Yu Wenhua and Yunqi Bing Xuanjin concentrated on two fists, and then threw a fist the size of a grinding wheel forward.


The cavalry on the field was blown away by the efforts of the two, and even the legs of some horses were interrupted by the efforts of the two. At this time, only Yu Wenji, Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhen were on the field. The three of Zhen looked unscathed.

"Good cultivation." Yu Wenhua sighed in admiration, and then continued, "As long as the young hero is willing to hand me the book of longevity, wealth, power, and beauty can be chosen by the young hero."

"Hehe, Lord Yuwen is joking, I don't know what the book of longevity is." Li Zhenwu said.

"Since the young hero is so stubborn, then this officer has no choice but to win the young hero." After Yu Wenhua said this, he let out a long roar, and suddenly hundreds of cavalrymen with bows and arrows appeared by the river. .

Chapter 21 A Smooth Escape 1

At this time, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who were sitting on the boat, were deeply shocked by Li Zhenwu and Yu Wenhua and the blow just now. They didn't expect that manpower could be so powerful, standing there motionless.

Fu Junxi seemed to be unable to hold on at this time, her delicate body trembled slightly, and then spit out a mouthful of blood. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who were still there, saw this situation, and immediately ran to Fu Junxi and said, "Mother, these two The person is amazing, let's run quickly."

It's still the same as the original book, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling recognized Fu Junxi as their mother. They really couldn't get to know each other (because they didn't have a longevity formula), but it's no wonder that the protagonist was born with great luck. She felt sympathy for them, and then recognized Fu Junxi as her mother under the shame of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

"You can't walk without walking. With so many archers, if they are injured now, they can't rush out at all." Fu Junxi wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth and said.

"What should we do, mother?" In the end, Kou Zhong is still just a gangster, not a young marshal who will dominate the world in the future. When he encountered such a near-death situation, he subconsciously asked Fu Junxi.

In fact, in the original work, Yu Wenhua did not arrange archers at all. Unfortunately, because of Li Zhenwu's butterfly, the original rhythm was completely disrupted.

"There, as long as you go there, there is a chance of life." Fu Junxi pointed to Li Zhenwu, who was fighting against Sui soldiers.

"Mother, there are so many Sui soldiers there. Wouldn't it be self-defeating to go there." The two said in an incredible tone.

"Only there, as long as you join forces with him to defeat Yu Wenhuaji, the remaining mere Sui soldiers are not to be feared." Fu Junxu pointed at Li Zhenwu and said.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. I was injured just now. Now adjust my breathing, and you can take the helm and go to the shore." One person knocked on the heads of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, and then used an unquestionable tone. said to them both.

On the shore, Li Zhenwu looked at the hundreds of archers who suddenly appeared from both sides of the strait, and then looked at Wei Zhenzhen. If it was himself, he was not afraid. Unfortunately, Wei Zhenzhen might not be able to save his life in this situation.

In fact, according to the keenness of Changsheng Zhenqi, Li Zhenwu had already discovered that there were hundreds of cavalry in ambush on both sides of the strait, otherwise Li Zhenwu would not let Wei Zhenzhen sway, so he went out, he thought that although there were only a few hundred cavalry That's all, but who would have thought that it was actually a cavalry archer.

Pulling Wei Zhenzhen behind him, he picked up the long spear dropped by the Sui soldiers from the ground and placed it in front of him, looking at the cavalry who were about to bend their bows and shoot arrows.

Yu Wenhua also felt like a dog at this time. He thought that Fu Junxi was not worth mentioning, but who would have thought that his full blow was forced back.

Then at this time, the longevity formula he was looking for actually appeared. Looking at the young man in front of him, he thought it was a soft persimmon, but after a blow, he found that the skills of the young man in front of him were not inferior to him. Archers on the waterfront.

Originally, I wanted to arrest Fu Junxi, get the news of Yang Gong's treasure house, and then send it to Yang Guang, but there are always surprises.

Yu Wenhua and Li Zhenwu, who looked at the hard and soft, gave the order, "Send the arrow."

Looking at the dense array of arrows, Li Zhenwu just waved the spear in his hand, and countless spear shadows appeared in front of Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen, blocking all the arrows aimed at them.

Yu Wenhua and wanted to use the bow and arrow to consume Li Zhenwu's internal strength, but seeing Li Zhenwu relaxed and casual, he pushed aside all the arrows shot at him. From his left, a fist bigger than just now came out.

The Yuwen family's Bing Xuan Jin really deserves to be the top martial art in the world. The cold air from the fists in the air seems like nothing, and it drives the surrounding air to exude a biting icy cold.

When the fist arrived in front of Li Zhenwu, the fist strength was squeezed by Li Zhenwu from four directions, up, down, left, and right, as if to surround Li Zhenwu.

