He slowly led the spearmen to the edge of the cliff, glanced down, and saw that the distance should be fifty feet away. Thinking that if he jumped in the 1.7th period of his heyday, he would be injured but not die, but now... …

Yu Wenhua and looked at Li Zhenwu, who had nowhere to go, and then patted the BMW under his crotch, his body soared into the sky and floated towards Li Zhenwu, ready to capture Li Zhenwu alive, one was to obtain the longevity formula, and the other was to report that he was beaten. Hurt hatred.

"Stop." Yu Wenhua shouted with his right hand extended.

"Hand over the longevity formula and eat this." Yu Wenwenji took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, then poured out a pill, and looked at Li Zhenwu, who was shot and shot.

Li Zhenwu didn't speak, looked at Yu Wenhua, who was only ten feet away from him, stretched out his hand and grabbed the arrow on his body and pulled it hard. At this moment, he saw a blood shot out of his arm, and then he threw the arrow with his backhand. Yu culture and.

Chapter 27 Yu Wenhua and his death (3)

Yu Wenhua didn't expect that under such circumstances, Li Zhenwu was still so staunch, and slapped it with a wave of his hand.

Looking at the fifty-zhang cliff behind him, thinking that his physical body can be comparable to that of the middle stage of Xiantian, it is estimated that he should not die if he jumps off, and without any hesitation, he runs straight to the edge of the cliff.

Looking at Li Zhenwu who was about to jump off the cliff, Yu Wenhua and Bing Xuan Jin moved his right hand into a claw and grabbed Li Zhenwu's back.After all, Li Zhenwu's skills were exhausted, so when he ran to the edge of the canyon, Yu Wenhua chased behind him and reached out to grab his vest.Li Zhenwu felt a strong wind hit him, turned around and stretched out his uninjured arm, clenched a fist and blasted it out.

The fists and claws collided, and Li Zhenwu was pushed forward by this force. It turned out that Li Zhenwu's punch was just a false move, mainly to use the power of Yu Wenhuaji, well, so that he could escape smoothly.

This is Yu Wenhua and also feels a little wrong. Looking at Li Zhenwu who flew out of the cliff, he stepped on the bottom of his right foot and half of his body was above the abyss.He stepped out with his left foot and rushed forward with his whole body, ready to catch Li Zhenwu.

Yu Wenhuaji Wan did not expect that this was Li Zhen14 Wu grabbed Yu Wenhuaji's arm with a backhand, and pulled forward, Yu Wenhuaji was completely pulled out, this was Yu Wenhuaji and wanted to carry Qinggong back to the top of the mountain, but Li Zhenwu resorted to a heavy weight method to hold Yu Wenhuaji firmly.

The two of them fell from the cliff together and fell straight into the abyss at the bottom of the valley. They only heard the exclamations of Yuchi Sheng and those Sui Bing and others coming from above their heads, but they were no longer heard.

At this time, Li Zhenwu, who was holding Yu Wenhuaqi, raised his right leg while Yu Wenwenqi was still a little surprised, and kicked Yu Wenhuaqi to the bottom of the valley.

Originally, with Yu Wenhua's martial arts cultivation, the [-]-foot cliff would not kill him, but Li Zhenwu's kick not only accelerated his fall, but also kicked him a little further away from the cliff, letting him fall. He was helpless, looking at the ground getting closer, Yu Wenhua and puffed up his true energy. When he fell, his clothes were blown so close to his body, but now they are all bulging.


Yu Wenhua slapped his palm on the ground and survived by using the power of the shock. Although he survived, his internal organs were bleeding from the shock.

At this time, there was a sudden click, and it reached Yu Wenhua and lying on the ground. Yu Wenwen reluctantly looked up and saw that it was Li Zhenwu who fell.

Although Li Zhenwu was confident that he could survive, he would inevitably be seriously injured, so Li Zhenwu, who had just retreated to the edge of the cliff, glanced at it with his eyes. There was a pine tree ten feet away from the cliff. Zhenwu used the "Double Dragon Coiled Snake" to grab the pine tree tightly, and then saw Yu Wenhua lying on the ground, so he broke off the branch and jumped down.

Sure enough, the feng shui turned, Li Zhenwu looked at Yu Wenhuaji with a playful look, "Master Yuwen, do you still want the longevity formula?"

