When Lu Miaozi heard this, he shouted loudly, "Good knowledge, but what is your relationship with that temptress?"

Looking at Lu Miaozi, who looked like a cat with furious fur, Li Zhenwu pressed his hand down, "Senior Lu, sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

Looking at Lu Miaozi who was suspicious of him, Li Zhenwu did not speak, because Li Zhenwu knew that no matter how he explained it, he would not dispel Lu Miaozi's wariness, and then quickly grabbed Lu Miaozi's right hand and moved towards Lu Miaozi. There is a longevity infuriating in the body.

Lu Miaozi didn't respond to this sudden grasp, and was immediately grabbed by Li Zhenwu's right hand, and then he was ready to use his skills to shake the hand that grabbed him, but before he could react, he felt a surge in his body. Entering a real qi, this real qi is full of vitality, neutral and peaceful, and has a Taoist meaning.

Feeling this true energy flowing into his body, the meridians that were ravaged by the true energy of the demons were nourished as if the rain had hit a dry field.

"It's the old man who misunderstood the little friend, but I don't know how the little friend knew that the old man was injured because of the devil's true energy?" Lu Miaozi seemed to have regained his indifference, and then asked.

"What happened between the senior when he was young and Zhu Yuyan, the Queen of Yin, was also learned from others." You Zhenwu said with a push of two, five or six.

Lu Miaozi smiled bitterly, thinking in his heart that he didn't expect that even such a junior would know about his own scandal. It's really good things that don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

After a while, Lu Miaozi continued, "Little friend, let's go, the old man doesn't need your treatment."

"Senior doesn't believe me? Or senior doesn't want to live at all?" Li Zhenwu was a little surprised when he heard Lu Miaozi's answer, and then asked inexplicably.

"It's not because the old man doesn't believe in the little friend, and it's not because he doesn't want to live anymore, but the little friend said that what Xiuxun did would bring her infinite trouble." Lu Miaozi drank a cup of Liuguojiu and said. .

"Senior Troublesome is joking. With the status of Pegasus Ranch, what kind of trouble is this matter?" Li Zhenwu thought that it was Lu Miaozi who was worried about his daughter Shang Xiuxun, so he was unwilling to let him heal.

Seeing that Lu Miaozi was still uncooperative and unwilling to be healed, Li Zhenwu continued to say, "Don't Senior Lu want to live longer to protect the store owner?"

This sentence aroused Lu Miaozi's mind. At first, because he let Qingya pass away from depression, Lu Miaozi put all his feelings on Shang Xiusun. If he could take care of Shang Xiuxun, it would be the best, but If the young man in front of him agrees to this request, it may make the ranch doom forever, so Lu Miaozi is a little undecided at this time.

Li Zhenwu looked at Lu Miaozi who was still unresponsive, then directly clicked on Lu Miaozi's acupuncture point, put his hands on Lu Miaozi's back and said, "Senior Lu, please forgive me for being rude, this is between me and the store owner. Regardless of whether Senior Lu agrees or not, as long as Senior Lu is cured next time, the transaction with the store owner will be completed."

As soon as Changsheng True Qi entered Lu Miaozi's body, it ran directly to the source of his injury. Queen of Yin Zhu Yuyan was worthy of being the suzerain of the Yinkui Sect. From the perspective of this demon's True Qi left in Lu Miaozi's body [-] years ago, it was enough One leopard can see how powerful Zhu Yuyan's martial arts are.

Li Zhenwu increased the output of Changsheng Zhenqi. Although the devil's infuriating qi was very cunning, it could not be compared with the seven-strand and peaceful Changsheng Zhenqi. In a short while, this infuriating qi was dissolved in Lu Miaozi's body, and he felt Lu Miaozi. With the dilapidated meridians, Li Zhenwu used the True Element of Longevity to run a great Zhoutian during the period of Lu Miaozi, which completely nourished his dry body.

A long whistle came from Lu Miaozi's mouth, Lu Miaozi stood up and moved his body, and felt the feeling after the injury.

It turned out that after Li Zhenwu helped him heal his wounds, Lu Miaozi didn't need to suppress the true qi of the demons, he quickly opened the acupoints, and felt the changes in his body inconceivably.

Hearing an old whistle, Shang Xiuxun's originally nervous heart finally let go, and looked at the small building on the edge of the cliff with some joy.

"Little friend, this is really a strong buy and a strong sell!" After Lu Miaozi checked his body, he said with tears and laughter.After all, Lu Miaozi is the number one all-rounder in the world, and even Ning Daoqi, who is known as a real person, has treated each other with respect. How has he ever encountered such a thing today.

"Senior Lu, this junior is also a last resort and asks the senior to forgive me." Li Zhenwu's body was bent at a seventy-five degree angle, and his left hand rested on his right to plead guilty.

"Since the old man has received such a great favor from you, the old man can guarantee that the little girl will keep her unscathed in my Pegasus Ranch." Looking at Li Zhenwu who apologized to himself, Lu Miaozi said.

