Then he wielded his long beard and said again, "He's jade bi, Yang Gong's treasure house, both of them can be one, and the world can be safe. Now, everywhere in the beacon, capable people want to conquer the world and be emperors. Therefore, these two things become It is a matter of competition among people all over the world. Recently, there is a word in the rivers and lakes that He Shibi appeared in Luoyang, so people who ask themselves a little bit of skill will rush to Luoyang to try their luck. After we deliver the goods to Bashu, we will go to Luoyang. Take a trip and see how the Song family's arrogance is?"

This Song Lu has an excellent demeanor and is worthy of being from a noble family. No matter how loud his tone is, it always makes people feel comfortable.

Kou Zhong's eyes lit up and he said, "If you get the He's jade, you can get the world. Ha, Xiaoling and I are going to play the lottery too."

Fu Junxi's eyes flashed coldly, and she stared at Kou Zhong and said, "Are you worthy of this little brat? I will never allow you to go to Luoyang. If you have any more delusional thoughts, I will not... ignore you in the future."

At this time, Li Zhenwu sneered, "What is He's jade jade, and Yang Gong's treasure house, the two can be one, and the world can be safe. Yang Gong's treasure house was only built by Yang Su, even if he was in power at the beginning, how much wealth could he gather? Plus how much money he spent in the rebellion, so there is still much wealth in the treasure house. Oh, it's just that the world is fascinated. There is also the He's jade, although the He's jade is extremely precious, but no matter how magical it is It's just a piece of jade, is it possible to rule the world just by virtue of this piece of jade, isn't it a big joke to slip the world."

Chapter 24 Yu Wenhua and It's Coming Again

After listening to Song Shidao, he said, "Brother Li's words are bad, let's not talk about Yang Gong's treasure house first, and He Shibi involves one of the most mysterious martial arts sects. This sect will send people into the world to practice every once in a while, which is becoming more and more secretive. Measurement."

After listening to Song Shidao's words, Li Zhenwu said, "Cihang Jingzhai."

Hearing Li Zhenwu, Song Lu spat out the words Cihang Jingzhai, and asked eagerly, "Where did Li Shaoxia know about Cihang Jingzhai?" After all, if it wasn't from Song Que's mouth Having heard of Cihang Jingzhai, it is estimated that even Song Lu would not know about it, but now this young man of two decades in front of him knows about Cihang Jingzhai.

Li Zhenwu picked up the wine glass in front of him, took a sip, and then smiled mysteriously without opening his mouth. Song Lu felt even more mysterious about Li Zhenwu at this time. It is also known to Cihang Jingzhai.

At this time, Fu Junxuan asked, "What sect is this?" It actually attracted Song Lu's eagerness.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling became curious and listened attentively.

But Li Zhenwu just looked at the wine glass in front of him and didn't speak again. 057

At this time, Song Shidao said: "Cihang Jingzhai has a supreme position in Xuanmen for hundreds of years, but people who know Jingzhai are not willing to disclose anything about this sect. He made an open and unannounced visit to Jingzhai, but he didn't know much, except that there were all women who cultivated the way of heaven. The director of Jingzhaizhai watched the Zhenzhai Baoji 'Cihang Sword Canon', but before Ning Daoqi finished reading, he vomited blood and was injured, and he retreated in spite of difficulties.

Li Zhenwu listened to Song Shidao's words and looked at Song Shidao playfully.I couldn't help but slandered in my heart, and I had to send someone to investigate. When Song Que was young, he had an affair with Fan Qinghui. If it wasn't for Song Que's firm heart to seek the Tao, he resolutely disconnected from Fan Qinghui. Otherwise, Song Shidao would call Fan Qinghui Niangqin.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing out loud. "Brother Li, what's so funny?" asked Wei Zhenzhen, who was sitting next to Li Zhenwu.

"Nothing, nothing." Seeing everyone looking at him, Li Zhenwu quickly waved his hand.

Song Lu, who had regained his senses, sighed: "There are people outside people, and there are heavens outside the sky. The more you know, the more insignificant you will feel, and you will no longer dare to be tyrannical."

"Senior Song is really too modest. With the Heavenly Sword in the Song family, there is no reason for the people of the Song clan to be insignificant." Li Zhenwu raised his glass to Song Lu.

"Young Xia is joking, and the eldest brother often sighs that there is a heaven outside the sky, how can we surpass the eldest brother's arrogance."



At this time, Fu Junxuan suddenly said, "It's night, I want to rest early." Then he pulled up Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling and prepared to walk towards the room.

Kou Zhong wanted to talk for a while longer, but it was terrifying that Fu Junxi was unhappy, so he kept his mouth shut and went back to the room with Fu Junxi with Xu Ziling.

At this time, Li Zhenwu also stood up and bowed his hands to Song Lu, "Senior Song is late at night, it's time to leave now." He turned around and left.

"Wait, young man, since it's late at night, if you don't dislike it, you can take a rest on the boat for a night, and it's not too late to leave when you're on your way." The speed kept Li Zhenwu, and Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen, who was sleepy. , It turned out that when a few people were talking about the interesting stories of the rivers and lakes, they were a little drowsy, and now they are just struggling.

"Okay, then thanks to Senior Song."

"Then take the young hero to the room."

Walking to the door of a room, Song Lu pushed open the door and said to Li Zhenwu, "It's a bit crude, I hope you don't mind." Then he was about to turn around and leave.

