dagger in his hand and said, "It's good that Zhang Ju used it, it's really sharp." After speaking, he hurriedly left.


An Yi knelt down in front of Yin Kaishan and Zhao Lingzhou, holding Zhang Ju's head and said, "Here is the head of the strategist Zhang Ju."

Chapter 14

The Bamboo Union Gang disappeared, but all this did not affect Li Zhenwu. After all, the purchase was just a gangster. How could Li Zhenwu, a well-informed one, take it to heart? Zhenwu just sat cross-legged in the yard, ready to try again, why are mana, chakra, qi, etc. really impossible to cultivate in this world.

"It's dinner, Brother Li." Wei Zhenzhen put the breakfast on the table and called towards the courtyard.

"Here." For two full hours, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the yard, with no gain at all.

Li Zhenwu was sitting at the dining table, looking at a bowl of porridge, a bun and a plate of side dishes in front of him, and then to see that there was only a bowl of porridge in front of Wei Zhenzhen.

Li Zhenwu pushed the steamed buns and side dishes to Wei Zhenzhen, "Zhenzhen, you can eat it too."

Wei Zhenzhen looked at Li Zhenwu with a smile, "Brother Li, eat it, I'm not hungry, I can't eat this too much." Pointing to the steamed buns and side dishes on the table, he said.

Looking at the steamed buns the size of a child's fist and the plate with a thin layer of wild vegetables, Li Zhenwu knew that Wei Zhenzhen wanted to let him eat these, "I can't eat Zhenzhen, plus you are thin. Yes, you should eat more." He also pointed to the steamed buns.

The two of you pushed me to let them go. In the end, Li Zhenwu broke the bun in half, forcibly stuffed it into Wei Zhenzhen's hands, and then snorted and ate his share.

Looking at the half bun in her hand, Wei Zhenzhen felt warm in her heart. After all, the status of women in this era is very low, and Li Zhenwu's performance is definitely not there.

Li Zhenwu didn't have time to think about this at the moment. After all, he didn't know how to continue cultivating, and he continued to try again and again with his knees crossed.

In fact, the reason why he can't cultivate is very simple, that is, in this world, only martial arts can be practiced, so he constantly tries to cultivate mana and qi, which is completely a waste of money for blind people.

So why he was able to cultivate Qi in the Naruto World at the beginning was because the Heavenly Dao of those worlds contained those cultivation systems, but this world is uniquely created by Dao, and only Martial Dao is the mainstream of cultivation in this world, so it doesn't matter now. No matter how hard he works, he can't cultivate. Just like practicing qi in a Dharma-ending world, you will never be able to cultivate anything.

It was Li Zhenwu, who had been sitting for a noon again, shouting angrily to the sky, "Ahhhh."

Hearing the movement, Wei Zhenzhen quickly ran out, she thought Li Zhenwu was injured, "Brother Li, are you alright."

"It's okay, it's just that I can't figure it out." Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen who was rushing over and said.

"Then Big Brother Li, since he can't figure it out, don't think about it for the time being, and think about it later." Wei Zhenzhen suggested cautiously, after all, Li Zhenwu's face looked a little wrong at this time.

"Okay, it's nice to listen to you." Looking at Wei Zhenzhen who was cautious, Li Zhenwu said with a smile.

"Then Big Brother Li, let's have dinner, it's already noon." Wei Zhenzhen pointed to the dining table in the house.


"Brothers, thanks to all the brothers, we were able to eliminate the Bamboo Union Gang. Everyone, raise the glass in front of you and fill it up." Yin Kaishan said as he lifted the glass.

"Thank you, helper." Everyone shouted in unison.

Yin Kaishan drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, then put down the glass. "The second cup of wine to the military division, if it is not for the military division's strategy, we would not have been able to win so easily." Then Yin Kaishan handed the wine cup to Zhaoling Zhou.

"Respect the military division." Everyone shouted in unison.

"Okay, the third cup to our brother An Yi, if it wasn't for him to obtain information about the Bamboo Union Gang for us, we would not have been able to gain insight into their actions." After that, he handed the wine to An Yi.

"Brother Jing An."

"Today, I promoted An Yi as the deputy head of Fengtang. The brothers will each reward twenty taels of silver, and the hall master will reward each of them five hundred taels of silver." Yin Kaishan awarded the reward again, and then everyone ate and drank happily. for a while.

At the end of the celebration feast, Yin Kaishan's room said, "Counselor, do you know what happened to Wang Zhi?"

Then Zhao Lingzhou told Yin Kaishan the ins and outs of the matter.

"Hahaha, okay, then this little brother named Li Zhenwu has helped us a lot." Yin Kaishan said with a smile after listening to Zhao Lingzhou.

"Well, it can be said that he has helped us a lot, but this person can kill Wang Zhi at a young age, and his future is boundless. I just don't know if this person will hinder us in the future." A gesture of wiping the neck.

"No, this person is so good at martial arts at a young age. He should be guided by a famous teacher and should not be provoked. In addition, it can be seen from this person's actions that he is either greedy for beauty or loves justice. We can completely win him over. "Yin Kaishan said as he pressed the hand of Summoning Zhou.

Zhao Lingzhou nodded after listening. Although Zhao Lingzhou had a good strategy, he was still inferior to Yin Kaishan in terms of knowing people.

"Then I'll bring some gold and silver, and this one to visit him." Zhao Lingzhou took out a piece of paper from his body, and looked carefully at the deed of life written on it.

"In the end, there is a famous teacher as the gang leader said, but unfortunately it is too young and inexperienced in the arena. Don't you know that the family will usually keep an extra copy?" Zhao Lingzhou spread out to Yin Kaishan and looked at it.

"Okay, it's even better if you have this. A master who can kill Wang Zhi is worthy of our cooperation. Then this matter will be handed over to you, the military advisor." Yin Kaishan said with the deed of prostitution.

"Okay, I'll go to those gang masters now." Zhao Lingzhou took the prostitution contract from Yin Kaishan and said in his arms.

Then, Zhao Lingzhou prepared gold and silver, and took two of his men to Wei Zhenzhen's house.

Wei Zhenzhen's door

Zhao Lingzhou patted the door lightly with his hand, and then shouted, "Excuse me, is Mr. Li Zhenwu here?"

Chapter 15 Reasons and Two Years!

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