Wei Zhenzhen was a little worried when she heard the voice outside the door, because she thought this might be the revenge of the Bamboo Union Gang.She quickly turned around and said to Li Zhenwu, "Brother Li, let's run." Then she pointed to the door and watched Li Zhenwu speak.

Li Zhenwu pressed Wei Zhenzhen who was standing beside the stool and said, "It's alright, you listen to the outside and speak in a questioning tone, it can't be the group of people from yesterday, take your seat first, and I'll open the door and take a look. "After that, he got up and walked to the door.

The door opened, Zhao Lingzhou walked in, and then said to Li Zhenwu, "Are you Li Zhenwu Li~ Young Master?"

Looking at Zhaoling Zhou, who was so peaceful, Li Zhenwu asked with some doubts: "I am, are you? Or we know each other." He also used his index finger to move back and forth between the two - a few times.

"Oh, Mr. Li, we are from the Bamboo Flower Gang, and we came to thank you today." Zhao Lingzhou replied.

Li Zhenwu was at a loss at this time, I beat their people yesterday, why did they come to thank me today?Li Zhenwu confused the Zhulian Gang and the Zhuhua Gang. In fact, the main reason was that he didn't remember at all which gang had a conflict with him yesterday.

"I beat your people, are you still here today?" I really can't say thank you. Although Li Zhenwu is usually very domineering, but looking at Zhao Lingzhou with a sincere face, I feel that this is a bit awkward. .

"Hahahaha, Young Master Li misunderstood. We are the Bamboo Flower Gang, not the Bamboo Union Gang. It was the Bamboo Union Gang who fought with you at Chunxiang Pavilion yesterday." Zhao Lingzhou explained.

Li Zhenwu heard that this was the case, and then asked blankly, "Then why are you here today?" Although what happened just now was a little embarrassing, Li Zhenwu knew that they had no grievances and grudges with him, and there was nothing wrong with him. relationship, and his face became expressionless in an instant.

"I told you, we are here to thank you today." Then Zhao Lingzhou explained the cause and effect of the incident, and then took out Zhenzhen's betrayal deed from his body and continued talking.

"Master Li, when we took over Chunxiang Pavilion today, we found this deed of betrayal, and brought it with two pieces of white gold as our thank-you gift. I hope you can accept it." The deed was placed on the gold and handed to Li Zhenwu together.

At this time, Wei Zhenzhen looked at Li Zhenwu who hadn't come back for a while, and was worried. Then she came out of the house and saw that Li Zhenwu was still in the yard, and there was no conflict with anyone.

"Zhenzhen." Looking at Wei Zhenzhen who came out, Li Zhenwu shouted.

"Oh, this is Miss Wei." He patted his head, then held the gold in his left hand, and took out a hairpin from his body in his right hand and handed it to Wei Zhenzhen.

"This is a gift from our helper to Miss Wei, I hope Miss Wei likes it."

"This is too precious, I can't have it." Wei Zhenzhen walked over to Li Zhenwu and said while looking at the hairpin.

Looking at Wei Zhenzhen, who was wearing a sackcloth and a linen skirt and had no jewelry on her head, Li Zhenwu took the gold and hairpin from Zhaoling Zhou's hand, and said to Zhaoling Zhou, "Then thank you for me, your gang leader, if your gang If you have something to do in the future, I will do my best.”

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Lingzhou nodded, thinking in his heart that today's task is completed, as long as there is this sentence, even if he can't be drawn into the gang in the future, but with this kind of favor, it is worthwhile. .

"Then Young Master Li, let's say goodbye first." Zhao Ling Zhou Gong cupped his hands and said.

Li Zhenwu stretched out his right hand and made a gesture of invitation, sending them out of the gate.

After Li Zhenwu tore the betrayal deed into pieces, he threw it away, then walked to Wei Zhenzhen with the hairpin in his hand.

Looking at Li Zhenwu holding a hairpin, Wei Zhenzhen blushed like a persimmon at this moment, pinching her sleeves with her delicate hands, and whispered, "Brother Li, you..." But she didn't dare to look at Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu inserted the hairpin on Wei Zhenzhen's hair into Wei Zhenzhen's bun, held Wei Zhenzhen's shoulders with both hands, and pulled her to him, "Zhenzhen, you are so beautiful."

Wei Zhenzhen lowered her head and looked at the uppers of her shoes. After hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Wei Zhenzhen shyly tapped Li Zhenwu's chest lightly, and then ran back to her own room without saying a word. .


A few days later, Li Zhenwu finally came to his senses, and he was no longer desperate to cultivate mana, qi, chakra, etc. He understood that in the martial arts world, he should practice internal skills and cultivate true qi.But he tried it, and the exercises he had cultivated before were still completely incapable of cultivation.

