Li Zhenwu smiled and said nothing.

Chapter 29 Conditions that cannot be refused!

After all, Shang Xiuxun was the master of the game, so he easily learned the identities of Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen from Wei Zhenzhen, and couldn't help but glance at Li Zhenwu again.

Li Zhenwu knew that Shang Xiuxun would know his identity anyway, so he didn't stop Wei Zhenzhen.

"Master Li, Miss Wei, welcome to Pegasus Ranch." Shang Xiu Xun said as soon as he entered the gate.

"The owner of the store is amazing, and he is the owner of such a large ranch at such a young age." Wei Zhenzhen admired the big city and the farmers and herdsmen in front of her.

Shang Xiuxun smiled, "It's just the family business of the ancestors, and it has nothing to do with Xiuxun."

"Ancestor's family business?" Wei Zhenzhen whispered, Li Zhenwu just told Wei Zhenzhen that she could be protected here, but did not explain the origin of Pegasus Ranch.

Although Wei Zhenzhen's voice was low, Shang Xiuxun heard it and continued, "This castle in Pegasus Ranch was founded by the ancestor Shang Xiong, who was a military general in the late Jin Dynasty, when Liu Yu replaced the Jin Dynasty and changed the country. No. Song, the world is divided.

Then, in order to avoid the disaster of war, the ancestors led his subordinates and tribes to the south. By chance, they found this hidden Guyuan, where they lived and worked in peace and contentment and established a pasture.

In the 573 years from the establishment of the ranch to the unification of the world in the Sui Dynasty, the Pegasus ranch has experienced seven owners, and Xiu Xun only inherited the ancestral property. "

At this moment, Wei Zhenzhen seemed to understand and said "Ow" and nodded.

Li Zhenwu turned his attention to the force of the Pegasus Ranch. It was indeed a paradise. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw a gate tower at the exit of the gorge road. In front of the building, a tunnel with a width of [-] feet and a depth of [-] feet was dug across the gorge. The mouth is covered with sharp thorns below, and it has to rely on a suspension bridge to pass.

"Deacons, please go back first. Today Xiuxun will personally entertain these two distinguished guests." Shang Xiuxun said to the deacons behind him.

Going forward, Shang Xiuxun kept introducing the Pegasus Ranch along the way, and then walked to the residence of Shang Xiuxun, the Flying Bird Garden. The Flying Bird Garden consists of more than [-] houses of various types. Group of buildings with brick and wood structures.

The two entered the garden with Shang Xiuxun through the gate, and passed through a nine-curved corridor built around the houses.

The most unique thing is that because the manor is located at a high place, from time to time, you can see the beautiful scenery of the endless pasture under the Pegasus City, and it becomes more and more peaceful and peaceful under the slanting light of the crescent moon.

Li Zhenwu had seen the majestic and magnificent Lingxiao Palace, and he was also attracted by the beauty of the manor in front of him. He couldn't help but praised, "Senior Lu Miaozi is really amazing, and it is worthy of such a perfect fusion of formation and beauty. He is the best all-rounder in the world.”

Shang Xiuxian paused at this moment, thinking that Li Zhenwu really knew Lu Miaozi.

The three then walked to the hall of Shang Xiuxun Bird Park and sat down. As soon as they sat down, the maids served Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen a cup of tea. The maids stepped back, and Shang Xiuxun said, "I don't know Mr. Li. How did you know that he was about to die?" Although Shang Xiuxun hated Lu Miaozi very much, he felt a little sad when he heard that he was about to die.

"If the owner of the store doesn't believe it?"

Shang Xiuxun looked at Li Zhenwu who asked him back, as if to see something on his face, and didn't speak for a long time.

"Then what conditions does Young Master Li have, as long as he can be cured."

"The owner of the mall already knows the status of the subordinate from Zhenzhen, and the subordinate has nothing more to ask. I only hope that the owner of the mall can let Zhenzhen stay in the pasture and protect Zhenzhen." Li Zhenwu glanced out the window and said.

Shang Xiuxun heard Li Zhenwu's request, looked at Wei Zhenzhen, who was gentle and elegant, and agreed without thinking.