"Senior Song, can you prepare a room?" Wei Zhenzhen also followed Li Zhenwu to call Song Lu Senior Song.

"Xia Xia and Zhenzhen are not yet married, so please, Senior Song, prepare another room." Li Zhenwu was full of joy and thought he could get what he wanted, but when he heard this sentence suddenly, he smiled bitterly and said to Song Lu. .After all, she was an ancient woman. Although Wei Zhenzhen had identified Li Zhenwu now, the most acceptable intimacy could only be a hug, and the original joy could only be turned into a wry smile.

Song Lu laughed after listening, "Okay, let's go to the next room." Then he turned and left.

In the quiet night, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged on the bed, remembering that in the original book, it was like the third watch when Yu Wenhua arrived.But now, Yu Wenhua was seriously injured by himself, so will he still come at night?

Suddenly, the big boat suddenly slowed down, and Li Zhenwu heard the sound of horses' hooves, and then, Yu Wenhua and the majestic voice came from the right side of the river: "I don't know which master of the Song clan is. Hosting the fleet? Please stop by the shore and let Yu Wenhua get on board to say hello." I didn't expect Yu Wenhua, who was so seriously injured, to recover so quickly.

Li Zhenwu got up and walked into Wei Zhenzhen's room, looking at Wei Zhenzhen, who was dressed neatly, and was about to walk to the door.

"Brother Li, let's run." Hearing Yu Wenwenji's voice, Wei Zhenzhen panicked at this time, and then said, pulling Li Zhenwu's sleeve.

As soon as Wei Zhenzhen's voice fell, Li Zhenwu heard Song Lu's laughter rising into the sky at the bow of the boat and said, "Master Yuwen, stay safe, Song Lu is polite."

Yu Wenhua and Bian rode horses to chase the boat along the coast, and smiled and replied: "It turns out that Brother Song has a silver beard and a silver dragon crutch, then the matter is easy to handle, please call Brother Song to dock the fleet first, Brothers will tell you the details."

Song Lu said with a smile: "Brother Yuwen is too proud of the younger brother. After putting himself in the position of Lord Yuwen, he became the younger brother. Suddenly, he saw the masters of the capital, Leu Ye, swarming after him, and stopped along the river, and the younger brother's boat was full of goods. For safety reasons, why? You should also ask Mr. Yuwen's intentions first to understand clearly!"

Yu Wenhua and Chengfu were very deep, and he didn't get angry, and said happily: "This is easy, this official is on a holy mission to come to hunt down the Rakshasa woman who assassinated the saint. I heard that the second son of Song Song had paid for this woman at the Danyang restaurant. Later, I invited him to take a boat, I wonder if it really happened?"

Song Lu didn't want to answer: "Of course someone fabricated this out of thin air, please Mr. Yuwen go back and inform the sage, saying that if Song Lu sees this batch of criminals, I will definitely capture them and bring them to the capital. It's night! Someone in Song wants to return. The cabin is sleeping."

It turned out that Yu Wenhua and his trip to Yangzhou originally had the main task of obtaining the longevity formula. Unfortunately, since Li Zhenwu injured him, there was no trace of him. Although the longevity formula was very important to his plan, he could not find it. Li Zhenwu was helpless, and suddenly heard the news of Fu Junzhuo today. Yu Wenhua and his men quickly intercepted the Song clan's ship. After catching Fu Junchuo, not only can he get the news of Yang Gong's treasure house, although he did not obtain the longevity formula , but Fu Junchuo can also help Yang Guang.

Chapter 25 Yu Wenhua and his death

Yu Wenhua and Yang Tianchang smiled and said: "Brother Song is quick to talk, so little brother will not hide it, although Brother Song is happy for a while, it will cause endless troubles! Besides, this official can push everything on your Song clan, when the holy dragon's heart is angry. , I'm afraid Brother Song, you guys are not feeling well either."

Song Ludao: "Master Yuwen always likes to exaggerate, but he forgets that his mouth is also on other people's faces. Hearing that the master is so bad for the family, there is another statement on the rivers and lakes. Brother Yuwen seems to have a lack of thoughtfulness. "

Yu Wenhua seemed to be happy when he heard it, he laughed and breathed out: "If that's the case, then this official is not so eager to return to Beijing, so he has to wait patiently at the Guiti Gorge in front of him, where the river is narrow. , it's always easier to speak, without our two brothers screaming so exhausted - hissing."

At this time, Li Zhenwu in the room said to Wei Zhenzhen, "Zhenzhen, go take you to Miss Fu first, and then I'll go out and have a look."

"Let's run." Wei Zhenzhen didn't want Li Zhenwu to go out, and held on to Li Zhenwu's shirt tightly.

"It's okay, Zhenzhen, I'm just going out to have a look and I'll be back in a while." Li Zhenwu regretted not killing Yu Wenhua last time. He thought that Yu Wenhua was seriously injured, so it's unlikely to come tonight, who can Thinking about it, it was the great cause of the Yuwen clan, who cured Yu Wenwen in just a few days.

Pulling Wei Zhenzhen, he pushed open Fu Junxi's door, "Miss Fu, can you help me take care of Zhenzhen?" Li Zhenwu saw Fu Junxi stand up suddenly, "I, Fu Junxi, have enough of the favor of the Han people, Yu Wenhua and myself can deal with it." Then he puffed up his whole body, his clothes fluttered, and he was about to jump out of the window of the room.

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