Yu Wenhua vomited blood. Just now, he was forced to perform exercises to survive, but now he found that he couldn't lift a trace of his true energy. Yu Wenhua did not speak to Li Zhenwu's jokes.

"Lord Yuwen, the mountains and rivers are beautiful here, just suitable for adults to rest." After speaking, he slapped Yu Wenhuaji's head. Yu Wenwenji's head was like a bursting watermelon, and was smashed by Li Zhenwu. , is really dead useless.

Yu Wenhua, who had a huge advantage in the first place, was buried here forever in an instant. In fact, this time Li Zhenwu was really dangerous. If Yu Wenhua would take his life and hide behind to shoot arrows, if Yu Wenhua did not think about subduing Li Zhenwu, if Yu Wenhua was not stunned, but unfortunately there was no if.


"Brother Li, you're back." Wei Zhenzhen was walking around the room worriedly, but as soon as she saw Li Zhenwu coming back, she immediately ran to Li Zhenwu and said.

"The smell of blood, are you injured?" This was Fu Junxi's voice.

Originally, Li Zhenwu wanted to hide the fact that he was injured, but whoever thought of it, he let Fu Junxi stab it out. In desperation, Li Zhenwu had no choice but to tell him the story of the war with Yu Wenhua and the war, and heard that Li Zhenwu was hit on the arm. With one arrow, Wei Zhenzhen hurriedly prepared to see Li Zhenwu's wound.

"It's okay, it's almost healed." Li Zhenwu pressed Wei Zhenzhen and said.

Hearing Li Zhenwu's voice in the room, Song Shidao outside the door knocked on the door and said, "Brother Li is back?"

"Master Song, please come in when the door is not closed."

Song Shidao pushed open the door and walked in to see the neatly dressed Li Zhenwu. He couldn't help but exclaim, "Brother Li is really strong in martial arts. I didn't expect that under the siege of Yu Wenhua and his army, he would be able to retreat completely."

"Young Master Song is too modest, and it's just a fluke." Li Zhenwu replied.

Then he pulled Wei Zhenzhen and said to Song Shidao, "If I'm still here, it's inconvenient to stay here for a long time to say goodbye."

"Since Brother Li has something to do, it is not convenient for Shidao to stay for a long time. Someone will send a boat to take Brother Li ashore." Song Shidao said towards the door.

What Song Shidao thought was that Li Zhenwu had rescued Fu Junxi, and his martial arts were so strong that even his uncle praised him. If Li Zhenwu was there, it would be much more difficult to pursue Fu Junxi, so Song Shidao agreed without thinking.

Unexpectedly, after Song Shidao finished saying those words, Fu Junxuan grabbed Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong, turned his body technique, and walked away from the window, seeing that there were only three people left in the room, with a disappointed expression on his face. On Song Shidao's face.


"Zhenzhen, what happened after I left yesterday?" In fact, Li Zhenwu wanted to ask the moment he entered the room, but who knows because of his injury and the arrival of Song Shidao, he didn't ask.

"It's Brother Li, after you left, those Sui soldiers asked to inspect the big ship, but Senior Song refused to let them. After that, they were deadlocked for a while, and then those 507 Sui soldiers withdrew."



"What, Yuwen Aiqing is dead." Yang Guang grabbed the memorial from the case, and fell to the guard who was kneeling on the ground and said.

"Who is this man named Li Zhenwu? He ate the courage of an ambitious leopard. He not only stole my longevity formula, but also dared to kill his own minister."

"Go, send an official document to arrest Li Zhenwu." Yang Guang looked at the teacup in front of him and became more and more angry, then grabbed the teacup and threw it on the ground, shouting angrily at the servant next to him.


Inside the Yuwen clan, the clan owner Yuwen looked blankly at Yu Chi Sheng who was standing in front of him, "How on earth did my son die?"

Yu Chisheng told Yu Wenshang the whole story. After Yuwenshang heard it, he patted the chair under his butt into powder, then stood up and said, "Inform the world, if someone can kill this Li Zhenwu. , and the woman with him, I, Yuwen Clan, are willing to do one thing for her no matter what."

In fact, killing Li Zhenwu with such a large capital under the Yuwen clan is not only for Yu Wenhua and revenge, but also to let people know the consequences of provoking their Yuwen clan.


"Have you heard? Yu Wenhua is dead."

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