"When will Young Master Li heal him?"

Li Zhenwu looked at the eager Shang Xiuxun and said, "You can do it anytime."

Listening to Li Zhenwu's confident words, he seemed to be infected with Shang Xiuxun. Shang Xiuxun slowly let go of his worries and regained his appearance as the leader of the game. Then he talked to Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhen every word. Zhen talk.

"Master, dinner is ready," said Shang Xiuxun's personal maid.


"Young Master Li, please come with me." After the dinner, Shang Xiuxun asked Li Zhenwu Dao.

"Master, is it now?"

Looking at Shang Xiuxun, he nodded, "Then Zhenzhen, you go to rest first, and I will find you after I finish the transaction." Li Zhenwu turned and said to Wei Zhenzhen.

Knowing that Li Zhenwu had something to do, Wei Zhenzhen didn't say anything, just nodded and said nothing.

Shang Xiuxun took Li Zhenwu to the left and right to walk through the corridor, and then after passing through a bamboo forest, he came to a square pavilion. Extending along the edge of the cliff to the depths of the forest, it is arousing the heart of seeking seclusion and exploration.

Shang Xiuxun then pointed to a small two-story building on the terrace facing the cliff, and said to Li Zhenwu, "Young Master Li is here, that's where he is." After speaking, he sat down in the pavilion and refused to go any further. Go forward.

Li Zhenwu, who knew the reason, didn't ask any more questions. He walked directly to the door of the small building. When he looked at the plaque engraved with "Happy Nest" on the main entrance, he felt a sense of peace and tranquility in his heart. There is a couplet hanging on the pillars and pillars of the road, and it is written on the wooden sign: "It is appropriate to tune the piano in the morning, and the drum should be played in the evening; the old rain is appropriate, and the new rain is just coming." The font is elegant and out of the dust, vigorous and powerful.

Seeing the peace in the comfort zone, Li Zhenwu could not help but feel something, and a trace of breath leaked out, and then he heard Lu Miaozi's old male voice coming downstairs and said, "Since the distinguished guest is here, why don't you come up and meet the old man."

Li Zhenwu entered and watched Lu Miaozi E Guanbo take him to the table, and sat directly opposite Lu Miaozi without being polite.

"Little brother, try the old man's six-fruit brew." Then he pointed to the wine glass on the table and said.

Li Zhenwu praised the wine in his drinking glass, "Good wine, it's not worse than Qiongyeyuyu."

The fruit brews into the throat, the wine tastes mellow, soft and refreshing, and the most rare is the rich and harmonious aroma, which is long aftertaste.

Lu Miaozi said indifferently: "This wine is brewed from six kinds of fresh fruits: pomegranate, grape, orange, mountain dregs, green plum and pineapple. , the process of adjustment, filtration, and alcoholization, and then put into wooden barrels, buried in the ground, and finished in three years. Naturally, it is a good wine!”

Chapter 30 Rescue Lu Miaozi

Listening to Lu Miaozi's boast, Li Zhenwu grabbed the jug and poured another glass to drink, "Stop, stop, Senior Lu didn't plan to make wine, and I won't listen to the method of making wine. But Liuguo Niang is really good wine. It's a pity that it's just a life-threatening thing, it's really a pity."

Lu Miaozi's eyes were bright, and the young man in front of him knew.

Li Zhenwu's voice not only alarmed the people in the Pegasus Ranch, but also Lu Miaozi, who was living in seclusion in the back mountain. Lu Miaozi was afraid that someone would be detrimental to Shang Xiuxun, so when Shang Xiusun and Li Zhenwu were talking, Lu Miaozi Miaozi was lying by the window secretly listening, but was startled away by Li Zhenwu's look.

Although he heard that Li Zhenwu could heal himself, Lu Miaozi didn't quite believe it, so he invited Li Zhenwu and Liuguo Brewing. Since he knew his injury, as long as he drinks, he should also know that Liuguo~ Brewing is what for.

Although he heard Li Zhenwu's words, Lu Miaozi said with some anxiety, "Little friend really has good eyesight, then let's see what kind of injury the old man has suffered?"

"The devil is really angry."

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