Seeing the punching force coming from him, Li Zhenwu quickly pulled Wei Zhenzhen behind him with his right hand holding the spear and hid it. Then the veins in his right hand exploded, and he swung the spear in a semicircle, throwing all the arrows away. Get back to where you were.

Originally, Li Zhenwu didn't take these archers in his eyes, so he just shot the arrows one by one, but because the shooting speed was too fast, in the eyes of outsiders, they looked like gunshots.

But at this time, Yu Wenhua suddenly took action, and Li Zhenwu became serious. After all, he suffered a loss at Shilong, and Li Zhenwu also had some understanding of the force of this world...

After the arrows were shot, Li Zhenwu raised the gun with his right hand. At this moment, he saw a huge gun shadow on top of Li Zhenwu's head. Looking at the fist strength that was about to surround him, Li Zhenwu held the gun in his hand and slammed it hard. When he smashed it down, he saw a huge gun shadow, which also smashed into Yu Wenwen and the punched fist.


At the junction of the spear and the fist, a deep pit of about ten feet appeared, and the vicinity of the deep pit was more than ten feet, as if it had been cleaned, and all the leaves and dust were blown into the distance.

It was useless for Yu Wenhua to watch his sneak attack, and then he turned his attention to Wei Zhenzhen. At this time, Yu Wenwen and his eyes shot brightly, with his right foot on the ground and his hands flying like an eagle. in the sky.

"Wow" a sword light flashed across, Yu Wenhua had to dodge and dodge, but unfortunately this changed position in the air, the energy of the whole body leaked out, and he had to fall to the ground again.

It turned out that Fu Junzheng had arrived. Taking advantage of the fact that all the cavalrymen were besieging Li Zhenwu just now, Fu Junzheng quietly landed on the shore. Taking advantage of the cover of fist strength and spear shadow, he swiped a few swords and knocked down all the cavalry archers on the shore. on the ground.

Then he saw Yu Wenhua and leaped into the sky. Fu Junxi was running the Nine Mysteries Dafa, and the sword in his hand suddenly sent out a 1.2 sword light, slashing at Yu Wenhua.

"Help me protect Zhenzhen." Li Zhenwu looked at Yu Wenhua, who fell to the ground, and flew towards him like a tiger.But he didn't forget Wei Zhenzhen who was behind him, turned his head and shouted at Fu Junxi.

The spear in his hand was like a sharp arrow, stabbing Yu Wenhuaji's throat, Yu Wenwenji slapped the spear with one hand, and slapped the spear toward him, and then only felt a numbness in the tiger's mouth.

Seeing the long spear being slapped away, Li Zhenwu turned the spear into a stick, and once again hit Yu Wenhua and Yu Wenhua was shocked by the power of the gun. Before he could react, he was shot away. go out.

Looking at Yu Wenhua and vomiting blood on the ground, Fu Junxuan tightened the sword in his hand and shouted, "Yang Guang's lackey, go to hell."

Chapter 22 A Smooth Escape 2

Although Yu Wenhua was injured, his realm cultivation was higher than Fu Junxi after all. He stretched out his hand and took out the lotus flower in his chest, and threw it towards the sword that was slashed at him.

The lotus was spinning in the air, with a strong ice and profound energy, and with a bang, it hit Fu Junzheng's sword. In the end, under the threat of his life, Yu Wenhua seemed to have used his whole body's infuriating energy, the lotus and the sword. When they hit each other, I saw that the plain hand holding the sword was dripping blood.

In fact, Li Zhenwu was about to go to make up for the knife at that time. Unfortunately, because he met Fu Junxi and Xu Ziling just now, he thought that the world was interfering with the Dao. Culture and Taoism will be dusty, so there is some hesitation.

In fact, in this world, Dao did not directly intervene, but only gave everyone the luck they have. It was only because of the intervention of the luck that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling met Fu Junxi, so Li Zhenwu shot and killed Yu Wenhua at that time. If you reach it, you won't get the thunder penalty of the Dao, but because you kill Yu Wenhua, you will get Yu Wenwen's luck. Unfortunately, Li Zhenwu doesn't know all of this.

14 Although being shaken by this lotus flower, the hand holding the sword can't hold the sword, but unfortunately Fu Junzhe came here to destroy the stability of the Sui Dynasty. It is good for Goryeo to be able to kill one of Yang Guang's lackeys. of.

Li Zhenwu's blow hit Yu Wenhua and his five internal organs were a little out of place. He wanted to retreat quickly, but unfortunately the Rakshasa girl's sword was almost on his neck again.There was no other way but to use the secret method of self-mutilation to forcibly gather the power in the body and shoot the lotus out.

Looking at Fu Junxi, who was dragging the sword to the ground, he was still walking towards him step by step. Although Yu Wenhua had a heroic mentality, there was a trace of fear on his face.

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