"Thank you so much, senior." Li Zhenwu bowed to thank him again. Originally, he chose Pegasus Ranch because Lu Miaozi in Pegasus Ranch could better protect Wei Zhenzhen. After hearing Lu Miaozi's answer, Li Zhenwu also Don't worry.

If Lu Miaozi did not promise to protect Wei Zhenzhen, Li Zhenwu would definitely turn around and leave the Pegasus Ranch. After all, with Lu Miaozi's mind, it would be easy to slap Wei Zhenzhen out of the Pegasus Ranch. When their children are in danger, everyone becomes shameless.

Li Zhenwu looked at Lu Miaozi and rolled his eyes, "Senior Lu, you have no one to take care of you here. I'll go back and ask Zhenzhen to let her come over to take care of you?"

Li Zhenwu really played the wishful thinking well. In the original book, Lu Miaozi could pass on what he had learned all over his body to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who only knew him. Now his life-saving grace, coupled with Wei Zhenzhen's obedience, would it be possible Can't learn his knowledge from Lu Miaozi?

Lu Miaozi knew Li Zhenwu's plan as soon as he heard it. After thinking about it, he didn't refute it. After all, he was very lonely when he was alone in the back mountain, so he smiled and said, "Little friend is really..."

After listening to Lu Miaozi's words, Li Zhenwu knew that Lu Miaozi did not refuse, "Then I will thank the seniors in Cilu."

"Can Xiu Xun be down there?" After the two had a few drinks, Lu Miaozi's bitter voice floated over.

Chapter 31 Zhenzhen's Apprenticeship!

Li Zhenwu was familiar with the cause and effect of all this. Li Zhenwu wanted to lie to Lu Miaozi, who was thinking of repentance, but then he thought that because of his intelligence, he should not be able to see it, so he could only nod his head and say, "Well, the owner of the mall is in the pavilion downstairs."

"She still won't forgive me, and after all, I'm the first to forgive Qingya." Lu Miaozi said with some pain.

Li Zhenwu wanted to comfort him, but before he could speak, Lu Miaozi said one step ahead of him, "Since you know that the old man was hurt by the true qi of the devil, then you must be clear about the grudge between the old man and Zhu Yuyan."

Li Zhenwu knew that this was a stain on Lu Miaozi's life, so he didn't say much, just nodded lightly.

Lu Miaozi looked at Li Zhenwu and nodded and said, this young man should be an apprentice or descendant of an old friend, otherwise, how would he know what happened in those years at his age?As expected, he is the number one all-rounder in the world. At this time, he still wants to test Li Zhenwu's origins.

"I guess you learned that it's not very detailed. This old man will tell you today." Lu Miaozi seemed to have been suppressed for a long time, and wanted to find someone to tell what he said in his heart.

"That was when I was young, I said goodbye to Qingya, who loved me so much, and left Pegasus Ranch to show off what I had learned. But at a banquet, I met her by chance. With jet-black hair and snow-white skin, I knew she was born beautiful. What to do. I've never seen such beautiful and alluring hair and ice, so beautiful that it's almost inhuman, like a dancing elf."

When Lu Miaozi said this, his eyes were a little blurry, as if he was immersed in this memory.

"She is Zhu Yuyan. At that time, she was just a disciple of the sect master of the Yingui School. I met her at that time. After all, at that time, she was full of energy, young and frivolous, and she did all kinds of crazy things for her. But who would have thought that she came for something from the old man, but that thing was not from the old man, it was entrusted by the old man's friend, so Zhu Yuyan, who didn't get the thing, started to attack the old man."

"When the old man returned to the ranch in despair and looked at the unhappy Qingya, I felt even more uncomfortable. Finally, not long after the old man recovered, Qingya passed away. This is the most regretful thing in the old lady's life."

After speaking, the corners of Lu Miaozi's eyes seemed to be wet, Li Zhenwu knew Lu Miaozi's current mood, he picked up the jug from the table and poured two glasses of wine, and then handed a glass to Lu Miaozi, "Senior Lu."

Lu Miaozi drank the wine in front of him, "Little friend, it's getting late, Xiuxun is still waiting for you, the old man will stay soon." Looking at Lu Miaozi, who was full of melancholy, Li Zhenwu also Go downstairs without further ado.


Looking at Li Zhenwu who came down, Shang Xiuxun hurried to Li Zhenwu and hurriedly asked, "He...he is now...are you cured?"

Looking at Shang Xiuxun who was a little flustered when he spoke, Li Zhenwu teased, "Why don't the owner of the mall go and see for himself?"

"I... I'll go first." Shang Xiuxun said this in a panic, as if someone had taken a fancy to him, then turned around and ran away.

"Since the store owner cares about Senior Lu, then go see him yourself!" Li Zhenwu looked at Shang Xiuxun's back and shouted this sentence.

"Brother Li, you're back." Li Zhenwu saw that the real room light was still on, pushed the door open, and saw Wei Zhenzhen happily talking to him.

"Zhenzhen, why don't you sleep so late?" Knowing that Wei Zhenzhen was worried about herself, Li Zhenwu liked to see Wei Zhenzhen's blushing face, so he asked deliberately.

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