"Could it be that you can only become stronger by practicing the martial arts secrets of this world." Li Zhenwu said.


After killing a flower-picking thief in the early days of the innate, Li Zhenwu learned a book called Huayin Gong, but the internal energy flowed in the meridians, impacting the power of thunder and punishment in the meridians, and Li Zhenwu immediately spit it out. Blood.

"Brother Li, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Li Zhenwu, who was enduring the severe pain, replied.

It turned out that there was a conflict between the power of thunder and punishment and internal energy, so without clearing the power of thunder and punishment in the meridians, Li Zhenwu could not practice internal energy.

Under the thunder penalty of the Dao, there are basically ten dead and no life, and no one has ever survived.The reason why Li Zhenwu was able to survive is his body. The Chaos Bell suppresses the meridians, the Creation Qinglian nourishes the meridians, the Heaven Opening Axe dispels the power of thunder and punishment, and the fortune-telling jade butterfly controls the power of thunder and punishment. With these words, Li Zhenwu would have already died under the thunder penalty.

"Hey, I can only get rid of so much in a day, when will I be able to cultivate internal strength." Li Zhenwu lowered his head and sighed.

Two years later

The sun was shining brightly, and a young man in his twenties sat cross-legged. Suddenly, at this moment, he raised his head and screamed in the sky.


"It's finally clean." This young man is Li Zhenwu. For the past two years, he has been looking for various ways to remove the power of radar, but unfortunately he didn't find it. , so it took two years.

In the past two years, Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen have only been separated by one wedding. For Wei Zhenzhen, who is incompetent in force, Li Zhenwu also forced her to practice martial arts, so that she would have the ability to protect herself. Unfortunately, Wei Zhenzhen did not practice martial arts at all. Talent, after two years, is only at the third-rate level of the rivers and lakes. It's okay to deal with ordinary gangsters, but a character with a little bit of force will not work at all.

"Master Li, Yu Wenhua is coming to Yangzhou." The spies from the Bamboo Flower Gang outside the door said to Li Zhenwu.

Why did the spies of the Bamboo Flower Gang help Li Zhenwu to inquire about the news? This is because Li Zhenwu learned by chance that someone had murdered Yin Kaishan and Zhao Lingzhou, so Li Zhenwu rescued them and said that it was to repay their favor.

But Yin Kaishan said that their lives were much more expensive than the hundred taels of gold and the hairpin, and he also said that there was something he could tell him, as long as he could do it, he would try his best.

Then Li Zhenwu thought about it, the longevity formula is like a treasure in Shilong's hands, and it is estimated that he will get nothing if he rushes to the door. Fortunately, I remember that in the original Zhongyu Culture and after seeing Shilong in Yangzhou, Shilong was injured and passed out of the tunnel. Escape, this is the best time to obtain the longevity formula, so Li Zhenwu's request is to send someone to inform him when Yu Wenhua and Yangzhou go south, because he has to force out the power of thunder and punishment in the meridians every day, and he has no time to go. Follow these.

Chapter 16

For the rest of the day, Li Zhenwu went to the Shilong Martial Arts Hall every day to wait for the arrival of Yu Wenhua. Finally, on this day, Yu Wenji came.

In the Shilong Martial Arts Hall, Shilong sits upright in the hall, with the Book of Longevity in front of him. He faces the Book of Longevity every day and thinks hard, but he can't do anything.

On this day, Shi Long was meditating cross-legged, preparing to study the treasure book painstakingly. Suddenly there was some warning in his heart, and then he carefully put the treasure book in his arms, and instantly came up with countless possibilities in his brain, and then said with a tentative tone. , "Since the distinguished guest is coming, please come in and have a cup of hot tea!"

At this moment, a word came from outside the door, "Brother Shi is indeed the number one expert in Yangzhou, and he is admired and admired in Xiayu Culture." said Yang Guang's favorite, Yu Wenhua.

Then Yu Wenhuachi said, "Brother Shi is really lucky, the treasures of immortality that everyone in the world wants to get, did not expect to be in Brother Shi's hands. But Brother Shi is a bit rebellious, and these treasures have never been presented to Your Majesty. Therefore, if you are burdened, Brother Shi can give the treasure to you, and let it be presented to your majesty, so as to complete the way of monarchs and ministers." After talking about Wanyu culture and stepping into the hall.

Shi Long looked at Yu Wenhua and stood in front of him, his head turned slightly, suddenly he seemed to have an idea, and then he said: "Shi has always been crazy and wild, if Brother Yuwen is too forced, Shi will definitely Burning the Book of Longevity, I didn't know how Brother Yuwen would explain to your master at that time?"

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