"Release the arrow, protect the adults." Zhang Shihe shouted.

Zhang Shihe in the camp heard that Yu Wenhua was going to chase and kill Fu Junxi, and he was good at flattering him. He quickly led people to Yu Wenhua and chased after him. When he saw Yu Wenhua lying on the ground on the shore, he ordered the accompanying soldiers. , let them quickly protect Yu Culture and.

Seeing that more than a thousand people came over, Li Zhenwu knew that even if he wanted to kill Yu Wenhua now, he couldn't. Although he was closer to Yu Wenhua than those soldiers, but under the threat of his life, who knows how long it would take to kill him. Killing Yu Wenhua, if he waited until these soldiers surrounded him, it was estimated that he would only die, so Wei Zhenzhen, who was behind him, called out to Fu Junxi, "Let's go."


In Beipo County

Because of Fu Junxi's injury, they had to enter the city, so they fled to a county far away from Yangzhou to treat Fu Junxi's injury.

In the guest room of the inn, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who were wearing silk and satin, suddenly came in. They were a little excited and said, "Brother Li, look." Then they turned around a few times.

When escaping to Beipo County, Li Zhenwu learned why Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling met Fu Junxi. He immediately beat his chest and wanted to understand everything. It turns out that fifty is the perfect number. At ten o'clock, all things in the world are in their normal positions, and there is no movement. It is also because the Dao is already perfect, and everything is fixed. However, Li Zhenwu suddenly came to this world, like a butterfly flapping its wings, disrupting this world. the fate of all people in the world.

For example, luck is like fifty people sitting on fifty chairs, and each person's luck determines which chair he sits in. If there is no external force and no one walks away, naturally there will be nothing. Variety.But if there is one more person - Li Zhenwu, more or less will grab the original, the luck of the fifty people, so they don't know who should sit in the chair they originally sat.

So at this time, Li Zhenwu regretted not killing Yu Wenhua and plundering his luck.Thinking of this in my mind, I slowly removed the shadow that Dao had left in Li Zhen's Martial Dao heart.

"Let's see if we look like the eldest young master." Kou Zhong, who was a little out of character, said.

Li Zhenwu, who knows the original work, naturally understands that this is their nephew pretending to be Yu Wenhuaji and making a fortune in Beipo County, but what he doesn't understand is that in the original work, they pretended to be Yu Wenhuaji because they had no money to eat. My nephew, but now that I am with him, I don't have to worry about food at all, so why would I pretend to be Yu Wenwen's nephew?

"Is he pretending to be Yu Wenhuaji's nephew!" Li Zhenwu said, pulling on Kou Zhong's clothes.

"Big Brother Li is Big Brother Li, he's so smart, he can guess it at once." He was born in a gang, thinking about using such a method to disgust Yu Wenhua, no wonder Kou Zhong and Li Shimin lost to Li Shimin when they were fighting for the country in the end. In the middle, it also carries the pretense of the common people.

"Okay, don't show off in front of me. Go and see if your mother is awake. If she wakes up, I should leave." Li Zhenwu stopped Kou Zhong from showing off.

"Brother Li, you have to leave." Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling said in a panic. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were thinking about Li Zhenwu, who was so powerful yesterday, and how they could be apprentices, but they suddenly heard Li Zhenwu. When they said they were leaving, the two of them were a little flustered.

"Yeah, Big Brother Li still has something to do 057, so if Miss Fu wakes up, Big Brother Li must go." In fact, Li Zhenwu went to rescue Fu Junxi just to verify his conjecture. After all, he used to think that this Fang Shijie has Dao intervention and wants to see what kind of punishment will be given to destroying the plot. If the punishment is serious, then follow Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to rub the protagonist's halo.But now that he knew that under the Dao, the strong wins and the weak lose, there is no longer any idea of ​​following Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

"Okay, okay, hey, Miss Fu seems to be awake, let's go over and take a look." Li Zhenwu sensed that Fu Junzheng had woken up, and then said to Kou Zhong Xu Ziling.


Wei Zhenzhen, who was taking care of Fu Junxi, saw Li Zhenwu come in, stood up from the bed and said, "Brother Li, Miss Fu is awake."

"Mother, are you alright?" Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling ran to the bed and said.

"It's alright." Although Fu Junyu's face was pale, there was no weakness in his tone, but the same coldness as before.

"Since Miss Fu is awake, let's go." Li Zhenwu said to Wei Zhenzhen, looking at Fu Junxi who opened his eyes.

"But, Miss Fu's injury hasn't..." Li Zhenwu dragged her away before she finished speaking.

Chapter 23 Song Clan Ship!

Li Zhenwu played with Wei Zhenzhen for a few days. He said he was with Wei Zhenzhen. In fact, Li Zhenwu wanted to relax. After all, he came to this world for more than two years. Now, I haven't played with Wei Zhenzhen well yet, so I took this opportunity to let him relax.

In the evening, the four boats on the river set sail and headed westward against the current. Seeing the four boats appearing on the river, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't help but sigh, "What a big boat."

