"Yu Wenhua, the first master of the Yuwen clan, died in Yangzhou."


Chapter 28 Settlement Zhenzhen

More than ten days later, Li Zhenwu recovered from his injury. Looking back on what he had done, he found that he still did not have a correct attitude. He thought that he had experienced the world of mythology, and he did not take the world of martial arts in his heart, so that he almost survived.

However, it is also a great harvest. After the injury, the physical strength will naturally break through to the late congenital stage, and the longevity qi in the body has also greatly increased. Unfortunately, although Yu Wenhua was killed and he obtained his luck, he inevitably also obtained some of his destiny. If you don't try to dominate the world, you really have to gain something and lose something, and you will live up to your happiness!

"Zhenzhen, I'm going to send you to the Pegasus Ranch to hide for a while. The Pegasus Ranch is heavily guarded and can definitely protect you." Li Zhenwu also learned about the reactions of Yang Guang and the Yuwen clan, and then looked at Wei Zhenzhen and said.

"What about you, Big Brother Li? Since that's the case, let's all hide there." Wei Zhenzhen heard what Li Zhenwu meant and asked rhetorically.

"Okay, since you agree with Zhenzhen, let's set off tomorrow." Li Zhenwu said as if he hadn't heard the second half of Wei Zhenzhen's words.


A few days later, Li Zhenwu killed countless people who wanted to arrest them, and he came to Pegasus Ranch after a lot of hard work.

Pegasus Ranch is located in the southwest of Jingling County. Zhangshui and Jushui, two tributaries of the Yangtze River, demarcate a large triangular-shaped fertile plain.

The climate in the factory is mild, the soil is fertile, and the products are plentiful. Among them, the Pegasus Ranch is located in the field with particularly rich pastures. It is surrounded by mountains and encircled more than ten square miles of fertile fields. There are only two gorges in the east and west for entry and exit.The situation is critical, forming a natural screen for the ranch.

On the grassy fields full of pleasing colors, blue, green and dark, more than a dozen lakes of different sizes are dotted like mirrors. The green lakes compete with the green pastures. , so beautiful that the two held their breaths in admiration.

No matter from any angle, the end of the grassland is connected by the undulating peaks and stretches endlessly.

In this paradise like a fairyland, there are all kinds of livestock: white sheep, yellow or gray cows, and horses of various colors, each enjoying a good rest, adding color to the entire farm and pasture.

On the higher terrain in the northwest corner, there is a magnificent castle, which is backed by a steep cliff like a wall and faces a winding river, which is even more spectacular.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen, who were riding on the horses, were fascinated and intoxicated, and they felt reluctant to part.

In fact, after Li Zhenwu killed Yu Wenhua, he knew that he would be fiercely pursued by Yang Guang and the Yuwen clan. Although he was not afraid, Zhenzhen would not be able to, so Li Zhenwu planned to settle Wei Zhenzhen in the Pegasus Ranch.

Wei Zhenzhen was very reluctant when she heard that Li Zhenwu wanted her to stay at the Pegasus Ranch, but she also knew that her kung fu was too poor, and being by Li Zhenwu's side was just a burden. Although she was reluctant, she was still willing. Follow Li Zhenwu's arrangement.

"Brother Li, did the owner of Pegasus Ranch let us stay here?" Wei Zhenzhen asked worriedly, because these days, whether it was because of Yang Guang's order or the reward of the Yuwen clan, countless people in the arena , they were all about to capture Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen, but in desperation, the two had no choice but to change their name and arrive at Pegasus Ranch.

"It's not us, it's you, don't worry, I have "things" that she can't refuse." Li Zhenwu corrected Wei Zhenzhen's words, and then said something mysterious.

Li Zhenwu knew that Wei Zhenzhen wanted to stay here too, because the whole world was arresting him now, and it would be very dangerous to hang around outside.

"Who is it?" The dark whistle on the arrow tower asked loudly, looking at Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen who were coming on horseback.

"Let's go to Li Zhen, please see the owner of the store." Li Zhenwu responded with a pseudonym. After all, Pegasus Ranch has a lot of people. Who knows who will reveal their whereabouts because of the huge reward.

"Our owner is not available, you should leave quickly." The dark whistle replied.

"This eldest brother, please let us know."

An impatient voice came from the arrow tower, "Everyone told you to leave, hurry up."

Sure enough, it was the King of Hell who wanted to see little devils, "There are guests visiting, I hope the owner of the store will see you." Li Zhenwu took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

At this time, only Li Zhenwu's voice was heard, resounding in the Pegasus Ranch.


Shang Xiuxun's ear rang, "There are guests visiting, I hope the owner of the store will see you." She got up quickly, and can hear the voice from the dark post of Pegasus Ranch, what kind of skill is this, Therefore, without any hesitation, Shang Xiuxun immediately opened the door and went to the dark post.

"Deacons, you heard it too." Shang Xiuxun said while looking at the few people gathered outside his door.

"The owner, this person is not good, I think it's better to send troops to drive them away." Tao Shusheng, the third deacon of Pegasus Ranch, said.

"No, I'll go out and see for myself." Shang Xiuxun rejected Tao Shusheng's suggestion and rode out of the city.

"Follow." Great Deacon Shang Zhen glanced at Tao Shusheng, and then said to everyone.

After Li Zhenwu shouted that sentence, he got off his horse and stood there, while the dark sentry on the arrow tower was ready to attack Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen. the acupuncture points, let them blow air on it.

After a while, there were six or seven cavalrymen in front of Li Zhenwu's eyes. The leader was a woman, and she was very well-mannered when she rode on a horse. Her beautiful black hair poured down like two small waterfalls on her fragrant shoulders. Extraordinarily beautiful.

Her elegant attire accentuated her outstanding face and delicate, tanned skin, exuding scorching youth and enviable health.

And her beautiful eyes are deep and unpredictable, and the thick eyelashes add to her mystery.

Li Zhenwu helped Wei Zhenzhen off the horse and said to Wei Zhenzhen, "The Lord is here." Then he rolled his eyes.

Wei Zhenzhen looked at Shang Xiuxun, who came on a horse, and said, "What a beautiful woman." Seeing Li Zhenwu watching Shang Xiuxun's group, she felt a little sour.

Shang Xiuxun looked at the man and woman in front of him, and felt that their age was a little scary. Their skills were no longer as good as the famous seniors in the world, so they were a little stunned, but the people who came here were obviously looking for themselves, so I took the photo. The horse dashed over quickly.

Turning over and dismounting, Shang Xiuxun said, "This young master is here, Xiu Xun has lost his way, please forgive me."

"I'm taking the liberty of visiting here, and I want the host to forgive me." Li Zhenwu looked at Shang Xiuxun, who was alluring the country and the city in front of him, and said.

"I don't know what is the important thing for the young master here?" Shang Zhen, who came with Shang Xiu Xun, asked.

Shang Xiu Xun also looked at Li Zhenwu after hearing this, and then heard Li Zhenwu say two words, "Hou Shan" was shocked and hurriedly spoke.

"I don't know where the son heard about him?"

Suddenly thinking of something, his tone changed, "Hou Shan, Hu Xiu Xun doesn't know what the son said, if the son has nothing else, then Xiu Xun will leave first." After saying that, he got on his horse and prepared to leave.

Li Zhenwu looked at Shang Xiuxun's back and said, "The man behind the mountain is about to die, and he can be healed below."

Shang Xiu Xun heard this for a while, then got off the horse and looked at Li Zhenwu, before saying, "Young Master, how did you know he was about to die?"

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