"Then Zhenzhen would like to go to the boat to have a look."

After saying this, Li Zhenwu picked up Wei Zhenzhen and rose from the ground, landed on the river, as if he was walking on land, and then walked step by step towards the 艨艟.

Li Zhenwu, who had no hidden breath, was soon discovered by Song Lu on the boat, and then shouted loudly, "I don't know where Song Lu is coming from under the Song Dynasty. Please come aboard."

Li Zhenwu hugged Wei Zhenzhen in his arms, and with a little light, a ripple appeared on the water, and then Li Zhenwu stood firmly on the boat.

Li Zhenwu saw that there was a banquet set up in the cabin, and there were four men and two women in attendance, including Kou Zhong and the others who had just parted.

Kou Zhong and the others looked at Li Zhenwu with happy expressions on their faces, while the other three who were seated with them showed expressions of astonishment.

Who would have thought that the senior master turned out to be a young man in his early twenties, and everyone would feel astonished.

"Brother Li." The lively character Kou Zhong greeted Li Zhenwu first.Song Lu, who was still looking at Li Zhenwu, turned around and said to Kou Zhong, "Little brother also knows this young hero?"

Kou Zhong nodded, "Well, it was Brother Li who took us from Yu Wenhua and..." Before he could finish speaking, he was blocked by Fu Junxi.

Looking at Kou Zhong, who had not finished speaking, he looked at Fu Junxi again. Although Song Lu knew what was going on, he didn't get to the bottom of it, and then said to Li Zhenwu, "Since the young man and the little brother know each other, it is better to sit together. Come down and have a glass of water and wine, and let Song also do his best as a landlord."

Looking at Song Lu, Li Zhenwu really deserved to be the third-in-command of the Song clan. Although he was full of white hair and had a beautiful silver beard, he did not show signs of aging at all. Very humble and polite.

"Okay, since this senior doesn't dislike being here, then I'll be respectful, it's better to obey." Then he took Wei Zhenzhen's hand and walked into the cabin.

Li Zhenwu sat down, and then Song Lu introduced his concubine and nephew Song Shidao to Li Zhenwu, and Li Zhenwu also introduced Wei Zhenzhen, and then a few people sat down to drink and chat.

At this time, Song Lu said, "Please forgive Song for being reckless. I wonder if the young hero and the girl have heard about He's jade?"

After drinking a glass of wine, Song Lu said to Li Zhenwu and Fu Junxi that although Fu Junxi's skill is not as good as Li Zhenwu's, it is still a first-class level in Jianghu.

Suddenly, Kou Zhong, who was still eating and drinking, raised his hand like a student and said, "I heard that King Zhaoxiang of Qin exchanged fifteen cities for King Huiwen's treasure and the jade, and King Zhao sent Lin Xiangru to escort him. When He's jade went to see the king of Qin, Lao Lin embraced the stupid method of destroying all the jade. Fortunately, the king of Qin was more stupid than him, so he asked him to send the He's jade back to Zhao. "

Everyone smiled, but Song Lu's concubine Liu Jing laughed the most, pointing at Kou Zhong and said, "What happened to the He's jade?"

Kou Zhong had only heard the story of "Returning to Zhao", so he had nothing to say. As for what happened after "returning to Zhao", who would know, he scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm afraid only God knows it!"

Looking at Kou Zhong, who was a little embarrassed, Fu Junxi tapped Kou Zhong's head, "Speaking, adults, don't interrupt children." In fact, when Song Lu raised this topic, the first one was to determine Fu Junxi's identity, because Song Lu saw that Song Shidao had always been There is admiration for Fu Junxi, and the second is to consider Li Zhenwu.

At this time, Li Zhenwu continued, "This He's jade came into the hands of Qin Shihuang, and Qin Shihuang ordered Li Si to write the eight bird and insect-shaped seal characters 'Ordered by the sky, longevity and longevity'. Then it became the seal of He's family. Then Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, overthrew the Qin Dynasty, and Qin Ziying presented the He's jade to Liu Bang, which Liu Bang called the "national seal". Later, Wang Mang intended to usurp the throne, so he sent his younger brother Wang Shun to the Changle Palace to ask the Queen Mother Xiaoyuan for Bi, and threw the Queen Mother Xiaoyuan to the ground angrily, resulting in a missing corner. The bi has the elegant name of 'jade body and golden horn'."

Then, Fu Junxi and Kou Zhong Xu Ziling showed their original expressions, while Song Lu showed a very strange expression. He was so proficient in the origin of the Chuan Guoyu Seal that he wondered how Li Zhenwu would affect the delivery.

Although Kou Zhong showed his original expression, he continued to ask, "Brother Li, isn't your story false? If you really fell so hard, then the He's jade won't be shattered into pieces."

Song Lu then said, "Little Brother Kou doesn't know, He's jade is another kind of treasure that is different from ordinary jade, and because this kind of treasure was discovered for the first time at that time, no one knew it. , so it is regarded as jade. But when you see it falling to the ground and only a corner is broken, you can see that He's jade is unusual."

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